// RUN: mlir-opt -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics %s func.func @unknown_clause() { // expected-error@+1 {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.parallel invalid { } return } // ----- func.func @if_once(%n : i1) { // expected-error@+1 {{`if` clause can appear at most once in the expansion of the oilist directive}} omp.parallel if(%n : i1) if(%n : i1) { } return } // ----- func.func @num_threads_once(%n : si32) { // expected-error@+1 {{`num_threads` clause can appear at most once in the expansion of the oilist directive}} omp.parallel num_threads(%n : si32) num_threads(%n : si32) { } return } // ----- func.func @nowait_not_allowed(%n : memref) { // expected-error@+1 {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.parallel nowait {} return } // ----- func.func @linear_not_allowed(%data_var : memref, %linear_var : i32) { // expected-error@+1 {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.parallel linear(%data_var = %linear_var : memref) {} return } // ----- func.func @schedule_not_allowed() { // expected-error@+1 {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.parallel schedule(static) {} return } // ----- func.func @collapse_not_allowed() { // expected-error@+1 {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.parallel collapse(3) {} return } // ----- func.func @order_not_allowed() { // expected-error@+1 {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.parallel order(concurrent) {} return } // ----- func.func @ordered_not_allowed() { // expected-error@+1 {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.parallel ordered(2) {} } // ----- func.func @proc_bind_once() { // expected-error@+1 {{`proc_bind` clause can appear at most once in the expansion of the oilist directive}} omp.parallel proc_bind(close) proc_bind(spread) { } return } // ----- func.func @invalid_parent(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) { // expected-error@+1 {{op expects parent op to be a valid loop wrapper}} omp.loop_nest (%iv) : index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } } // ----- func.func @invalid_wrapper(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) { // TODO Remove induction variables from omp.wsloop. omp.wsloop for (%iv) : index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { %0 = arith.constant 0 : i32 // expected-error@+1 {{op expects parent op to be a valid loop wrapper}} omp.loop_nest (%iv2) : index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } omp.yield } } // ----- func.func @type_mismatch(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) { // TODO Remove induction variables from omp.wsloop. omp.wsloop for (%iv) : index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { // expected-error@+1 {{range argument type does not match corresponding IV type}} "omp.loop_nest" (%lb, %ub, %step) ({ ^bb0(%iv2: i32): omp.yield }) : (index, index, index) -> () omp.yield } } // ----- func.func @iv_number_mismatch(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) { // TODO Remove induction variables from omp.wsloop. omp.wsloop for (%iv) : index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { // expected-error@+1 {{number of range arguments and IVs do not match}} "omp.loop_nest" (%lb, %ub, %step) ({ ^bb0(%iv1 : index, %iv2 : index): omp.yield }) : (index, index, index) -> () omp.yield } } // ----- func.func @inclusive_not_a_clause(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) { // expected-error @below {{expected 'for'}} omp.wsloop nowait inclusive for (%iv) : index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } } // ----- func.func @order_value(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) { // expected-error @below {{invalid clause value: 'default'}} omp.wsloop order(default) for (%iv) : index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } } // ----- func.func @if_not_allowed(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index, %bool_var : i1) { // expected-error @below {{expected 'for'}} omp.wsloop if(%bool_var: i1) for (%iv) : index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } } // ----- func.func @num_threads_not_allowed(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index, %int_var : i32) { // expected-error @below {{expected 'for'}} omp.wsloop num_threads(%int_var: i32) for (%iv) : index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } } // ----- func.func @proc_bind_not_allowed(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) { // expected-error @below {{expected 'for'}} omp.wsloop proc_bind(close) for (%iv) : index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } } // ----- llvm.func @test_omp_wsloop_dynamic_bad_modifier(%lb : i64, %ub : i64, %step : i64) -> () { // expected-error @+1 {{unknown modifier type: ginandtonic}} omp.wsloop schedule(dynamic, ginandtonic) for (%iv) : i64 = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } llvm.return } // ----- llvm.func @test_omp_wsloop_dynamic_many_modifier(%lb : i64, %ub : i64, %step : i64) -> () { // expected-error @+1 {{unexpected modifier(s)}} omp.wsloop schedule(dynamic, monotonic, monotonic, monotonic) for (%iv) : i64 = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } llvm.return } // ----- llvm.func @test_omp_wsloop_dynamic_wrong_modifier(%lb : i64, %ub : i64, %step : i64) -> () { // expected-error @+1 {{incorrect modifier order}} omp.wsloop schedule(dynamic, simd, monotonic) for (%iv) : i64 = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } llvm.return } // ----- llvm.func @test_omp_wsloop_dynamic_wrong_modifier2(%lb : i64, %ub : i64, %step : i64) -> () { // expected-error @+1 {{incorrect modifier order}} omp.wsloop schedule(dynamic, monotonic, monotonic) for (%iv) : i64 = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } llvm.return } // ----- llvm.func @test_omp_wsloop_dynamic_wrong_modifier3(%lb : i64, %ub : i64, %step : i64) -> () { // expected-error @+1 {{incorrect modifier order}} omp.wsloop schedule(dynamic, simd, simd) for (%iv) : i64 = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } llvm.return } // ----- func.func @omp_simdloop(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : i32) -> () { // expected-error @below {{op failed to verify that all of {lowerBound, upperBound, step} have same type}} "omp.simdloop" (%lb, %ub, %step) ({ ^bb0(%iv: index): omp.yield }) {operandSegmentSizes = array} : (index, index, i32) -> () return } // ----- func.func @omp_simdloop_pretty_aligned(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index, %data_var : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{expected '->'}} omp.simdloop aligned(%data_var : memref) for (%iv) : index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } return } // ----- func.func @omp_simdloop_aligned_mismatch(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index, %arg3 : memref, %arg4 : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{op expected as many alignment values as aligned variables}} "omp.simdloop"(%arg0, %arg1, %arg2, %arg3, %arg4) ({ ^bb0(%arg5: index): "omp.yield"() : () -> () }) {alignment_values = [128], operandSegmentSizes = array} : (index, index, index, memref, memref) -> () return } // ----- func.func @omp_simdloop_aligned_negative(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index, %arg3 : memref, %arg4 : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{op alignment should be greater than 0}} "omp.simdloop"(%arg0, %arg1, %arg2, %arg3, %arg4) ({ ^bb0(%arg5: index): "omp.yield"() : () -> () }) {alignment_values = [-1, 128], operandSegmentSizes = array} : (index, index, index, memref, memref) -> () return } // ----- func.func @omp_simdloop_unexpected_alignment(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index, %arg3 : memref, %arg4 : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{unexpected alignment values attribute}} "omp.simdloop"(%arg0, %arg1, %arg2) ({ ^bb0(%arg5: index): "omp.yield"() : () -> () }) {alignment_values = [1, 128], operandSegmentSizes = array} : (index, index, index) -> () return } // ----- func.func @omp_simdloop_aligned_float(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index, %arg3 : memref, %arg4 : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{failed to satisfy constraint: 64-bit integer array attribute}} "omp.simdloop"(%arg0, %arg1, %arg2, %arg3, %arg4) ({ ^bb0(%arg5: index): "omp.yield"() : () -> () }) {alignment_values = [1.5, 128], operandSegmentSizes = array} : (index, index, index, memref, memref) -> () return } // ----- func.func @omp_simdloop_aligned_the_same_var(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index, %arg3 : memref, %arg4 : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{aligned variable used more than once}} "omp.simdloop"(%arg0, %arg1, %arg2, %arg3, %arg3) ({ ^bb0(%arg5: index): "omp.yield"() : () -> () }) {alignment_values = [1, 128], operandSegmentSizes = array} : (index, index, index, memref, memref) -> () return } // ----- func.func @omp_simdloop_nontemporal_the_same_var(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index, %arg3 : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{nontemporal variable used more than once}} "omp.simdloop"(%arg0, %arg1, %arg2, %arg3, %arg3) ({ ^bb0(%arg5: index): "omp.yield"() : () -> () }) {operandSegmentSizes = array} : (index, index, index, memref, memref) -> () return } // ----- func.func @omp_simdloop_order_value(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) { // expected-error @below {{invalid clause value: 'default'}} omp.simdloop order(default) for (%iv): index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } return } // ----- func.func @omp_simdloop_pretty_simdlen(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) -> () { // expected-error @below {{op attribute 'simdlen' failed to satisfy constraint: 64-bit signless integer attribute whose value is positive}} omp.simdloop simdlen(0) for (%iv): index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } return } // ----- func.func @omp_simdloop_pretty_safelen(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) -> () { // expected-error @below {{op attribute 'safelen' failed to satisfy constraint: 64-bit signless integer attribute whose value is positive}} omp.simdloop safelen(0) for (%iv): index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } return } // ----- func.func @omp_simdloop_pretty_simdlen_safelen(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) -> () { // expected-error @below {{'omp.simdloop' op simdlen clause and safelen clause are both present, but the simdlen value is not less than or equal to safelen value}} omp.simdloop simdlen(2) safelen(1) for (%iv): index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { omp.yield } return } // ----- // expected-error @below {{op expects initializer region with one argument of the reduction type}} omp.declare_reduction @add_f32 : f64 init { ^bb0(%arg: f32): %0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32 omp.yield (%0 : f32) } combiner { ^bb1(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32): %1 = arith.addf %arg0, %arg1 : f32 omp.yield (%1 : f32) } // ----- // expected-error @below {{expects initializer region to yield a value of the reduction type}} omp.declare_reduction @add_f32 : f32 init { ^bb0(%arg: f32): %0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f64 omp.yield (%0 : f64) } combiner { ^bb1(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32): %1 = arith.addf %arg0, %arg1 : f32 omp.yield (%1 : f32) } // ----- // expected-error @below {{expects reduction region with two arguments of the reduction type}} omp.declare_reduction @add_f32 : f32 init { ^bb0(%arg: f32): %0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32 omp.yield (%0 : f32) } combiner { ^bb1(%arg0: f64, %arg1: f64): %1 = arith.addf %arg0, %arg1 : f64 omp.yield (%1 : f64) } // ----- // expected-error @below {{expects reduction region to yield a value of the reduction type}} omp.declare_reduction @add_f32 : f32 init { ^bb0(%arg: f32): %0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32 omp.yield (%0 : f32) } combiner { ^bb1(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32): %1 = arith.addf %arg0, %arg1 : f32 %2 = arith.extf %1 : f32 to f64 omp.yield (%2 : f64) } // ----- // expected-error @below {{expects atomic reduction region with two arguments of the same type}} omp.declare_reduction @add_f32 : f32 init { ^bb0(%arg: f32): %0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32 omp.yield (%0 : f32) } combiner { ^bb1(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32): %1 = arith.addf %arg0, %arg1 : f32 omp.yield (%1 : f32) } atomic { ^bb2(%arg0: memref, %arg1: memref): omp.yield } // ----- // expected-error @below {{expects atomic reduction region arguments to be accumulators containing the reduction type}} omp.declare_reduction @add_f32 : f32 init { ^bb0(%arg: f32): %0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32 omp.yield (%0 : f32) } combiner { ^bb1(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32): %1 = arith.addf %arg0, %arg1 : f32 omp.yield (%1 : f32) } atomic { ^bb2(%arg0: memref, %arg1: memref): omp.yield } // ----- // expected-error @below {{op expects cleanup