/* * s390 PCI instruction definitions * * Copyright 2014 IBM Corp. * Author(s): Frank Blaschka * Hong Bo Li * Yi Min Zhao * * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or (at * your option) any later version. See the COPYING file in the top-level * directory. */ #ifndef HW_S390_PCI_INST_H #define HW_S390_PCI_INST_H #include "s390-pci-bus.h" #include "system/dma.h" /* Load/Store status codes */ #define ZPCI_PCI_ST_FUNC_NOT_ENABLED 4 #define ZPCI_PCI_ST_FUNC_IN_ERR 8 #define ZPCI_PCI_ST_BLOCKED 12 #define ZPCI_PCI_ST_INSUF_RES 16 #define ZPCI_PCI_ST_INVAL_AS 20 #define ZPCI_PCI_ST_FUNC_ALREADY_ENABLED 24 #define ZPCI_PCI_ST_DMA_AS_NOT_ENABLED 28 #define ZPCI_PCI_ST_2ND_OP_IN_INV_AS 36 #define ZPCI_PCI_ST_FUNC_NOT_AVAIL 40 #define ZPCI_PCI_ST_ALREADY_IN_RQ_STATE 44 /* Load/Store return codes */ #define ZPCI_PCI_LS_OK 0 #define ZPCI_PCI_LS_ERR 1 #define ZPCI_PCI_LS_BUSY 2 #define ZPCI_PCI_LS_INVAL_HANDLE 3 /* Modify PCI status codes */ #define ZPCI_MOD_ST_RES_NOT_AVAIL 4 #define ZPCI_MOD_ST_INSUF_RES 16 #define ZPCI_MOD_ST_SEQUENCE 24 #define ZPCI_MOD_ST_DMAAS_INVAL 28 #define ZPCI_MOD_ST_FRAME_INVAL 32 #define ZPCI_MOD_ST_ERROR_RECOVER 40 /* Modify PCI Function Controls */ #define ZPCI_MOD_FC_REG_INT 2 #define ZPCI_MOD_FC_DEREG_INT 3 #define ZPCI_MOD_FC_REG_IOAT 4 #define ZPCI_MOD_FC_DEREG_IOAT 5 #define ZPCI_MOD_FC_REREG_IOAT 6 #define ZPCI_MOD_FC_RESET_ERROR 7 #define ZPCI_MOD_FC_RESET_BLOCK 9 #define ZPCI_MOD_FC_SET_MEASURE 10 /* Store PCI Function Controls status codes */ #define ZPCI_STPCIFC_ST_PERM_ERROR 8 #define ZPCI_STPCIFC_ST_INVAL_DMAAS 28 #define ZPCI_STPCIFC_ST_ERROR_RECOVER 40 /* Refresh PCI Translations status codes */ #define ZPCI_RPCIT_ST_INSUFF_RES 16 /* FIB function controls */ #define ZPCI_FIB_FC_ENABLED 0x80 #define ZPCI_FIB_FC_ERROR 0x40 #define ZPCI_FIB_FC_LS_BLOCKED 0x20 #define ZPCI_FIB_FC_DMAAS_REG 0x10 /* FIB function controls */ #define ZPCI_FIB_FC_ENABLED 0x80 #define ZPCI_FIB_FC_ERROR 0x40 #define ZPCI_FIB_FC_LS_BLOCKED 0x20 #define ZPCI_FIB_FC_DMAAS_REG 0x10 /* Function Information Block */ typedef struct ZpciFib { uint8_t fmt; /* format */ uint8_t reserved1[7]; uint8_t fc; /* function controls */ uint8_t reserved2; uint16_t reserved3; uint32_t reserved4; uint64_t pba; /* PCI base address */ uint64_t pal; /* PCI address limit */ uint64_t iota; /* I/O Translation Anchor */ #define FIB_DATA_ISC(x) (((x) >> 28) & 0x7) #define FIB_DATA_NOI(x) (((x) >> 16) & 0xfff) #define FIB_DATA_AIBVO(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0x3f) #define FIB_DATA_SUM(x) (((x) >> 7) & 0x1) #define FIB_DATA_AISBO(x) ((x) & 0x3f) uint32_t data; uint32_t reserved5; uint64_t aibv; /* Adapter int bit vector address */ uint64_t aisb; /* Adapter int summary bit address */ uint64_t fmb_addr; /* Function measurement address and key */ uint32_t reserved6; uint32_t gd; } QEMU_PACKED ZpciFib; int pci_dereg_irqs(S390PCIBusDevice *pbdev); void pci_dereg_ioat(S390PCIIOMMU *iommu); int clp_service_call(S390CPU *cpu, uint8_t r2, uintptr_t ra); int pcilg_service_call(S390CPU *cpu, uint8_t r1, uint8_t r2, uintptr_t ra); int pcistg_service_call(S390CPU *cpu, uint8_t r1, uint8_t r2, uintptr_t ra); int rpcit_service_call(S390CPU *cpu, uint8_t r1, uint8_t r2, uintptr_t ra); int pcistb_service_call(S390CPU *cpu, uint8_t r1, uint8_t r3, uint64_t gaddr, uint8_t ar, uintptr_t ra); int mpcifc_service_call(S390CPU *cpu, uint8_t r1, uint64_t fiba, uint8_t ar, uintptr_t ra); int stpcifc_service_call(S390CPU *cpu, uint8_t r1, uint64_t fiba, uint8_t ar, uintptr_t ra); void fmb_timer_free(S390PCIBusDevice *pbdev); #define ZPCI_IO_BAR_MIN 0 #define ZPCI_IO_BAR_MAX 5 #define ZPCI_CONFIG_BAR 15 #endif