; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv32 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RV32I ; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv64 < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RV64I ; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv32 -mattr=+save-restore < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RV32I-SR ; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv64 -mattr=+save-restore < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RV64I-SR ; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv32 -mattr=+f,+save-restore -target-abi=ilp32f < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RV32I-FP-SR ; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv64 -mattr=+f,+d,+save-restore -target-abi=lp64d < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RV64I-FP-SR ; Check that the correct save/restore libcalls are generated. @var0 = global [18 x i32] zeroinitializer @var1 = global [24 x i32] zeroinitializer @var2 = global [30 x i32] zeroinitializer define void @callee_saved0() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: callee_saved0: ; RV32I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-LABEL: callee_saved0: ; RV64I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV32I-SR-LABEL: callee_saved0: ; RV32I-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_5 ; RV32I-SR: tail __riscv_restore_5 ; ; RV64I-SR-LABEL: callee_saved0: ; RV64I-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_5 ; RV64I-SR: tail __riscv_restore_5 ; ; RV32I-FP-SR-LABEL: callee_saved0: ; RV32I-FP-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_5 ; RV32I-FP-SR: tail __riscv_restore_5 ; ; RV64I-FP-SR-LABEL: callee_saved0: ; RV64I-FP-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_5 ; RV64I-FP-SR: tail __riscv_restore_5 %val = load [18 x i32], ptr @var0 store volatile [18 x i32] %val, ptr @var0 ret void } define void @callee_saved1() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: callee_saved1: ; RV32I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-LABEL: callee_saved1: ; RV64I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV32I-SR-LABEL: callee_saved1: ; RV32I-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_11 ; RV32I-SR: tail __riscv_restore_11 ; ; RV64I-SR-LABEL: callee_saved1: ; RV64I-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_11 ; RV64I-SR: tail __riscv_restore_11 ; ; RV32I-FP-SR-LABEL: callee_saved1: ; RV32I-FP-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_11 ; RV32I-FP-SR: tail __riscv_restore_11 ; ; RV64I-FP-SR-LABEL: callee_saved1: ; RV64I-FP-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_11 ; RV64I-FP-SR: tail __riscv_restore_11 %val = load [24 x i32], ptr @var1 store volatile [24 x i32] %val, ptr @var1 ret void } define void @callee_saved2() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: callee_saved2: ; RV32I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-LABEL: callee_saved2: ; RV64I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV32I-SR-LABEL: callee_saved2: ; RV32I-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_12 ; RV32I-SR: tail __riscv_restore_12 ; ; RV64I-SR-LABEL: callee_saved2: ; RV64I-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_12 ; RV64I-SR: tail __riscv_restore_12 ; ; RV32I-FP-SR-LABEL: callee_saved2: ; RV32I-FP-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_12 ; RV32I-FP-SR: tail __riscv_restore_12 ; ; RV64I-FP-SR-LABEL: callee_saved2: ; RV64I-FP-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_12 ; RV64I-FP-SR: tail __riscv_restore_12 %val = load [30 x i32], ptr @var2 store volatile [30 x i32] %val, ptr @var2 ret void } ; Check that floating point callee saved registers are still manually saved and ; restored. define void @callee_saved_fp() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: callee_saved_fp: ; RV32I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-LABEL: callee_saved_fp: ; RV64I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV32I-SR-LABEL: callee_saved_fp: ; RV32I-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_7 ; RV32I-SR: tail __riscv_restore_7 ; ; RV64I-SR-LABEL: callee_saved_fp: ; RV64I-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_7 ; RV64I-SR: tail __riscv_restore_7 ; ; RV32I-FP-SR-LABEL: callee_saved_fp: ; RV32I-FP-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_7 ; RV32I-FP-SR-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -16 ; RV32I-FP-SR-NEXT: fsw fs0, 12(sp) ; RV32I-FP-SR: flw fs0, 12(sp) ; RV32I-FP-SR-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 16 ; RV32I-FP-SR-NEXT: tail __riscv_restore_7 ; ; RV64I-FP-SR-LABEL: callee_saved_fp: ; RV64I-FP-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_7 ; RV64I-FP-SR-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -16 ; RV64I-FP-SR-NEXT: fsd fs0, 8(sp) ; RV64I-FP-SR: fld fs0, 8(sp) ; RV64I-FP-SR-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 16 ; RV64I-FP-SR-NEXT: tail __riscv_restore_7 call void asm sideeffect "", "~{f8},~{x9},~{x18},~{x19},~{x20},~{x21},~{x22}"() ret void } ; Check that preserving tail calls is preferred over save/restore declare i32 @tail_callee(i32 %i) define i32 @tail_call(i32 %i) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: tail_call: ; RV32I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I: tail tail_callee ; RV32I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-LABEL: