path: root/scripts/qcow2-to-stdout.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/qcow2-to-stdout.py')
1 files changed, 449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/qcow2-to-stdout.py b/scripts/qcow2-to-stdout.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..06b7c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/qcow2-to-stdout.py
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This tool reads a disk image in any format and converts it to qcow2,
+# writing the result directly to stdout.
+# Copyright (C) 2024 Igalia, S.L.
+# Authors: Alberto Garcia <berto@igalia.com>
+# Madeeha Javed <javed@igalia.com>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# qcow2 files produced by this script are always arranged like this:
+# - qcow2 header
+# - refcount table
+# - refcount blocks
+# - L1 table
+# - L2 tables
+# - Data clusters
+# A note about variable names: in qcow2 there is one refcount table
+# and one (active) L1 table, although each can occupy several
+# clusters. For the sake of simplicity the code sometimes talks about
+# refcount tables and L1 tables when referring to those clusters.
+import argparse
+import errno
+import math
+import os
+import signal
+import struct
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import time
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+QCOW2_V3_HEADER_LENGTH = 112 # Header length in QEMU 9.0. Must be a multiple of 8
+QEMU_STORAGE_DAEMON = "qemu-storage-daemon"
+def bitmap_set(bitmap, idx):
+ bitmap[idx // 8] |= 1 << (idx % 8)
+def bitmap_is_set(bitmap, idx):
+ return (bitmap[idx // 8] & (1 << (idx % 8))) != 0
+def bitmap_iterator(bitmap, length):
+ for idx in range(length):
+ if bitmap_is_set(bitmap, idx):
+ yield idx
+def align_up(num, d):
+ return d * math.ceil(num / d)
+# Holes in the input file contain only zeroes so we can skip them and
+# save time. This function returns the indexes of the clusters that
+# are known to contain data. Those are the ones that we need to read.
+def clusters_with_data(fd, cluster_size):
+ data_to = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ data_from = os.lseek(fd, data_to, os.SEEK_DATA)
+ data_to = align_up(os.lseek(fd, data_from, os.SEEK_HOLE), cluster_size)
+ for idx in range(data_from // cluster_size, data_to // cluster_size):
+ yield idx
+ except OSError as err:
+ if err.errno == errno.ENXIO: # End of file reached
+ break
+ raise err
+# write_qcow2_content() expects a raw input file. If we have a different
+# format we can use qemu-storage-daemon to make it appear as raw.
+def get_input_as_raw_file(input_file, input_format):
+ if input_format == "raw":
+ yield input_file
+ return
+ try:
+ temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ pid_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, "pid")
+ raw_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, "raw")
+ open(raw_file, "wb").close()
+ ret = subprocess.run(
+ [
+ "--daemonize",
+ "--pidfile", pid_file,
+ "--blockdev", f"driver=file,node-name=file0,driver=file,filename={input_file},read-only=on",
+ "--blockdev", f"driver={input_format},node-name=disk0,file=file0,read-only=on",
+ "--export", f"type=fuse,id=export0,node-name=disk0,mountpoint={raw_file},writable=off",
+ ],
+ capture_output=True,
+ )
+ if ret.returncode != 0:
+ sys.exit("[Error] Could not start the qemu-storage-daemon:\n" +
+ ret.stderr.decode().rstrip('\n'))
+ yield raw_file
+ finally:
+ # Kill the storage daemon on exit
+ # and remove all temporary files
+ if os.path.exists(pid_file):
+ with open(pid_file, "r") as f:
+ pid = int(f.readline())
+ os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+ while os.path.exists(pid_file):
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ os.unlink(raw_file)
+ os.rmdir(temp_dir)
