#!/usr/bin/env python3 """A script to generate FileCheck statements for 'opt' regression tests. This script is a utility to update LLVM opt test cases with new FileCheck patterns. It can either update all of the tests in the file or a single test function. Example usage: # Default to using `opt` as found in your PATH. $ update_test_checks.py test/foo.ll # Override the path lookup. $ update_test_checks.py --tool-binary=../bin/opt test/foo.ll # Use a custom tool instead of `opt`. $ update_test_checks.py --tool=yourtool test/foo.ll Workflow: 1. Make a compiler patch that requires updating some number of FileCheck lines in regression test files. 2. Save the patch and revert it from your local work area. 3. Update the RUN-lines in the affected regression tests to look canonical. Example: "; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s" 4. Refresh the FileCheck lines for either the entire file or select functions by running this script. 5. Commit the fresh baseline of checks. 6. Apply your patch from step 1 and rebuild your local binaries. 7. Re-run this script on affected regression tests. 8. Check the diffs to ensure the script has done something reasonable. 9. Submit a patch including the regression test diffs for review. """ from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os # Used to advertise this file's name ("autogenerated_note"). import re import sys from UpdateTestChecks import common def main(): from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "--tool", default="opt", help='The name of the tool used to generate the test case (defaults to "opt")', ) parser.add_argument( "--tool-binary", "--opt-binary", help="The tool binary used to generate the test case", ) parser.add_argument("--function", help="The function in the test file to update") parser.add_argument( "-p", "--preserve-names", action="store_true", help="Do not scrub IR names" ) parser.add_argument( "--function-signature", action="store_true", help="Keep function signature information around for the check line", ) parser.add_argument( "--scrub-attributes", action="store_true", help="Remove attribute annotations (#0) from the end of check line", ) parser.add_argument( "--check-attributes", action="store_true", help='Check "Function Attributes" for functions', ) parser.add_argument( "--check-globals", nargs="?", const="all", default="default", choices=["none", "smart", "all"], help="Check global entries (global variables, metadata, attribute sets, ...) for functions", ) parser.add_argument( "--reset-variable-names", action="store_true", help="Reset all variable names to correspond closely to the variable names in IR. " "This tends to result in larger diffs.", ) parser.add_argument("tests", nargs="+") initial_args = common.parse_commandline_args(parser) script_name = os.path.basename(__file__) if initial_args.tool_binary: tool_basename = os.path.basename(initial_args.tool_binary) if not re.match(r"^%s(-\d+)?(\.exe)?$" % (initial_args.tool), tool_basename): common.error("Unexpected tool name: " + tool_basename) sys.exit(1) for ti in common.itertests( initial_args.tests, parser, script_name="utils/" + script_name ): # If requested we scrub trailing attribute annotations, e.g., '#0', together with whitespaces if ti.args.scrub_attributes: common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_TEST_RE = ( common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_AND_ATTRIBUTES_RE ) else: common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_TEST_RE = ( common.SCRUB_TRAILING_WHITESPACE_RE ) tool_basename = ti.args.tool prefix_list = [] for l in ti.run_lines: if "|" not in l: common.warn("Skipping unparsable RUN line: " + l) continue commands = [cmd.strip() for cmd in l.split("|")] assert len(commands) >= 2 preprocess_cmd = None if len(commands) > 2: preprocess_cmd = " | ".join(commands[:-2]) tool_cmd = commands[-2] filecheck_cmd = commands[-1] common.verify_filecheck_prefixes(filecheck_cmd) if not tool_cmd.startswith(tool_basename + " "): common.warn("Skipping non-%s RUN line: %s" % (tool_basename, l)) continue if not filecheck_cmd.startswith("FileCheck "): common.warn("Skipping non-FileChecked RUN line: " + l) continue tool_cmd_args = tool_cmd[len(tool_basename) :].strip() tool_cmd_args = tool_cmd_args.replace("< %s", "").replace("%s", "").strip() check_prefixes = common.get_check_prefixes(filecheck_cmd) # FIXME: We should use multiple check prefixes to common check lines. For # now, we just ignore all but the last. prefix_list.append((check_prefixes, tool_cmd_args, preprocess_cmd)) ginfo = common.make_ir_generalizer(ti.args.version) global_vars_seen_dict = {} builder = common.FunctionTestBuilder( run_list=prefix_list, flags=ti.args, scrubber_args=[], path=ti.path, ginfo=ginfo, ) tool_binary = ti.args.tool_binary if not tool_binary: tool_binary = tool_basename for prefixes, tool_args, preprocess_cmd in prefix_list: common.debug("Extracted tool cmd: " + tool_basename + " " + tool_args) common.debug("Extracted FileCheck prefixes: " + str(prefixes)) raw_tool_output = common.invoke_tool( tool_binary, tool_args, ti.path, preprocess_cmd=preprocess_cmd, verbose=ti.args.verbose, ) builder.process_run_line( common.OPT_FUNCTION_RE, common.scrub_body, raw_tool_output, prefixes, ) builder.processed_prefixes(prefixes) prefix_set = set( [prefix for prefixes, _, _ in prefix_list for prefix in prefixes] ) if not ti.args.reset_variable_names: original_check_lines = common.collect_original_check_lines(ti, prefix_set) else: original_check_lines = {} func_dict = builder.finish_and_get_func_dict() is_in_function = False is_in_function_start = False has_checked_pre_function_globals = False common.debug("Rewriting FileCheck prefixes:", str(prefix_set)) output_lines = [] include_generated_funcs = common.find_arg_in_test( ti, lambda args: ti.args.include_generated_funcs, "--include-generated-funcs", True, ) generated_prefixes = [] if include_generated_funcs: # Generate the appropriate checks for each function. We need to emit # these in the order according to the generated output so that CHECK-LABEL # works properly. func_order provides that. # We can't predict where various passes might insert functions so we can't # be sure the input function order is maintained. Therefore, first spit # out all the source lines. common.dump_input_lines(output_lines, ti, prefix_set, ";") args = ti.args if args.check_globals != 'none': generated_prefixes.extend( common.add_global_checks( builder.global_var_dict(), ";", prefix_list, output_lines, ginfo, global_vars_seen_dict, args.preserve_names, True, args.check_globals, ) ) # Now generate all the checks. generated_prefixes.extend( common.add_checks_at_end( output_lines, prefix_list, builder.func_order(), ";", lambda my_output_lines, prefixes, func: common.add_ir_checks( my_output_lines, ";", prefixes, func_dict, func, False, args.function_signature, ginfo, global_vars_seen_dict, is_filtered=builder.is_filtered(), original_check_lines=original_check_lines.get(func, {}), ), ) ) else: # "Normal" mode. dropped_previous_line = False for input_line_info in ti.iterlines(output_lines): input_line = input_line_info.line args = input_line_info.args if is_in_function_start: if input_line == "": continue if input_line.lstrip().startswith(";"): m = common.CHECK_RE.match(input_line) if not m or m.group(1) not in prefix_set: output_lines.append(input_line) continue # Print out the various check lines here. generated_prefixes.extend( common.add_ir_checks( output_lines, ";", prefix_list, func_dict, func_name, args.preserve_names, args.function_signature, ginfo, global_vars_seen_dict, is_filtered=builder.is_filtered(), original_check_lines=original_check_lines.get( func_name, {} ), ) ) is_in_function_start = False m = common.IR_FUNCTION_RE.match(input_line) if m and not has_checked_pre_function_globals: if args.check_globals: generated_prefixes.extend( common.add_global_checks( builder.global_var_dict(), ";", prefix_list, output_lines, ginfo, global_vars_seen_dict, args.preserve_names, True, args.check_globals, ) ) has_checked_pre_function_globals = True if common.should_add_line_to_output( input_line, prefix_set, skip_global_checks=not is_in_function, skip_same_checks=dropped_previous_line, ): # This input line of the function body will go as-is into the output. # Except make leading whitespace uniform: 2 spaces. input_line = common.SCRUB_LEADING_WHITESPACE_RE.sub( r" ", input_line ) output_lines.append(input_line) dropped_previous_line = False if input_line.strip() == "}": is_in_function = False continue else: # If we are removing a check line, and the next line is CHECK-SAME, it MUST also be removed dropped_previous_line = True if is_in_function: continue m = common.IR_FUNCTION_RE.match(input_line) if not m: continue func_name = m.group(1) if args.function is not None and func_name != args.function: # When filtering on a specific function, skip all others. continue is_in_function = is_in_function_start = True if args.check_globals != 'none': generated_prefixes.extend( common.add_global_checks( builder.global_var_dict(), ";", prefix_list, output_lines, ginfo, global_vars_seen_dict, args.preserve_names, False, args.check_globals, ) ) if ti.args.gen_unused_prefix_body: output_lines.extend( ti.get_checks_for_unused_prefixes(prefix_list, generated_prefixes) ) common.debug("Writing %d lines to %s..." % (len(output_lines), ti.path)) with open(ti.path, "wb") as f: f.writelines(["{}\n".format(l).encode("utf-8") for l in output_lines]) if __name__ == "__main__": main()