; RUN: llc < %s -asm-verbose=false -mcpu=mvp -disable-wasm-fallthrough-return-opt -wasm-disable-explicit-locals -wasm-keep-registers | FileCheck %s ; Test various types and operators that need to be legalized. target triple = "wasm32-unknown-unknown" ; CHECK-LABEL: shl_i3: ; CHECK: i32.const $push0=, 7{{$}} ; CHECK: i32.and $push1=, $1, $pop0{{$}} ; CHECK: i32.shl $push2=, $0, $pop1{{$}} define i3 @shl_i3(i3 %a, i3 %b, ptr %p) { %t = shl i3 %a, %b ret i3 %t } ; CHECK-LABEL: shl_i53: ; CHECK: i64.const $push0=, 9007199254740991{{$}} ; CHECK: i64.and $push1=, $1, $pop0{{$}} ; CHECK: i64.shl $push2=, $0, $pop1{{$}} define i53 @shl_i53(i53 %a, i53 %b, ptr %p) { %t = shl i53 %a, %b ret i53 %t } ; CHECK-LABEL: sext_in_reg_i32_i64: ; CHECK: i64.shl ; CHECK: i64.shr_s define i64 @sext_in_reg_i32_i64(i64 %a) { %b = shl i64 %a, 32 %c = ashr i64 %b, 32 ret i64 %c } ; CHECK-LABEL: fpext_f32_f64: ; CHECK: f32.load $push0=, 0($0){{$}} ; CHECK: f64.promote_f32 $push1=, $pop0{{$}} ; CHECK: return $pop1{{$}} define double @fpext_f32_f64(ptr %p) { %v = load float, ptr %p %e = fpext float %v to double ret double %e } ; CHECK-LABEL: fpconv_f64_f32: ; CHECK: f64.load $push0=, 0($0){{$}} ; CHECK: f32.demote_f64 $push1=, $pop0{{$}} ; CHECK: return $pop1{{$}} define float @fpconv_f64_f32(ptr %p) { %v = load double, ptr %p %e = fptrunc double %v to float ret float %e } ; Check that big shifts work. This generates a big pile of code from the ; legalizer; the main thing here is that we don't abort. ; CHECK-LABEL: bigshift: define i1024 @bigshift(i1024 %a, i1024 %b) { %c = shl i1024 %a, %b ret i1024 %c }