; RUN: llvm-link -S %s %p/Inputs/type-unique-unrelated2.ll %p/Inputs/type-unique-unrelated3.ll | FileCheck %s ; CHECK: %t = type { ptr } ; CHECK: define %t @f2() { ; CHECK-NEXT: %x = call %t @f2() ; CHECK-NEXT: ret %t %x ; CHECK-NEXT: } ; CHECK: define %t @g2() { ; CHECK-NEXT: %x = call %t @g() ; CHECK-NEXT: ret %t %x ; CHECK-NEXT: } ; CHECK: define %t @g() { ; CHECK-NEXT: %x = call %t @f() ; CHECK-NEXT: ret %t %x ; CHECK-NEXT: } ; The idea of this test is that the %t in this file and the one in ; type-unique-unrelated2.ll look unrelated until type-unique-unrelated3.ll ; is merged in. %t = type { ptr } declare %t @f() define %t @f2() { %x = call %t @f2() ret %t %x }