+def write_features(cluster, offset, data_file_name):
+ if data_file_name is not None:
+ encoded_name = data_file_name.encode("utf-8")
+ padded_name_len = align_up(len(encoded_name), 8)
+ struct.pack_into(f">II{padded_name_len}s", cluster, offset,
+ len(encoded_name),
+ encoded_name)
+ offset += 8 + padded_name_len
+ qcow2_features = [
+ # Incompatible
+ (0, 0, "dirty bit"),
+ (0, 1, "corrupt bit"),
+ (0, 2, "external data file"),
+ (0, 3, "compression type"),
+ (0, 4, "extended L2 entries"),
+ # Compatible
+ (1, 0, "lazy refcounts"),
+ # Autoclear
+ (2, 0, "bitmaps"),
+ (2, 1, "raw external data"),
+ ]
+ struct.pack_into(">I", cluster, offset, QCOW2_FEATURE_NAME_TABLE)
+ struct.pack_into(">I", cluster, offset + 4, len(qcow2_features) * 48)
+ offset += 8
+ for feature_type, feature_bit, feature_name in qcow2_features:
+ struct.pack_into(">BB46s", cluster, offset,
+ feature_type, feature_bit, feature_name.encode("ascii"))
+ offset += 48
+def write_qcow2_content(input_file, cluster_size, refcount_bits, data_file_name, data_file_raw):
+ # Some basic values
+ l1_entries_per_table = cluster_size // 8
+ l2_entries_per_table = cluster_size // 8
+ refcounts_per_table = cluster_size // 8
+ refcounts_per_block = cluster_size * 8 // refcount_bits
+ # Virtual disk size, number of data clusters and L1 entries
+ disk_size = align_up(os.path.getsize(input_file), 512)
+ total_data_clusters = math.ceil(disk_size / cluster_size)
+ l1_entries = math.ceil(total_data_clusters / l2_entries_per_table)
+ allocated_l1_tables = math.ceil(l1_entries / l1_entries_per_table)
+ # Max L1 table size is 32 MB (QCOW_MAX_L1_SIZE in block/qcow2.h)
+ if (l1_entries * 8) > (32 * 1024 * 1024):
+ sys.exit("[Error] The image size is too large. Try using a larger cluster size.")
+ # Two bitmaps indicating which L1 and L2 entries are set
+ l1_bitmap = bytearray(allocated_l1_tables * l1_entries_per_table // 8)
+ l2_bitmap = bytearray(l1_entries * l2_entries_per_table // 8)
+ allocated_l2_tables = 0
+ allocated_data_clusters = 0
+ if data_file_raw:
+ # If data_file_raw is set then all clusters are allocated and
+ # we don't need to read the input file at all.
+ allocated_l2_tables = l1_entries
+ for idx in range(l1_entries):
+ bitmap_set(l1_bitmap, idx)
+ for idx in range(total_data_clusters):
+ bitmap_set(l2_bitmap, idx)
+ else:
+ # Open the input file for reading
+ fd = os.open(input_file, os.O_RDONLY)
+ zero_cluster = bytes(cluster_size)
+ # Read all the clusters that contain data
+ for idx in clusters_with_data(fd, cluster_size):
+ cluster = os.pread(fd, cluster_size, cluster_size * idx)
+ # If the last cluster is smaller than cluster_size pad it with zeroes
+ if len(cluster) < cluster_size:
+ cluster += bytes(cluster_size - len(cluster))
+ # If a cluster has non-zero data then it must be allocated
+ # in the output file and its L2 entry must be set
+ if cluster != zero_cluster:
+ bitmap_set(l2_bitmap, idx)
+ allocated_data_clusters += 1
+ # Allocated data clusters also need their corresponding L1 entry and L2 table
+ l1_idx = math.floor(idx / l2_entries_per_table)
+ if not bitmap_is_set(l1_bitmap, l1_idx):
+ bitmap_set(l1_bitmap, l1_idx)
+ allocated_l2_tables += 1
+ # Total amount of allocated clusters excluding the refcount blocks and table
+ total_allocated_clusters = 1 + allocated_l1_tables + allocated_l2_tables
+ if data_file_name is None:
+ total_allocated_clusters += allocated_data_clusters
+ # Clusters allocated for the refcount blocks and table
+ allocated_refcount_blocks = math.ceil(total_allocated_clusters / refcounts_per_block)
+ allocated_refcount_tables = math.ceil(allocated_refcount_blocks / refcounts_per_table)
+ # Now we have a problem because allocated_refcount_blocks and allocated_refcount_tables...
