--- title: fallback wraptool ... # In case of emergency In case wraptool is down we have created a backup script that you can use to download wraps directly from the GitHub repos. It is not as slick and may have bugs but at least it will allow you to use wraps. ## Using it To list all available wraps: ghwt.py list To install a wrap, go to your source root, make sure that the `subprojects` directory exists and run this command: ghwt.py install [] This will stage the subproject ready to use. If you have multiple subprojects you need to download them all manually. Specifying branch name is optional. If not specified, the list of potential branches is sorted alphabetically and the last branch is used. *Note* The tool was added in 0.32.0, for versions older than that you need to delete the `foo.wrap` file to work around this issue. ## How to upgrade an existing dir/fix broken state/any other problem Nuke the contents of `subprojects` and start again. ## Known issues Some repositories show up in the list but are not installable. They would not show up in the real WrapDB because they are works in progress. GitHub web API limits the amount of queries you can do to 60/hour. If you exceed that you need to wait for the timer to reset.