; RUN: not opt -S %s -passes=verify 2>&1 | FileCheck %s ; CHECK: Number of label constraints does not match number of callbr dests ; CHECK-NEXT: #too_few_label_constraints define void @too_few_label_constraints() { callbr void asm sideeffect "#too_few_label_constraints", "!i"() to label %1 [label %2, label %3] 1: ret void 2: ret void 3: ret void } ; CHECK-NOT: Number of label constraints does not match number of callbr dests define void @correct_label_constraints() { callbr void asm sideeffect "${0:l} ${1:l}", "!i,!i"() to label %1 [label %2, label %3] 1: ret void 2: ret void 3: ret void } ; CHECK: Number of label constraints does not match number of callbr dests ; CHECK-NEXT: #too_many_label_constraints define void @too_many_label_constraints() { callbr void asm sideeffect "#too_many_label_constraints", "!i,!i,!i"() to label %1 [label %2, label %3] 1: ret void 2: ret void 3: ret void } ; CHECK: Label constraints can only be used with callbr ; CHECK-NEXT: #label_constraint_without_callbr define void @label_constraint_without_callbr() { call void asm sideeffect "#label_constraint_without_callbr", "!i"() ret void } ; CHECK: Number of label constraints does not match number of callbr dests ; CHECK-NEXT: #callbr_without_label_constraint define void @callbr_without_label_constraint() { callbr void asm sideeffect "#callbr_without_label_constraint", ""() to label %1 [label %2] 1: ret void 2: ret void } ;; Ensure you can use the return value of a callbr in indirect targets. ;; No issue! define i32 @test4(i1 %var) { entry: %ret = callbr i32 asm sideeffect "#test4", "=r,!i"() to label %normal [label %abnormal] normal: ret i32 0 abnormal: ret i32 %ret } ;; Tests of the callbr.landingpad intrinsic function. declare i32 @llvm.callbr.landingpad.i64(i64) define void @callbrpad_bad_type() { entry: ; CHECK: Intrinsic has incorrect argument type! ; CHECK-NEXT: ptr @llvm.callbr.landingpad.i64 %foo = call i32 @llvm.callbr.landingpad.i64(i64 42) ret void } declare i32 @llvm.callbr.landingpad.i32(i32) define i32 @callbrpad_multi_preds() { entry: %foo = callbr i32 asm "", "=r,!i"() to label %direct [label %indirect] direct: br label %indirect indirect: ; CHECK-NEXT: Intrinsic in block must have 1 unique predecessor ; CHECK-NEXT: %out = call i32 @llvm.callbr.landingpad.i32(i32 %foo) %out = call i32 @llvm.callbr.landingpad.i32(i32 %foo) ret i32 %out } define void @callbrpad_wrong_callbr() { entry: %foo = callbr i32 asm "", "=r,!i"() to label %direct [label %indirect] direct: ; CHECK-NEXT: Intrinsic's corresponding callbr must have intrinsic's parent basic block in indirect destination list ; CHECK-NEXT: %x = call i32 @llvm.callbr.landingpad.i32(i32 %foo) %x = call i32 @llvm.callbr.landingpad.i32(i32 %foo) ret void indirect: ret void } declare i32 @foo(i32) define i32 @test_callbr_landingpad_not_first_inst() { entry: %0 = callbr i32 asm "", "=r,!i"() to label %asm.fallthrough [label %landingpad] asm.fallthrough: ret i32 42 landingpad: %foo = call i32 @foo(i32 42) ; CHECK-NEXT: No other instructions may proceed intrinsic ; CHECK-NEXT: %out = call i32 @llvm.callbr.landingpad.i32(i32 %0) %out = call i32 @llvm.callbr.landingpad.i32(i32 %0) ret i32 %out }