+ # (a) increase total_allocated_clusters, and
+ # (b) need to be recalculated when total_allocated_clusters is increased
+ # So we need to repeat the calculation as long as the numbers change
+ while True:
+ new_total_allocated_clusters = total_allocated_clusters + allocated_refcount_tables + allocated_refcount_blocks
+ new_allocated_refcount_blocks = math.ceil(new_total_allocated_clusters / refcounts_per_block)
+ if new_allocated_refcount_blocks > allocated_refcount_blocks:
+ allocated_refcount_blocks = new_allocated_refcount_blocks
+ allocated_refcount_tables = math.ceil(allocated_refcount_blocks / refcounts_per_table)
+ else:
+ break
+ # Now that we have the final numbers we can update total_allocated_clusters
+ total_allocated_clusters += allocated_refcount_tables + allocated_refcount_blocks
+ # At this point we have the exact number of clusters that the output
+ # image is going to use so we can calculate all the offsets.
+ current_cluster_idx = 1
+ refcount_table_offset = current_cluster_idx * cluster_size
+ current_cluster_idx += allocated_refcount_tables
+ refcount_block_offset = current_cluster_idx * cluster_size
+ current_cluster_idx += allocated_refcount_blocks
+ l1_table_offset = current_cluster_idx * cluster_size
+ current_cluster_idx += allocated_l1_tables
+ l2_table_offset = current_cluster_idx * cluster_size
+ current_cluster_idx += allocated_l2_tables
+ data_clusters_offset = current_cluster_idx * cluster_size
+ # Calculate some values used in the qcow2 header
+ if allocated_l1_tables == 0:
+ l1_table_offset = 0
+ hdr_cluster_bits = int(math.log2(cluster_size))
+ hdr_refcount_bits = int(math.log2(refcount_bits))
+ hdr_length = QCOW2_V3_HEADER_LENGTH
+ hdr_incompat_features = 0
+ if data_file_name is not None:
+ hdr_incompat_features |= 1 << QCOW2_INCOMPAT_DATA_FILE_BIT
+ hdr_autoclear_features = 0
+ if data_file_raw:
+ hdr_autoclear_features |= 1 << QCOW2_AUTOCLEAR_DATA_FILE_RAW_BIT
+ ### Write qcow2 header
+ cluster = bytearray(cluster_size)
+ struct.pack_into(">4sIQIIQIIQQIIQQQQII", cluster, 0,
+ b"QFI\xfb", # QCOW magic string
+ 3, # version
+ 0, # backing file offset
+ 0, # backing file sizes
+ hdr_cluster_bits,
+ disk_size,
+ 0, # encryption method
+ l1_entries,
+ l1_table_offset,
+ refcount_table_offset,
+ allocated_refcount_tables,
+ 0, # number of snapshots
+ 0, # snapshot table offset
+ hdr_incompat_features,
+ 0, # compatible features
+ hdr_autoclear_features,
+ hdr_refcount_bits,
+ hdr_length,
+ )
+ write_features(cluster, hdr_length, data_file_name)
+ sys.stdout.buffer.write(cluster)
+ ### Write refcount table
+ cur_offset = refcount_block_offset
+ remaining_refcount_table_entries = allocated_refcount_blocks # Each entry is a pointer to a refcount block
+ while remaining_refcount_table_entries > 0:
+ cluster = bytearray(cluster_size)
+ to_write = min(remaining_refcount_table_entries, refcounts_per_table)
+ remaining_refcount_table_entries -= to_write
+ for idx in range(to_write):
+ struct.pack_into(">Q", cluster, idx * 8, cur_offset)
+ cur_offset += cluster_size
+ sys.stdout.buffer.write(cluster)
+ ### Write refcount blocks
+ remaining_refcount_block_entries = total_allocated_clusters # One entry for each allocated cluster
+ for tbl in range(allocated_refcount_blocks):
+ cluster = bytearray(cluster_size)
+ to_write = min(remaining_refcount_block_entries, refcounts_per_block)
+ remaining_refcount_block_entries -= to_write
+ # All refcount entries contain the number 1. The only difference
+ # is their bit width, defined when the image is created.
