#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re, sys def fix_string(s): TYPE = re.compile('\s*(i[0-9]+|float|double|x86_fp80|fp128|ppc_fp128|\[\[.*?\]\]|\[2 x \[\[[A-Z_0-9]+\]\]\]|<.*?>|{.*?}|\[[0-9]+ x .*?\]|%["a-z:A-Z0-9._]+({{.*?}})?|%{{.*?}}|{{.*?}}|\[\[.*?\]\])(\s*(\*|addrspace\(.*?\)|dereferenceable\(.*?\)|byval\(.*?\)|sret|zeroext|inreg|returned|signext|nocapture|align \d+|swiftself|swifterror|readonly|noalias|inalloca|nocapture))*\s*') counter = 0 if 'i32{{.*}}' in s: counter = 1 at_pos = s.find('@') if at_pos == -1: at_pos = 0 annoying_pos = s.find('{{[^(]+}}') if annoying_pos != -1: at_pos = annoying_pos + 9 paren_pos = s.find('(', at_pos) if paren_pos == -1: return s res = s[:paren_pos+1] s = s[paren_pos+1:] m = TYPE.match(s) while m: res += m.group() s = s[m.end():] if s.startswith(',') or s.startswith(')'): res += f' %{counter}' counter += 1 next_arg = s.find(',') if next_arg == -1: break res += s[:next_arg+1] s = s[next_arg+1:] m = TYPE.match(s) return res+s def process_file(contents): PREFIX = re.compile(r'check-prefix(es)?(=|\s+)([a-zA-Z0-9,]+)') check_prefixes = ['CHECK'] result = '' for line in contents.split('\n'): if 'FileCheck' in line: m = PREFIX.search(line) if m: check_prefixes.extend(m.group(3).split(',')) found_check = False for prefix in check_prefixes: if prefix in line: found_check = True break if not found_check or 'define' not in line: result += line + '\n' continue # We have a check for a function definition. Number the args. line = fix_string(line) result += line + '\n' return result def main(): print(f'Processing {sys.argv[1]}') f = open(sys.argv[1]) content = f.read() f.close() content = process_file(content) f = open(sys.argv[1], 'w') f.write(content) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()