region with one argument of the reduction type}} omp.declare_reduction @add_f32 : f32 init { ^bb0(%arg: f32): %0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32 omp.yield (%0 : f32) } combiner { ^bb1(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32): %1 = arith.addf %arg0, %arg1 : f32 omp.yield (%1 : f32) } cleanup { ^bb0(%arg: f64): omp.yield } // ----- func.func @foo(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) { %c1 = arith.constant 1 : i32 %0 = llvm.alloca %c1 x i32 : (i32) -> !llvm.ptr %1 = llvm.alloca %c1 x i32 : (i32) -> !llvm.ptr // expected-error @below {{expected symbol reference @foo to point to a reduction declaration}} omp.wsloop reduction(@foo %0 -> %prv : !llvm.ptr) for (%iv) : index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { %2 = arith.constant 2.0 : f32 omp.reduction %2, %1 : f32, !llvm.ptr omp.yield } return } // ----- omp.declare_reduction @add_f32 : f32 init { ^bb0(%arg: f32): %0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32 omp.yield (%0 : f32) } combiner { ^bb1(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32): %1 = arith.addf %arg0, %arg1 : f32 omp.yield (%1 : f32) } func.func @foo(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) { %c1 = arith.constant 1 : i32 %0 = llvm.alloca %c1 x i32 : (i32) -> !llvm.ptr // expected-error @below {{accumulator variable used more than once}} omp.wsloop reduction(@add_f32 %0 -> %prv : !llvm.ptr, @add_f32 %0 -> %prv1 : !llvm.ptr) for (%iv) : index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { %2 = arith.constant 2.0 : f32 omp.reduction %2, %0 : f32, !llvm.ptr omp.yield } return } // ----- omp.declare_reduction @add_f32 : f32 init { ^bb0(%arg: f32): %0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32 omp.yield (%0 : f32) } combiner { ^bb1(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32): %1 = arith.addf %arg0, %arg1 : f32 omp.yield (%1 : f32) } atomic { ^bb2(%arg2: !llvm.ptr, %arg3: !llvm.ptr): %2 = llvm.load %arg3 : !llvm.ptr -> f32 llvm.atomicrmw fadd %arg2, %2 monotonic : !llvm.ptr, f32 omp.yield } func.func @foo(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index, %mem : memref<1xf32>) { %c1 = arith.constant 1 : i32 // expected-error @below {{expected accumulator ('memref<1xf32>') to be the same type as reduction declaration ('!llvm.ptr')}} omp.wsloop reduction(@add_f32 %mem -> %prv : memref<1xf32>) for (%iv) : index = (%lb) to (%ub) step (%step) { %2 = arith.constant 2.0 : f32 omp.reduction %2, %mem : f32, memref<1xf32> omp.yield } return } // ----- func.func @omp_critical2() -> () { // expected-error @below {{expected symbol reference @excl to point to a critical declaration}} omp.critical(@excl) { omp.terminator } return } // ----- // expected-error @below {{the hints omp_sync_hint_uncontended and omp_sync_hint_contended cannot be combined}} omp.critical.declare @mutex hint(uncontended, contended) // ----- // expected-error @below {{the hints omp_sync_hint_nonspeculative and omp_sync_hint_speculative cannot be combined}} omp.critical.declare @mutex hint(nonspeculative, speculative) // ----- // expected-error @below {{invalid_hint is not a valid hint}} omp.critical.declare @mutex hint(invalid_hint) // ----- func.func @omp_ordered1(%arg1 : i32, %arg2 : i32, %arg3 : i32) -> () { omp.wsloop ordered(1) for (%0) : i32 = (%arg1) to (%arg2) step (%arg3) { // expected-error @below {{ordered region must be closely nested inside a worksharing-loop region with an ordered clause without parameter present}} omp.ordered.region { omp.terminator } omp.yield } return } // ----- func.func @omp_ordered2(%arg1 : i32, %arg2 : i32, %arg3 : i32) -> () { omp.wsloop for (%0) : i32 = (%arg1) to (%arg2) step (%arg3) { // expected-error @below {{ordered region must be closely nested inside a worksharing-loop region with an ordered clause without parameter present}} omp.ordered.region { omp.terminator } omp.yield } return } // ----- func.func @omp_ordered3(%vec0 : i64) -> () { // expected-error @below {{ordered depend directive must be closely nested inside a worksharing-loop with ordered clause with parameter present}} omp.ordered depend_type(dependsink) depend_vec(%vec0 : i64) {num_loops_val = 1 : i64} return } // ----- func.func @omp_ordered4(%arg1 : i32, %arg2 : i32, %arg3 : i32, %vec0 : i64) -> () { omp.wsloop ordered(0) for (%0) : i32 = (%arg1) to (%arg2) step (%arg3) { // expected-error @below {{ordered depend directive must be closely nested inside a worksharing-loop with ordered clause with parameter present}} omp.ordered depend_type(dependsink) depend_vec(%vec0 : i64) {num_loops_val = 1 : i64} omp.yield } return } // ----- func.func @omp_ordered5(%arg1 : i32, %arg2 : i32, %arg3 : i32, %vec0 : i64, %vec1 : i64) -> () { omp.wsloop ordered(1) for (%0) : i32 = (%arg1) to (%arg2) step (%arg3) { // expected-error @below {{number of variables in depend clause does not match number of iteration variables in the doacross loop}} omp.ordered depend_type(dependsource) depend_vec(%vec0, %vec1 : i64, i64) {num_loops_val = 2 : i64} omp.yield } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_read1(%x: memref, %v: memref) { // expected-error @below {{the hints omp_sync_hint_nonspeculative and omp_sync_hint_speculative cannot be combined.}} omp.atomic.read %v = %x hint(speculative, nonspeculative) : memref, i32 return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_read2(%x: memref, %v: memref) { // expected-error @below {{invalid clause value: 'xyz'}} omp.atomic.read %v = %x memory_order(xyz) : memref, i32 return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_read3(%x: memref, %v: memref) { // expected-error @below {{memory-order must not be acq_rel or release for atomic reads}} omp.atomic.read %v = %x memory_order(acq_rel) : memref, i32 return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_read4(%x: memref, %v: memref) { // expected-error @below {{memory-order must not be acq_rel or release for atomic reads}} omp.atomic.read %v = %x memory_order(release) : memref, i32 return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_read5(%x: memref, %v: memref) { // expected-error @below {{`memory_order` clause can appear at most once in the expansion of the oilist directive}} omp.atomic.read %v = %x memory_order(acquire) memory_order(relaxed) : memref, i32 return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_read6(%x: memref, %v: memref) { // expected-error @below {{`hint` clause can appear at most once in the expansion of the oilist directive}} omp.atomic.read %v = %x hint(speculative) hint(contended) : memref, i32 return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_read6(%x: memref, %v: memref) { // expected-error @below {{read and write must not be to the same location for atomic reads}} omp.atomic.read %x = %x hint(speculative) : memref, i32 return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_write1(%addr : memref, %val : i32) { // expected-error @below {{the hints omp_sync_hint_uncontended and omp_sync_hint_contended cannot be combined}} omp.atomic.write %addr = %val hint(contended, uncontended) : memref, i32 return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_write2(%addr : memref, %val : i32) { // expected-error @below {{memory-order must not be acq_rel or acquire for atomic writes}} omp.atomic.write %addr = %val memory_order(acq_rel) : memref, i32 return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_write3(%addr : memref, %val : i32) { // expected-error @below {{memory-order must not be acq_rel or acquire for atomic writes}} omp.atomic.write %addr = %val memory_order(acquire) : memref, i32 return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_write4(%addr : memref, %val : i32) { // expected-error @below {{`memory_order` clause can appear at most once in the expansion of the oilist directive}} omp.atomic.write %addr = %val memory_order(release) memory_order(seq_cst) : memref, i32 return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_write5(%addr : memref, %val : i32) { // expected-error @below {{`hint` clause can appear at most once in the expansion of the oilist directive}} omp.atomic.write %addr = %val hint(contended) hint(speculative) : memref, i32 return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_write6(%addr : memref, %val : i32) { // expected-error @below {{invalid clause value: 'xyz'}} omp.atomic.write %addr = %val memory_order(xyz) : memref, i32 return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_write(%addr : memref>, %val : i32) { // expected-error @below {{address must dereference to value type}} omp.atomic.write %addr = %val : memref>, i32 return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_update1(%x: memref, %expr: f32) { // expected-error @below {{the type of the operand must be a pointer type whose element type is the same as that of the region argument}} omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: f32): %newval = llvm.fadd %xval, %expr : f32 omp.yield (%newval : f32) } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_update2(%x: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @+2 {{op expects regions to end with 'omp.yield', found 'omp.terminator'}} // expected-note @below {{in custom textual format, the absence of terminator implies 'omp.yield'}} omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_update3(%x: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{memory-order must not be acq_rel or acquire for atomic updates}} omp.atomic.update memory_order(acq_rel) %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%newval : i32) } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_update4(%x: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{memory-order must not be acq_rel or acquire for atomic updates}} omp.atomic.update memory_order(acquire) %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%newval : i32) } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_update5(%x: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{invalid kind of type specified}} omp.atomic.update %x : i32 { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%newval : i32) } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_update6(%x: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{only updated value must be returned}} omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%newval, %expr : i32, i32) } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_update7(%x: memref, %expr: i32, %y: f32) { // expected-error @below {{input and yielded value must have the same type}} omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%y: f32) } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_update8(%x: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{the region must accept exactly one argument}} omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32, %tmp: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%newval : i32) } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_update(%x: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{the hints omp_sync_hint_uncontended and omp_sync_hint_contended cannot be combined}} omp.atomic.update hint(uncontended, contended) %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%newval : i32) } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_update(%x: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{the hints omp_sync_hint_nonspeculative and omp_sync_hint_speculative cannot be combined}} omp.atomic.update hint(nonspeculative, speculative) %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%newval : i32) } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_update(%x: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{invalid_hint is not a valid hint}} omp.atomic.update hint(invalid_hint) %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%newval : i32) } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{expected three operations in atomic.capture region}} omp.atomic.capture { omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref, i32 omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { omp.atomic.capture { // expected-error @below {{invalid sequence of operations in the capture region}} omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref, i32 omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref, i32 omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { omp.atomic.capture { // expected-error @below {{invalid sequence of operations in the capture region}} omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%newval : i32) } omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%newval : i32) } omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { omp.atomic.capture { // expected-error @below {{invalid sequence of operations in the capture region}} omp.atomic.write %x = %expr : memref, i32 omp.atomic.write %x = %expr : memref, i32 omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { omp.atomic.capture { // expected-error @below {{invalid sequence of operations in the capture region}} omp.atomic.write %x = %expr : memref, i32 omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%newval : i32) } omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { omp.atomic.capture { // expected-error @below {{invalid sequence of operations in