+ for idx in range(to_write):
+ if refcount_bits == 64:
+ struct.pack_into(">Q", cluster, idx * 8, 1)
+ elif refcount_bits == 32:
+ struct.pack_into(">L", cluster, idx * 4, 1)
+ elif refcount_bits == 16:
+ struct.pack_into(">H", cluster, idx * 2, 1)
+ elif refcount_bits == 8:
+ cluster[idx] = 1
+ elif refcount_bits == 4:
+ cluster[idx // 2] |= 1 << ((idx % 2) * 4)
+ elif refcount_bits == 2:
+ cluster[idx // 4] |= 1 << ((idx % 4) * 2)
+ elif refcount_bits == 1:
+ cluster[idx // 8] |= 1 << (idx % 8)
+ sys.stdout.buffer.write(cluster)
+ ### Write L1 table
+ cur_offset = l2_table_offset
+ for tbl in range(allocated_l1_tables):
+ cluster = bytearray(cluster_size)
+ for idx in range(l1_entries_per_table):
+ l1_idx = tbl * l1_entries_per_table + idx
+ if bitmap_is_set(l1_bitmap, l1_idx):
+ struct.pack_into(">Q", cluster, idx * 8, cur_offset | QCOW_OFLAG_COPIED)
+ cur_offset += cluster_size
+ sys.stdout.buffer.write(cluster)
+ ### Write L2 tables
+ cur_offset = data_clusters_offset
+ for tbl in range(l1_entries):
+ # Skip the empty L2 tables. We can identify them because
+ # there is no L1 entry pointing at them.
+ if bitmap_is_set(l1_bitmap, tbl):
+ cluster = bytearray(cluster_size)
+ for idx in range(l2_entries_per_table):
+ l2_idx = tbl * l2_entries_per_table + idx
+ if bitmap_is_set(l2_bitmap, l2_idx):
+ if data_file_name is None:
+ struct.pack_into(">Q", cluster, idx * 8, cur_offset | QCOW_OFLAG_COPIED)
+ cur_offset += cluster_size
+ else:
+ struct.pack_into(">Q", cluster, idx * 8, (l2_idx * cluster_size) | QCOW_OFLAG_COPIED)
+ sys.stdout.buffer.write(cluster)
+ ### Write data clusters
+ if data_file_name is None:
+ for idx in bitmap_iterator(l2_bitmap, total_data_clusters):
+ cluster = os.pread(fd, cluster_size, cluster_size * idx)
+ # If the last cluster is smaller than cluster_size pad it with zeroes
+ if len(cluster) < cluster_size:
+ cluster += bytes(cluster_size - len(cluster))
+ sys.stdout.buffer.write(cluster)
+ if not data_file_raw:
+ os.close(fd)
+def main():
+ # Command-line arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="This program converts a QEMU disk image to qcow2 "
+ "and writes it to the standard output"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("input_file", help="name of the input file")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-f",
+ dest="input_format",
+ metavar="input_format",
+ help="format of the input file (default: raw)",
+ default="raw",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-c",
+ dest="cluster_size",
+ metavar="cluster_size",
+ help=f"qcow2 cluster size (default: {QCOW2_DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SIZE})",
+ type=int,
+ choices=[1 << x for x in range(9, 22)],
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-r",
+ dest="refcount_bits",
+ metavar="refcount_bits",
+ help=f"width of the reference count entries (default: {QCOW2_DEFAULT_REFCOUNT_BITS})",
+ type=int,
+ choices=[1 << x for x in range(7)],
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-d",
+ dest="data_file",
+ help="create an image with input_file as an external data file",
+ action="store_true",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-R",
+ dest="data_file_raw",
+ help="enable data_file_raw on the generated image (implies -d)",
+ action="store_true",
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.data_file_raw:
+ args.data_file = True
+ if not os.path.isfile(args.input_file):
+ sys.exit(f"[Error] {args.input_file} does not exist or is not a regular file.")
+ if args.data_file and args.input_format != "raw":
+ sys.exit("[Error] External data files can only be used with raw input images")
+ # A 512 byte header is too small for the data file name extension
+ if args.data_file and args.cluster_size == 512:
+ sys.exit("[Error] External data files require a larger cluster size")
+ if sys.stdout.isatty():
+ sys.exit("[Error] Refusing to write to a tty. Try redirecting stdout.")
+ if args.data_file:
+ data_file_name = args.input_file
+ else:
+ data_file_name = None
+ with get_input_as_raw_file(args.input_file, args.input_format) as raw_file:
+ write_qcow2_content(
+ raw_file,
+ args.cluster_size,
+ args.refcount_bits,
+ data_file_name,
+ args.data_file_raw,
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()