# Copyright 2014-2016 The Meson development team # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import itertools import shutil import os import textwrap import typing as T from . import build from . import coredata from . import environment from . import mesonlib from . import mintro from . import mlog from .ast import AstIDGenerator from .mesonlib import MachineChoice, OptionKey if T.TYPE_CHECKING: import argparse from .coredata import UserOption def add_arguments(parser: 'argparse.ArgumentParser') -> None: coredata.register_builtin_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument('builddir', nargs='?', default='.') parser.add_argument('--clearcache', action='store_true', default=False, help='Clear cached state (e.g. found dependencies)') def make_lower_case(val: T.Any) -> T.Union[str, T.List[T.Any]]: # T.Any because of recursion... if isinstance(val, bool): return str(val).lower() elif isinstance(val, list): return [make_lower_case(i) for i in val] else: return str(val) class ConfException(mesonlib.MesonException): pass class Conf: def __init__(self, build_dir): self.build_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(build_dir)) if 'meson.build' in [os.path.basename(self.build_dir), self.build_dir]: self.build_dir = os.path.dirname(self.build_dir) self.build = None self.max_choices_line_length = 60 self.name_col = [] self.value_col = [] self.choices_col = [] self.descr_col = [] # XXX: is there a case where this can actually remain false? self.has_choices = False self.all_subprojects: T.Set[str] = set() self.yielding_options: T.Set[OptionKey] = set() if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.build_dir, 'meson-private')): self.build = build.load(self.build_dir) self.source_dir = self.build.environment.get_source_dir() self.coredata = coredata.load(self.build_dir) self.default_values_only = False elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.build_dir, environment.build_filename)): # Make sure that log entries in other parts of meson don't interfere with the JSON output mlog.disable() self.source_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(self.build_dir)) intr = mintro.IntrospectionInterpreter(self.source_dir, '', 'ninja', visitors = [AstIDGenerator()]) intr.analyze() # Re-enable logging just in case mlog.enable() self.coredata = intr.coredata self.default_values_only = True else: raise ConfException(f'Directory {build_dir} is neither a Meson build directory nor a project source directory.') def clear_cache(self): self.coredata.clear_deps_cache() def set_options(self, options): self.coredata.set_options(options) def save(self): # Do nothing when using introspection if self.default_values_only: return # Only called if something has changed so overwrite unconditionally. coredata.save(self.coredata, self.build_dir) # We don't write the build file because any changes to it # are erased when Meson is executed the next time, i.e. when # Ninja is run. def print_aligned(self) -> None: """Do the actual printing. This prints the generated output in an aligned, pretty form. it aims for a total width of 160 characters, but will use whatever the tty reports it's value to be. Though this is much wider than the standard 80 characters of terminals, and even than the newer 120, compressing it to those lengths makes the output hard to read. Each column will have a specific width, and will be line wrapped. """ total_width = shutil.get_terminal_size(fallback=(160, 0))[0] _col = max(total_width // 5, 20) four_column = (_col, _col, _col, total_width - (3 * _col)) # In this case we don't have the choices field, so we can redistribute # the extra 40 characters to val and desc three_column = (_col, _col * 2, total_width // 2) for line in zip(self.name_col, self.value_col, self.choices_col, self.descr_col): if not any(line): print('') continue # This is a header, like `Subproject foo:`, # We just want to print that and get on with it if line[0] and not any(line[1:]): print(line[0]) continue # wrap will take a long string, and create a list of strings no # longer than the size given. Then that list can be zipped into, to # print each line of the output, such the that columns are printed # to the right width, row by row. if self.has_choices: name = textwrap.wrap(line[0], four_column[0]) val = textwrap.wrap(line[1], four_column[1]) choice = textwrap.wrap(line[2], four_column[2]) desc = textwrap.wrap(line[3], four_column[3]) for l in itertools.zip_longest(name, val, choice, desc, fillvalue=''): # We must use the length modifier here to get even rows, as # `textwrap.wrap` will only shorten, not lengthen each item print('{:{widths[0]}} {:{widths[1]}} {:{widths[2]}} {}'.format(*l, widths=four_column)) else: name = textwrap.wrap(line[0], three_column[0]) val = textwrap.wrap(line[1], three_column[1]) desc = textwrap.wrap(line[3], three_column[2]) for l in itertools.zip_longest(name, val, desc, fillvalue=''): print('{:{widths[0]}} {:{widths[1]}} {}'.format(*l, widths=three_column)) def split_options_per_subproject(self, options: 'coredata.KeyedOptionDictType') -> T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, 'UserOption']]: result: T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, 'UserOption']] = {} for k, o in options.items(): subproject = k.subproject if k.subproject: k = k.as_root() if o.yielding and k in options: self.yielding_options.add(k) self.all_subprojects.add(subproject) result.setdefault(subproject, {})[str(k)] = o return result def _add_line(self, name: OptionKey, value, choices, descr) -> None: self.name_col.append(' ' * self.print_margin + str(name)) self.value_col.append(value) self.choices_col.append(choices) self.descr_col.append(descr) def add_option(self, name, descr, value, choices): if isinstance(value, list): value = '[{}]'.format(', '.join(make_lower_case(value))) else: value = make_lower_case(value) if choices: self.has_choices = True if isinstance(choices, list): choices_list = make_lower_case(choices) current = '[' while choices_list: i = choices_list.pop(0) if len(current) + len(i) >= self.max_choices_line_length: self._add_line(name, value, current + ',', descr) name = '' value = '' descr = '' current = ' ' if len(current) > 1: current += ', ' current += i choices = current + ']' else: choices = make_lower_case(choices) else: choices = '' self._add_line(name, value, choices, descr) def add_title(self, title): titles = {'descr': 'Description', 'value': 'Current Value', 'choices': 'Possible Values'} if self.default_values_only: titles['value'] = 'Default Value' self._add_line('', '', '', '') self._add_line(title, titles['value'], titles['choices'], titles['descr']) self._add_line('-' * len(title), '-' * len(titles['value']), '-' * len(titles['choices']), '-' * len(titles['descr'])) def add_section(self, section): self.print_margin = 0 self._add_line('', '', '', '') self._add_line(section + ':', '', '', '') self.print_margin = 2 def print_options(self, title: str, options: 'coredata.KeyedOptionDictType') -> None: if not options: return if title: self.add_title(title) for k, o in sorted(options.items()): printable_value = o.printable_value() if k in self.yielding_options: printable_value = '' self.add_option(k, o.description, printable_value, o.choices) def print_conf(self): def print_default_values_warning(): mlog.warning('The source directory instead of the build directory was specified.') mlog.warning('Only the default values for the project are printed, and all command line parameters are ignored.') if self.default_values_only: print_default_values_warning() print('') print('Core properties:') print(' Source dir', self.source_dir) if not self.default_values_only: print(' Build dir ', self.build_dir) dir_option_names = set(coredata.BUILTIN_DIR_OPTIONS) test_option_names = {OptionKey('errorlogs'), OptionKey('stdsplit')} dir_options: 'coredata.KeyedOptionDictType' = {} test_options: 'coredata.KeyedOptionDictType' = {} core_options: 'coredata.KeyedOptionDictType' = {} for k, v in self.coredata.options.items(): if k in dir_option_names: dir_options[k] = v elif k in test_option_names: test_options[k] = v elif k.is_builtin(): core_options[k] = v host_core_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in core_options.items() if k.machine is MachineChoice.HOST}) build_core_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in core_options.items() if k.machine is MachineChoice.BUILD}) host_compiler_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in self.coredata.options.items() if k.is_compiler() and k.machine is MachineChoice.HOST}) build_compiler_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in self.coredata.options.items() if k.is_compiler() and k.machine is MachineChoice.BUILD}) project_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in self.coredata.options.items() if k.is_project()}) show_build_options = self.default_values_only or self.build.environment.is_cross_build() self.add_section('Main project options') self.print_options('Core options', host_core_options['']) if show_build_options: self.print_options('', build_core_options['']) self.print_options('Backend options', {str(k): v for k, v in self.coredata.options.items() if k.is_backend()}) self.print_options('Base options', {str(k): v for k, v in self.coredata.options.items() if k.is_base()}) self.print_options('Compiler options', host_compiler_options.get('', {})) if show_build_options: self.print_options('', build_compiler_options.get('', {})) self.print_options('Directories', dir_options) self.print_options('Testing options', test_options) self.print_options('Project options', project_options.get('', {})) for subproject in sorted(self.all_subprojects): if subproject == '': continue self.add_section('Subproject ' + subproject) if subproject in host_core_options: self.print_options('Core options', host_core_options[subproject]) if subproject in build_core_options and show_build_options: self.print_options('', build_core_options[subproject]) if subproject in host_compiler_options: self.print_options('Compiler options', host_compiler_options[subproject]) if subproject in build_compiler_options and show_build_options: self.print_options('', build_compiler_options[subproject]) if subproject in project_options: self.print_options('Project options', project_options[subproject]) self.print_aligned() # Print the warning twice so that the user shouldn't be able to miss it if self.default_values_only: print('') print_default_values_warning() self.print_nondefault_buildtype_options() def print_nondefault_buildtype_options(self): mismatching = self.coredata.get_nondefault_buildtype_args() if not mismatching: return print("\nThe following option(s) have a different value than the build type default\n") print(f' current default') for m in mismatching: print(f'{m[0]:21}{m[1]:10}{m[2]:10}') def run(options): coredata.parse_cmd_line_options(options) builddir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(options.builddir)) c = None try: c = Conf(builddir) if c.default_values_only: c.print_conf() return 0 save = False if options.cmd_line_options: c.set_options(options.cmd_line_options) coredata.update_cmd_line_file(builddir, options) save = True elif options.clearcache: c.clear_cache() save = True else: c.print_conf() if save: c.save() mintro.update_build_options(c.coredata, c.build.environment.info_dir) mintro.write_meson_info_file(c.build, []) except ConfException as e: print('Meson configurator encountered an error:') if c is not None and c.build is not None: mintro.write_meson_info_file(c.build, [e]) raise e return 0