/* * Lockstep Execution Plugin * * Allows you to execute two QEMU instances in lockstep and report * when their execution diverges. This is mainly useful for developers * who want to see where a change to TCG code generation has * introduced a subtle and hard to find bug. * * Caveats: * - single-threaded linux-user apps only with non-deterministic syscalls * - no MTTCG enabled system emulation (icount may help) * * While icount makes things more deterministic it doesn't mean a * particular run may execute the exact same sequence of blocks. An * asynchronous event (for example X11 graphics update) may cause a * block to end early and a new partial block to start. This means * serial only test cases are a better bet. -d nochain may also help * as well as -accel tcg,one-insn-per-tb=on * * This code is not thread safe! * * Copyright (c) 2020 Linaro Ltd * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QEMU_PLUGIN_EXPORT int qemu_plugin_version = QEMU_PLUGIN_VERSION; /* saved so we can uninstall later */ static qemu_plugin_id_t our_id; static unsigned long bb_count; static unsigned long insn_count; /* Information about a translated block */ typedef struct { uint64_t pc; uint64_t insns; } BlockInfo; /* Information about an execution state in the log */ typedef struct { BlockInfo *block; unsigned long insn_count; unsigned long block_count; } ExecInfo; /* The execution state we compare */ typedef struct { uint64_t pc; uint64_t insn_count; } ExecState; typedef struct { GSList *log_pos; int distance; } DivergeState; /* list of translated block info */ static GSList *blocks; /* execution log and points of divergence */ static GSList *log, *divergence_log; static int socket_fd; static char *path_to_unlink; static bool verbose; static void plugin_cleanup(qemu_plugin_id_t id) { /* Free our block data */ g_slist_free_full(blocks, &g_free); g_slist_free_full(log, &g_free); g_slist_free(divergence_log); close(socket_fd); if (path_to_unlink) { unlink(path_to_unlink); } } static void plugin_exit(qemu_plugin_id_t id, void *p) { g_autoptr(GString) out = g_string_new("No divergence :-)\n"); g_string_append_printf(out, "Executed %ld/%d blocks\n", bb_count, g_slist_length(log)); g_string_append_printf(out, "Executed ~%ld instructions\n", insn_count); qemu_plugin_outs(out->str); plugin_cleanup(id); } /* * g_memdup has been deprecated in Glib since 2.68 and * will complain about it if you try to use it. However until * glib_req_ver for QEMU is bumped we make a copy of the glib-compat * handler. */ static inline gpointer g_memdup2_qemu(gconstpointer mem, gsize byte_size) { #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 68, 0) return g_memdup2(mem, byte_size); #else gpointer new_mem; if (mem && byte_size != 0) { new_mem = g_malloc(byte_size); memcpy(new_mem, mem, byte_size); } else { new_mem = NULL; } return new_mem; #endif } #define g_memdup2(m, s) g_memdup2_qemu(m, s) static void report_divergance(ExecState *us, ExecState *them) { DivergeState divrec = { log, 0 }; g_autoptr(GString) out = g_string_new(""); bool diverged = false; /* * If we have diverged before did we get back on track or are we * totally losing it? */ if (divergence_log) { DivergeState *last = (DivergeState *) divergence_log->data; GSList *entry; for (entry = log; g_slist_next(entry); entry = g_slist_next(entry)) { if (entry == last->log_pos) { break; } divrec.distance++; } /* * If the last two records are so close it is likely we will * not recover synchronisation with the other end. */ if (divrec.distance == 1 && last->distance == 1) { diverged = true; } } divergence_log = g_slist_prepend(divergence_log, g_memdup2(&divrec, sizeof(divrec))); /* Output short log entry of going out of sync... */ if (verbose || divrec.distance == 1 || diverged) { g_string_printf(out, "@ " "0x%016" PRIx64 " (%" PRId64 ") vs " "0x%016" PRIx64 " (%" PRId64 ")" " (%d/%d since last)\n", us->pc, us->insn_count, them->pc, them->insn_count, g_slist_length(divergence_log), divrec.distance); qemu_plugin_outs(out->str); } if (diverged) { int i; GSList *entry; g_string_printf(out, "Δ too high, we have diverged, previous insns\n"); for (entry = log, i = 0; g_slist_next(entry) && i < 5; entry = g_slist_next(entry), i++) { ExecInfo *prev = (ExecInfo *) entry->data; g_string_append_printf(out, " previously @ 0x%016" PRIx64 "/%" PRId64 " (%ld insns)\n", prev->block->pc, prev->block->insns, prev->insn_count); } qemu_plugin_outs(out->str); qemu_plugin_outs("giving up\n"); qemu_plugin_uninstall(our_id, plugin_cleanup); } } static void vcpu_tb_exec(unsigned int cpu_index, void *udata) { BlockInfo *bi = (BlockInfo *) udata; ExecState us, them; ssize_t bytes; ExecInfo *exec; us.pc = bi->pc; us.insn_count = insn_count; /* * Write our current position to the other end. If we fail the * other end has probably died and we should shut down gracefully. */ bytes = write(socket_fd, &us, sizeof(ExecState)); if (bytes < sizeof(ExecState)) { qemu_plugin_outs(bytes < 0 ? "problem writing to socket" : "wrote less than expected to socket"); qemu_plugin_uninstall(our_id, plugin_cleanup); return; } /* * Now read where our peer has reached. Again a failure probably * indicates the other end died and we should close down cleanly. */ bytes = read(socket_fd, &them, sizeof(ExecState)); if (bytes < sizeof(ExecState)) { qemu_plugin_outs(bytes < 0 ? "problem reading from socket" : "read less than expected"); qemu_plugin_uninstall(our_id, plugin_cleanup); return; } /* * Compare and report if we have diverged. */ if (us.pc != them.pc) { report_divergance(&us, &them); } /* * Assume this block will execute fully and record it * in the execution log. */ insn_count += bi->insns; bb_count++; exec = g_new0(ExecInfo, 1); exec->block = bi; exec->insn_count = insn_count; exec->block_count = bb_count; log = g_slist_prepend(log, exec); } static void vcpu_tb_trans(qemu_plugin_id_t id, struct qemu_plugin_tb *tb) { BlockInfo *bi = g_new0(BlockInfo, 1); bi->pc = qemu_plugin_tb_vaddr(tb); bi->insns = qemu_plugin_tb_n_insns(tb); /* save a reference so we can free later */ blocks = g_slist_prepend(blocks, bi); qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_tb_exec_cb(tb, vcpu_tb_exec, QEMU_PLUGIN_CB_NO_REGS, (void *)bi); } /* * Instead of encoding master/slave status into what is essentially * two peers we shall just take the simple approach of checking for * the existence of the pipe and assuming if it's not there we are the * first process. */ static bool setup_socket(const char *path) { struct sockaddr_un sockaddr; const gsize pathlen = sizeof(sockaddr.sun_path) - 1; int fd; fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd < 0) { perror("create socket"); return false; } sockaddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; if (g_strlcpy(sockaddr.sun_path, path, pathlen) >= pathlen) { perror("bad path"); close(fd); return false; } if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr)) < 0) { perror("bind socket"); close(fd); return false; } /* remember to clean-up */ path_to_unlink = g_strdup(path); if (listen(fd, 1) < 0) { perror("listen socket"); close(fd); return false; } socket_fd = accept(fd, NULL, NULL); if (socket_fd < 0 && errno != EINTR) { perror("accept socket"); close(fd); return false; } qemu_plugin_outs("setup_socket::ready\n"); close(fd); return true; } static bool connect_socket(const char *path) { int fd; struct sockaddr_un sockaddr; const gsize pathlen = sizeof(sockaddr.sun_path) - 1; fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd < 0) { perror("create socket"); return false; } sockaddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; if (g_strlcpy(sockaddr.sun_path, path, pathlen) >= pathlen) { perror("bad path"); close(fd); return false; } if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr)) < 0) { perror("failed to connect"); close(fd); return false; } qemu_plugin_outs("connect_socket::ready\n"); socket_fd = fd; return true; } static bool setup_unix_socket(const char *path) { if (g_file_test(path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { return connect_socket(path); } else { return setup_socket(path); } } QEMU_PLUGIN_EXPORT int qemu_plugin_install(qemu_plugin_id_t id, const qemu_info_t *info, int argc, char **argv) { int i; g_autofree char *sock_path = NULL; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { char *p = argv[i]; g_auto(GStrv) tokens = g_strsplit(p, "=", 2); if (g_strcmp0(tokens[0], "verbose") == 0) { if (!qemu_plugin_bool_parse(tokens[0], tokens[1], &verbose)) { fprintf(stderr, "boolean argument parsing failed: %s\n", p); return -1; } } else if (g_strcmp0(tokens[0], "sockpath") == 0) { sock_path = g_strdup(tokens[1]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "option parsing failed: %s\n", p); return -1; } } if (sock_path == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Need a socket path to talk to other instance.\n"); return -1; } if (!setup_unix_socket(sock_path)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to setup socket for communications.\n"); return -1; } our_id = id; qemu_plugin_register_vcpu_tb_trans_cb(id, vcpu_tb_trans); qemu_plugin_register_atexit_cb(id, plugin_exit, NULL); return 0; }