the capture region}} omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%newval : i32) } omp.atomic.write %x = %expr : memref, i32 omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { omp.atomic.capture { // expected-error @below {{invalid sequence of operations in the capture region}} omp.atomic.write %x = %expr : memref, i32 omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref, i32 omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %y: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { omp.atomic.capture { // expected-error @below {{updated variable in atomic.update must be captured in second operation}} omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%newval : i32) } omp.atomic.read %v = %y : memref, i32 omp.terminator } } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %y: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { omp.atomic.capture { // expected-error @below {{captured variable in atomic.read must be updated in second operation}} omp.atomic.read %v = %y : memref, i32 omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield (%newval : i32) } omp.terminator } } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %y: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { omp.atomic.capture { // expected-error @below {{captured variable in atomic.read must be updated in second operation}} omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref, i32 omp.atomic.write %y = %expr : memref, i32 omp.terminator } } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{the hints omp_sync_hint_uncontended and omp_sync_hint_contended cannot be combined}} omp.atomic.capture hint(contended, uncontended) { omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield(%newval : i32) } omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref, i32 } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{the hints omp_sync_hint_nonspeculative and omp_sync_hint_speculative cannot be combined}} omp.atomic.capture hint(nonspeculative, speculative) { omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield(%newval : i32) } omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref, i32 } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{invalid_hint is not a valid hint}} omp.atomic.capture hint(invalid_hint) { omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield(%newval : i32) } omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref, i32 } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{operations inside capture region must not have hint clause}} omp.atomic.capture { omp.atomic.update hint(uncontended) %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield(%newval : i32) } omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref, i32 } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{operations inside capture region must not have memory_order clause}} omp.atomic.capture { omp.atomic.update memory_order(seq_cst) %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield(%newval : i32) } omp.atomic.read %v = %x : memref, i32 } return } // ----- func.func @omp_atomic_capture(%x: memref, %v: memref, %expr: i32) { // expected-error @below {{operations inside capture region must not have memory_order clause}} omp.atomic.capture { omp.atomic.update %x : memref { ^bb0(%xval: i32): %newval = llvm.add %xval, %expr : i32 omp.yield(%newval : i32) } omp.atomic.read %v = %x memory_order(seq_cst) : memref, i32 } return } // ----- func.func @omp_teams_parent() { omp.parallel { // expected-error @below {{expected to be nested inside of omp.target or not nested in any OpenMP dialect operations}} omp.teams { omp.terminator } omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_teams_allocate(%data_var : memref) { omp.target { // expected-error @below {{expected equal sizes for allocate and allocator variables}} "omp.teams" (%data_var) ({ omp.terminator }) {operandSegmentSizes = array} : (memref) -> () omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_teams_num_teams1(%lb : i32) { omp.target { // expected-error @below {{expected num_teams upper bound to be defined if the lower bound is defined}} "omp.teams" (%lb) ({ omp.terminator }) {operandSegmentSizes = array} : (i32) -> () omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_teams_num_teams2(%lb : i32, %ub : i16) { omp.target { // expected-error @below {{expected num_teams upper bound and lower bound to be the same type}} omp.teams num_teams(%lb : i32 to %ub : i16) { omp.terminator } omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_sections(%data_var : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{expected equal sizes for allocate and allocator variables}} "omp.sections" (%data_var) ({ omp.terminator }) {operandSegmentSizes = array} : (memref) -> () return } // ----- func.func @omp_sections(%data_var : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{expected as many reduction symbol references as reduction variables}} "omp.sections" (%data_var) ({ omp.terminator }) {operandSegmentSizes = array} : (memref) -> () return } // ----- func.func @omp_sections(%data_var : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{expected omp.section op or terminator op inside region}} omp.sections { "test.payload" () : () -> () } return } // ----- func.func @omp_sections(%cond : i1) { // expected-error @below {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.sections if(%cond) { omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_sections() { // expected-error @below {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.sections num_threads(10) { omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_sections() { // expected-error @below {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.sections proc_bind(close) { omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_sections(%data_var : memref, %linear_var : i32) { // expected-error @below {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.sections linear(%data_var = %linear_var : memref) { omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_sections() { // expected-error @below {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.sections schedule(static, none) { omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_sections() { // expected-error @below {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.sections collapse(3) { omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_sections() { // expected-error @below {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.sections ordered(2) { omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_sections() { // expected-error @below {{expected '{' to begin a region}} omp.sections order(concurrent) { omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_sections() { // expected-error @below {{failed to verify constraint: region with 1 blocks}} omp.sections { omp.section { omp.terminator } omp.terminator ^bb2: omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_single(%data_var : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{expected equal sizes for allocate and allocator variables}} "omp.single" (%data_var) ({ omp.barrier }) {operandSegmentSizes = array} : (memref) -> () return } // ----- func.func @omp_single_copyprivate(%data_var : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{inconsistent number of copyPrivate vars (= 1) and functions (= 0), both must be equal}} "omp.single" (%data_var) ({ omp.barrier }) {operandSegmentSizes = array} : (memref) -> () return } // ----- func.func @omp_single_copyprivate(%data_var : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{expected symbol reference @copy_func to point to a copy function}} omp.single copyprivate(%data_var -> @copy_func : memref) { omp.barrier } return } // ----- func.func private @copy_func(memref) func.func @omp_single_copyprivate(%data_var : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{expected copy function @copy_func to have 2 operands}} omp.single copyprivate(%data_var -> @copy_func : memref) { omp.barrier } return } // ----- func.func private @copy_func(memref, memref) func.func @omp_single_copyprivate(%data_var : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{expected copy function @copy_func arguments to have the same type}} omp.single copyprivate(%data_var -> @copy_func : memref) { omp.barrier } return } // ----- func.func private @copy_func(memref, memref) func.func @omp_single_copyprivate(%data_var : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{expected copy function arguments' type ('memref') to be the same as copyprivate variable's type ('memref')}} omp.single copyprivate(%data_var -> @copy_func : memref) { omp.barrier } return } // ----- func.func @omp_task_depend(%data_var: memref) { // expected-error @below {{op expected as many depend values as depend variables}} "omp.task"(%data_var) ({ "omp.terminator"() : () -> () }) {depends = [], operandSegmentSizes = array} : (memref) -> () "func.return"() : () -> () } // ----- func.func @omp_task(%ptr: !llvm.ptr) { // expected-error @below {{op expected symbol reference @add_f32 to point to a reduction declaration}} omp.task in_reduction(@add_f32 -> %ptr : !llvm.ptr) { // CHECK: "test.foo"() : () -> () "test.foo"() : () -> () // CHECK: omp.terminator omp.terminator } } // ----- omp.declare_reduction @add_f32 : f32 init { ^bb0(%arg: f32): %0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32 omp.yield (%0 : f32) } combiner { ^bb1(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32): %1 = arith.addf %arg0, %arg1 : f32 omp.yield (%1 : f32) } func.func @omp_task(%ptr: !llvm.ptr) { // expected-error @below {{op accumulator variable used more than once}} omp.task in_reduction(@add_f32 -> %ptr : !llvm.ptr, @add_f32 -> %ptr : !llvm.ptr) { // CHECK: "test.foo"() : () -> () "test.foo"() : () -> () // CHECK: omp.terminator omp.terminator } } // ----- omp.declare_reduction @add_i32 : i32 init { ^bb0(%arg: i32): %0 = arith.constant 0 : i32 omp.yield (%0 : i32) } combiner { ^bb1(%arg0: i32, %arg1: i32): %1 = arith.addi %arg0, %arg1 : i32 omp.yield (%1 : i32) } atomic { ^bb2(%arg2: !llvm.ptr, %arg3: !llvm.ptr): %2 = llvm.load %arg3 : !llvm.ptr -> i32 llvm.atomicrmw add %arg2, %2 monotonic : !llvm.ptr, i32 omp.yield } func.func @omp_task(%mem: memref<1xf32>) { // expected-error @below {{op expected accumulator ('memref<1xf32>') to be the same type as reduction declaration ('!llvm.ptr')}} omp.task in_reduction(@add_i32 -> %mem : memref<1xf32>) { // CHECK: "test.foo"() : () -> () "test.foo"() : () -> () // CHECK: omp.terminator omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_cancel() { omp.sections { // expected-error @below {{cancel parallel must appear inside a parallel region}} omp.cancel cancellation_construct_type(parallel) // CHECK: omp.terminator omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_cancel1() { omp.parallel { // expected-error @below {{cancel sections must appear inside a sections region}} omp.cancel cancellation_construct_type(sections) // CHECK: omp.terminator omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_cancel2() { omp.sections { // expected-error @below {{cancel loop must appear inside a worksharing-loop region}} omp.cancel cancellation_construct_type(loop) // CHECK: omp.terminator omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_cancel3(%arg1 : i32, %arg2 : i32, %arg3 : i32) -> () { omp.wsloop nowait for (%0) : i32 = (%arg1) to (%arg2) step (%arg3) { // expected-error @below {{A worksharing construct that is canceled must not have a nowait clause}} omp.cancel cancellation_construct_type(loop) // CHECK: omp.terminator omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_cancel4(%arg1 : i32, %arg2 : i32, %arg3 : i32) -> () { omp.wsloop ordered(1) for (%0) : i32 = (%arg1) to (%arg2) step (%arg3) { // expected-error @below {{A worksharing construct that is canceled must not have an ordered clause}} omp.cancel cancellation_construct_type(loop) // CHECK: omp.terminator omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_cancel5() -> () { omp.sections nowait { omp.section { // expected-error @below {{A sections construct that is canceled must not have a nowait clause}} omp.cancel cancellation_construct_type(sections) omp.terminator } // CHECK: omp.terminator omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_cancellationpoint() { omp.sections { // expected-error @below {{cancellation point parallel must appear inside a parallel region}} omp.cancellation_point cancellation_construct_type(parallel) // CHECK: omp.terminator omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_cancellationpoint1() { omp.parallel { // expected-error @below {{cancellation point sections must appear inside a sections region}} omp.cancellation_point cancellation_construct_type(sections) // CHECK: omp.terminator omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_cancellationpoint2() { omp.sections { // expected-error @below {{cancellation point loop must appear inside a worksharing-loop region}} omp.cancellation_point cancellation_construct_type(loop) // CHECK: omp.terminator omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @taskloop(%lb: i32, %ub: i32, %step: i32) { %testmemref = "test.memref"() : () -> (memref) // expected-error @below {{expected equal sizes for allocate and allocator variables}} "omp.taskloop"(%lb, %ub, %ub, %lb, %step, %step, %testmemref) ({ ^bb0(%arg3: i32, %arg4: i32): "omp.terminator"() : () -> () }) {operandSegmentSizes = array} : (i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, memref) -> () return } // ----- func.func @taskloop(%lb: i32, %ub: i32, %step: i32) { %testf32 = "test.f32"() : () -> (!llvm.ptr) %testf32_2 = "test.f32"() : () -> (!llvm.ptr) // expected-error @below {{expected as many reduction symbol references as reduction variables}} "omp.taskloop"(%lb, %ub, %ub, %lb, %step, %step, %testf32, %testf32_2) ({ ^bb0(%arg3: i32, %arg4: i32): "omp.terminator"() : () -> () }) {operandSegmentSizes = array, reductions = [@add_f32]} : (i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, !llvm.ptr, !llvm.ptr) -> () return } // ----- func.func @taskloop(%lb: i32, %ub: i32, %step: i32) { %testf32 = "test.f32"() : () -> (!llvm.ptr) %testf32_2 = "test.f32"() : () -> (!llvm.ptr) // expected-error @below {{expected as many reduction symbol references as reduction variables}} "omp.taskloop"(%lb, %ub, %ub, %lb, %step, %step, %testf32) ({ ^bb0(%arg3: i32, %arg4: i32): "omp.terminator"() : () -> () }) {operandSegmentSizes = array, reductions = [@add_f32, @add_f32]} : (i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, !llvm.ptr) -> () return } // ----- func.func @taskloop(%lb: i32, %ub: i32, %step: i32) { %testf32 = "test.f32"() : () -> (!llvm.ptr) %testf32_2 = "test.f32"() : () -> (!llvm.ptr) // expected-error @below {{expected as many reduction symbol references as reduction variables}} "omp.taskloop"(%lb, %ub, %ub, %lb, %step, %step, %testf32, %testf32_2) ({ ^bb0(%arg3: i32, %arg4: i32): "omp.terminator"() : () -> () }) {in_reductions = [@add_f32], operandSegmentSizes = array} : (i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, !llvm.ptr, !llvm.ptr) -> () return } // ----- func.func @taskloop(%lb: i32, %ub: i32, %step: i32) { %testf32 = "test.f32"() : () -> (!llvm.ptr) %testf32_2 = "test.f32"() : () -> (!llvm.ptr) // expected-error @below {{expected as many reduction symbol references as reduction variables}} "omp.taskloop"(%lb, %ub, %ub, %lb, %step, %step, %testf32_2) ({ ^bb0(%arg3: i32, %arg4: i32): "omp.terminator"() : () -> () }) {in_reductions = [@add_f32, @add_f32], operandSegmentSizes = array} : (i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, !llvm.ptr) -> () return } // ----- omp.declare_reduction @add_f32 : f32 init { ^bb0(%arg: f32): %0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32 omp.yield (%0 : f32) } combiner { ^bb1(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32): %1 = arith.addf %arg0, %arg1 : f32 omp.yield (%1 : f32) } func.func @taskloop(%lb: i32, %ub: i32, %step: i32) { %testf32 = "test.f32"() : () -> (!llvm.ptr) %testf32_2 = "test.f32"() : () -> (!llvm.ptr) // expected-error @below {{if a reduction clause is present on the taskloop directive, the nogroup clause must not be specified}} omp.taskloop reduction(@add_f32 -> %testf32 : !llvm.ptr, @add_f32 -> %testf32_2 : !llvm.ptr) nogroup for (%i, %j) : i32 = (%lb, %ub) to (%ub, %lb) step (%step, %step) { omp.terminator } return } // ----- omp.declare_reduction @add_f32 : f32 init { ^bb0(%arg: f32): %0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32 omp.yield (%0 : f32) } combiner { ^bb1(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32): %1 = arith.addf %arg0, %arg1 : f32 omp.yield (%1 : f32) } func.func @taskloop(%lb: i32, %ub: i32, %step: i32) { %testf32 = "test.f32"() : () -> (!llvm.ptr) // expected-error @below {{the same list item cannot appear in both a reduction and an in_reduction clause}} omp.taskloop reduction(@add_f32 -> %testf32 : !llvm.ptr) in_reduction(@add_f32 -> %testf32 : !llvm.ptr) for (%i, %j) : i32 = (%lb, %ub) to (%ub, %lb) step (%step, %step) { omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @taskloop(%lb: i32, %ub: i32, %step: i32) { %testi64 = "test.i64"() : () -> (i64) // expected-error @below {{the grainsize clause and num_tasks clause are mutually exclusive and may not appear on the same taskloop directive}} omp.taskloop grain_size(%testi64: i64) num_tasks(%testi64: i64) for (%i, %j) : i32 = (%lb, %ub) to (%ub, %lb) step (%step, %step) { omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @omp_threadprivate() { %1 = llvm.mlir.addressof @_QFsubEx : !llvm.ptr // expected-error @below {{op failed to verify that all of {sym_addr, tls_addr} have same type}} %2 = omp.threadprivate %1 : !llvm.ptr -> memref return } // ----- func.func @omp_target(%map1: memref) { %mapv = omp.map.info var_ptr(%map1 : memref, tensor) map_clauses(delete) capture(ByRef) -> memref {name = ""} // expected-error @below {{to, from, tofrom and alloc map types are permitted}} omp.target map_entries(%mapv -> %arg0: memref) { ^bb0(%arg0: memref): } return } // ----- func.func @omp_target_data(%map1: memref) { %mapv = omp.map.info var_ptr(%map1 : memref, tensor) map_clauses(delete) capture(ByRef) -> memref {name = ""} // expected-error @below {{to, from, tofrom and alloc map types are permitted}} omp.target_data map_entries(%mapv : memref){} return } // ----- func.func @omp_target_data() { // expected-error @below {{At least one of map, useDevicePtr, or useDeviceAddr operand must be present}} omp.target_data {} return } // ----- func.func @omp_target_enter_data(%map1: memref) { %mapv = omp.map.info var_ptr(%map1 : memref, tensor) map_clauses(from) capture(ByRef) -> memref {name = ""} // expected-error @below {{to and alloc map types are permitted}} omp.target_enter_data map_entries(%mapv : memref){} return } // ----- func.func @omp_target_enter_data_depend(%a: memref) { %0 = omp.map.info var_ptr(%a: memref, tensor) map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) -> memref // expected-error @below {{op expected as many depend values as depend variables}} omp.target_enter_data map_entries(%0: memref ) {operandSegmentSizes = array} return } // ----- func.func @omp_target_exit_data(%map1: memref) { %mapv = omp.map.info var_ptr(%map1 : memref, tensor) map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) -> memref {name = ""} // expected-error @below {{from, release and delete map types are permitted}} omp.target_exit_data map_entries(%mapv : memref){} return } // ----- func.func @omp_target_exit_data_depend(%a: memref) { %0 = omp.map.info var_ptr(%a: memref, tensor) map_clauses(from) capture(ByRef) -> memref // expected-error @below {{op expected as many depend values as depend variables}} omp.target_exit_data map_entries(%0: memref ) {operandSegmentSizes = array} return } // ----- func.func @omp_target_update_invalid_motion_type(%map1 : memref) { %mapv = omp.map.info var_ptr(%map1 : memref, tensor) map_clauses(exit_release_or_enter_alloc) capture(ByRef) -> memref {name = ""} // expected-error @below {{at least one of to or from map types must be specified, other map types are not permitted}} omp.target_update motion_entries(%mapv : memref) return } // ----- func.func @omp_target_update_invalid_motion_type_2(%map1 : memref) { %mapv = omp.map.info var_ptr(%map1 : memref, tensor) map_clauses(delete) capture(ByRef) -> memref {name = ""} // expected-error @below {{at least one of to or from map types must be specified, other map types are not permitted}} omp.target_update motion_entries(%mapv : memref) return } // ----- func.func @omp_target_update_invalid_motion_modifier(%map1 : memref) { %mapv = omp.map.info var_ptr(%map1 : memref, tensor) map_clauses(always, to) capture(ByRef) -> memref {name = ""} // expected-error @below {{present, mapper and iterator map type modifiers are permitted}} omp.target_update motion_entries(%mapv : memref) return } // ----- func.func @omp_target_update_invalid_motion_modifier_2(%map1 : memref) { %mapv = omp.map.info var_ptr(%map1 : memref, tensor) map_clauses(close, to) capture(ByRef) -> memref {name = ""} // expected-error @below {{present, mapper and iterator map type modifiers are permitted}} omp.target_update motion_entries(%mapv : memref) return } // ----- func.func @omp_target_update_invalid_motion_modifier_3(%map1 : memref) { %mapv = omp.map.info var_ptr(%map1 : memref, tensor) map_clauses(implicit, to) capture(ByRef) -> memref {name = ""} // expected-error @below {{present, mapper and iterator map type modifiers are permitted}} omp.target_update motion_entries(%mapv : memref) return } // ----- func.func @omp_target_update_invalid_motion_modifier_4(%map1 : memref) { %mapv = omp.map.info var_ptr(%map1 : memref, tensor) map_clauses(implicit, tofrom) capture(ByRef) -> memref {name = ""} // expected-error @below {{either to or from map types can be specified, not both}} omp.target_update motion_entries(%mapv : memref) return } // ----- func.func @omp_target_update_invalid_motion_modifier_5(%map1 : memref) { %mapv = omp.map.info var_ptr(%map1 : memref, tensor) map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) -> memref {name = ""} %mapv2 = omp.map.info var_ptr(%map1 : memref, tensor) map_clauses(from) capture(ByRef) -> memref {name = ""} // expected-error @below {{either to or from map types can be specified, not both}} omp.target_update motion_entries(%mapv, %mapv2 : memref, memref) return } llvm.mlir.global internal @_QFsubEx() : i32 // ----- func.func @omp_target_update_data_depend(%a: memref) { %0 = omp.map.info var_ptr(%a: memref, tensor) map_clauses(to) capture(ByRef) -> memref // expected-error @below {{op expected as many depend values as depend variables}} omp.target_update motion_entries(%0: memref ) {operandSegmentSizes = array} return } // ----- func.func @omp_target_depend(%data_var: memref) { // expected-error @below {{op expected as many depend values as depend variables}} "omp.target"(%data_var) ({ "omp.terminator"() : () -> () }) {depends = [], operandSegmentSizes = array} : (memref) -> () "func.return"() : () -> () } // ----- func.func @omp_distribute(%data_var : memref) -> () { // expected-error @below {{expected equal sizes for allocate and allocator variables}} "omp.distribute"(%data_var) <{operandSegmentSizes = array}> ({ "omp.terminator"() : () -> () }) : (memref) -> () } // ----- omp.private {type = private} @x.privatizer : i32 alloc { ^bb0(%arg0: i32): %0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f32 // expected-error @below {{Invalid yielded value. Expected type: 'i32', got: 'f32'}} omp.yield(%0 : f32) } // ----- omp.private {type = private} @x.privatizer : i32 alloc { ^bb0(%arg0: i32): // expected-error @below {{Invalid yielded value. Expected type: 'i32', got: None}} omp.yield } // ----- omp.private {type = private} @x.privatizer : i32 alloc { ^bb0(%arg0: i32): // expected-error @below {{expected exit block terminator to be an `omp.yield` op.}} omp.terminator } // ----- // expected-error @below {{`alloc`: expected 1 region arguments, got: 2}} omp.private {type = private} @x.privatizer : f32 alloc { ^bb0(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32): omp.yield(%arg0 : f32) } // ----- // expected-error @below {{`copy`: expected 2 region arguments, got: 1}} omp.private {type = firstprivate} @x.privatizer : f32 alloc { ^bb0(%arg0: f32): omp.yield(%arg0 : f32) } copy { ^bb0(%arg0: f32): omp.yield(%arg0 : f32) } // ----- // expected-error @below {{`private` clauses require only an `alloc` region.}} omp.private {type = private} @x.privatizer : f32 alloc { ^bb0(%arg0: f32): omp.yield(%arg0 : f32) } copy { ^bb0(%arg0: f32, %arg1 : f32): omp.yield(%arg0 : f32) } // ----- // expected-error @below {{`firstprivate` clauses require both `alloc` and `copy` regions.}} omp.private {type = firstprivate} @x.privatizer : f32 alloc { ^bb0(%arg0: f32): omp.yield(%arg0 : f32) } // ----- func.func @private_type_mismatch(%arg0: index) { // expected-error @below {{type mismatch between a private variable and its privatizer op, var type: 'index' vs. privatizer op type: '!llvm.ptr'}} omp.parallel private(@var1.privatizer %arg0 -> %arg2 : index) { omp.terminator } return } omp.private {type = private} @var1.privatizer : !llvm.ptr alloc { ^bb0(%arg0: !llvm.ptr): omp.yield(%arg0 : !llvm.ptr) } // ----- func.func @firstprivate_type_mismatch(%arg0: index) { // expected-error @below {{type mismatch between a firstprivate variable and its privatizer op, var type: 'index' vs. privatizer op type: '!llvm.ptr'}} omp.parallel private(@var1.privatizer %arg0 -> %arg2 : index) { omp.terminator } return } omp.private {type = firstprivate} @var1.privatizer : !llvm.ptr alloc { ^bb0(%arg0: !llvm.ptr): omp.yield(%arg0 : !llvm.ptr) } copy { ^bb0(%arg0: !llvm.ptr, %arg1: !llvm.ptr): omp.yield(%arg0 : !llvm.ptr) } // ----- func.func @undefined_privatizer(%arg0: index) { // expected-error @below {{failed to lookup privatizer op with symbol: '@var1.privatizer'}} omp.parallel private(@var1.privatizer %arg0 -> %arg2 : index) { omp.terminator } return } // ----- func.func @undefined_privatizer(%arg0: !llvm.ptr) { // expected-error @below {{inconsistent number of private variables and privatizer op symbols, private vars: 1 vs. privatizer op symbols: 2}} "omp.parallel"(%arg0) <{operandSegmentSizes = array, privatizers = [@x.privatizer, @y.privatizer]}> ({ ^bb0(%arg2: !llvm.ptr): omp.terminator }) : (!llvm.ptr) -> () return }