tail_call: ; RV64I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I: tail tail_callee ; RV64I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV32I-SR-LABEL: tail_call: ; RV32I-SR-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I-SR: tail tail_callee ; RV32I-SR-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-SR-LABEL: tail_call: ; RV64I-SR-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I-SR: tail tail_callee ; RV64I-SR-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV32I-FP-SR-LABEL: tail_call: ; RV32I-FP-SR-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I-FP-SR: tail tail_callee ; RV32I-FP-SR-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-FP-SR-LABEL: tail_call: ; RV64I-FP-SR-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I-FP-SR: tail tail_callee ; RV64I-FP-SR-NOT: tail __riscv_restore entry: %val = load [18 x i32], ptr @var0 store volatile [18 x i32] %val, ptr @var0 %r = tail call i32 @tail_callee(i32 %i) ret i32 %r } ; Check that functions with varargs do not use save/restore code declare void @llvm.va_start(ptr) declare void @llvm.va_end(ptr) define i32 @varargs(ptr %fmt, ...) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: varargs: ; RV32I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-LABEL: varargs: ; RV64I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV32I-SR-LABEL: varargs: ; RV32I-SR-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I-SR-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-SR-LABEL: varargs: ; RV64I-SR-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I-SR-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV32I-FP-SR-LABEL: varargs: ; RV32I-FP-SR-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I-FP-SR-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-FP-SR-LABEL: varargs: ; RV64I-FP-SR-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I-FP-SR-NOT: tail __riscv_restore %va = alloca ptr, align 4 call void @llvm.va_start(ptr %va) %argp.cur = load ptr, ptr %va, align 4 %argp.next = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %argp.cur, i32 4 store ptr %argp.next, ptr %va, align 4 %1 = load i32, ptr %argp.cur, align 4 call void @llvm.va_end(ptr %va) ret i32 %1 } define void @many_args(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: many_args: ; RV32I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-LABEL: many_args: ; RV64I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV32I-SR-LABEL: many_args: ; RV32I-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_5 ; RV32I-SR: tail __riscv_restore_5 ; ; RV64I-SR-LABEL: many_args: ; RV64I-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_5 ; RV64I-SR: tail __riscv_restore_5 ; ; RV32I-FP-SR-LABEL: many_args: ; RV32I-FP-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_5 ; RV32I-FP-SR: tail __riscv_restore_5 ; ; RV64I-FP-SR-LABEL: many_args: ; RV64I-FP-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_5 ; RV64I-FP-SR: tail __riscv_restore_5 entry: %val = load [18 x i32], ptr @var0 store volatile [18 x i32] %val, ptr @var0 ret void } ; Check that dynamic allocation calculations remain correct declare ptr @llvm.stacksave() declare void @llvm.stackrestore(ptr) declare void @notdead(ptr) define void @alloca(i32 %n) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: alloca: ; RV32I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I: addi s0, sp, 16 ; RV32I: addi sp, s0, -16 ; RV32I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-LABEL: alloca: ; RV64I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I: addi s0, sp, 32 ; RV64I: addi sp, s0, -32 ; RV64I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV32I-SR-LABEL: alloca: ; RV32I-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_2 ; RV32I-SR: addi s0, sp, 16 ; RV32I-SR: addi sp, s0, -16 ; RV32I-SR: tail __riscv_restore_2 ; ; RV64I-SR-LABEL: alloca: ; RV64I-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_2 ; RV64I-SR: addi s0, sp, 32 ; RV64I-SR: addi sp, s0, -32 ; RV64I-SR: tail __riscv_restore_2 ; ; RV32I-FP-SR-LABEL: alloca: ; RV32I-FP-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_2 ; RV32I-FP-SR: addi s0, sp, 16 ; RV32I-FP-SR: addi sp, s0, -16 ; RV32I-FP-SR: tail __riscv_restore_2 ; ; RV64I-FP-SR-LABEL: alloca: ; RV64I-FP-SR: call t0, __riscv_save_2 ; RV64I-FP-SR: addi s0, sp, 32 ; RV64I-FP-SR: addi sp, s0, -32 ; RV64I-FP-SR: tail __riscv_restore_2 %sp = call ptr @llvm.stacksave() %addr = alloca i8, i32 %n call void @notdead(ptr %addr) call void @llvm.stackrestore(ptr %sp) ret void } ; Check that functions with interrupt attribute do not use save/restore code declare i32 @foo(...) define void @interrupt() nounwind "interrupt"="supervisor" { ; RV32I-LABEL: interrupt: ; RV32I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-LABEL: interrupt: ; RV64I-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV32I-SR-LABEL: interrupt: ; RV32I-SR-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I-SR-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-SR-LABEL: interrupt: ; RV64I-SR-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I-SR-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV32I-FP-SR-LABEL: interrupt: ; RV32I-FP-SR-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV32I-FP-SR-NOT: tail __riscv_restore ; ; RV64I-FP-SR-LABEL: interrupt: ; RV64I-FP-SR-NOT: call t0, __riscv_save ; RV64I-FP-SR-NOT: tail __riscv_restore %call = call i32 @foo() ret void }