; This test makes sure that these instructions are properly constant propagated. ; RUN: opt < %s -passes=ipsccp -S | not grep load ; RUN: opt < %s -passes=ipsccp -S | not grep fdiv @X = constant i212 42 @Y = constant [2 x { i212, float }] [ { i212, float } { i212 12, float 1.0 }, { i212, float } { i212 37, float 0x3FF3B2FEC0000000 } ] define i212 @test1() { %B = load i212, ptr @X ret i212 %B } define internal float @test2() { %A = getelementptr [2 x { i212, float}], ptr @Y, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1 %B = load float, ptr %A ret float %B } define internal i212 @test3() { %A = getelementptr [2 x { i212, float}], ptr @Y, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0 %B = load i212, ptr %A ret i212 %B } define float @All() { %A = call float @test2() %B = call i212 @test3() %C = mul i212 %B, -1234567 %D = sitofp i212 %C to float %E = fdiv float %A, %D ret float %E }