; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py ; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv32 -verify-machineinstrs < %s \ ; RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=RV32I %s ; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv64 -verify-machineinstrs < %s \ ; RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=RV64I %s ; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv32 -mattr=+zicbop -verify-machineinstrs < %s \ ; RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=RV32ZICBOP %s ; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv64 -mattr=+zicbop -verify-machineinstrs < %s \ ; RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=RV64ZICBOP %s ; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv64 -mattr=+zicbop,+zihintntl -verify-machineinstrs < %s \ ; RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL %s declare void @llvm.prefetch(ptr, i32, i32, i32) define void @test_prefetch_read_locality_0(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_0: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_0: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_0: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_0: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %a, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_write_locality_0(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_0: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_0: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_0: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.w 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_0: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.w 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.w 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %a, i32 1, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_instruction_locality_0(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_0: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_0: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_0: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.i 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_0: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.i 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.i 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %a, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_read_locality_1(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_1: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_1: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_1: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_1: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_1: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.pall ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %a, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_write_locality_1(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_1: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_1: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_1: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.w 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_1: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.w 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_1: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.pall ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.w 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %a, i32 1, i32 1, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_instruction_locality_1(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_1: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_1: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_1: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.i 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_1: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.i 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_1: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.pall ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.i 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %a, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_read_locality_2(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_2: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_2: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_2: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_2: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_2: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.p1 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %a, i32 0, i32 2, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_write_locality_2(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_2: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_2: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_2: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.w 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_2: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.w 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_2: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.p1 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.w 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %a, i32 1, i32 2, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_instruction_locality_2(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_2: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_2: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_2: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.i 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_2: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.i 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_2: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.p1 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.i 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %a, i32 0, i32 2, i32 0) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_read_locality_3(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_3: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_3: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_3: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_3: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_read_locality_3: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %a, i32 0, i32 3, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_write_locality_3(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_3: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_3: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_3: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.w 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_3: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.w 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_write_locality_3: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.w 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %a, i32 1, i32 3, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_instruction_locality_3(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_3: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_3: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_3: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.i 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_3: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.i 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_instruction_locality_3: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.i 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %a, i32 0, i32 3, i32 0) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_offsetable_0(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_0: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_0: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_0: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 2016(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_0: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 2016(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 2016(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %addr = getelementptr i8, ptr %a, i64 2016 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %addr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_offsetable_1(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_1: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_1: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_1: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_1: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_1: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %addr = getelementptr i8, ptr %a, i64 -2048 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %addr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_offsetable_2(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_2: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_2: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_2: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_2: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_2: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %addr = getelementptr i8, ptr %a, i64 32 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %addr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_offsetable_3(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_3: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_3: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_3: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -32(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_3: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -32(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_3: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r -32(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %addr = getelementptr i8, ptr %a, i64 -32 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %addr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_offsetable_4(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_4: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_4: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_4: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, 32 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 2016(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_4: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, 32 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 2016(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_4: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, a0, 32 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 2016(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %addr = getelementptr i8, ptr %a, i64 2048 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %addr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_offsetable_5(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_5: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_5: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_5: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, -1 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_5: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, -1 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_5: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, a0, -1 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %addr = getelementptr i8, ptr %a, i64 -2049 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %addr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_offsetable_6(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_6: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_6: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_6: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, 16 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_6: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, 16 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_6: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, a0, 16 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %addr = getelementptr i8, ptr %a, i64 16 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %addr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_offsetable_7(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_7: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_7: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_7: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, -16 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_7: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, -16 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_7: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, a0, -16 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %addr = getelementptr i8, ptr %a, i64 -16 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %addr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_offsetable_9(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_9: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_9: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_9: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a1, 1 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: add a0, a0, a1 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 64(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_9: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a1, 1 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: add a0, a0, a1 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 64(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_9: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a1, 1 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: add a0, a0, a1 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 64(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %addr = getelementptr i8, ptr %a, i64 4160 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %addr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_offsetable_8(ptr %a) nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_8: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_8: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_8: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a1, 1048575 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: add a0, a0, a1 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -64(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_8: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a1, 1048575 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: add a0, a0, a1 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -64(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_offsetable_8: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a1, 1048575 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: add a0, a0, a1 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r -64(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %addr = getelementptr i8, ptr %a, i64 -4160 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %addr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_frameindex_0() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_0: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_0: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_0: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(sp) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_0: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(sp) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(sp) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %data = alloca [128 x i32], align 4 %base = bitcast [128 x i32]* %data to i8* %ptr = getelementptr [128 x i32], ptr %base, i32 0, i32 0 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_frameindex_1() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_1: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV32I-NEXT: addi a0, a0, 16 ; RV32I-NEXT: sub sp, sp, a0 ; RV32I-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV32I-NEXT: addi a0, a0, 16 ; RV32I-NEXT: add sp, sp, a0 ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_1: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV64I-NEXT: addiw a0, a0, 16 ; RV64I-NEXT: sub sp, sp, a0 ; RV64I-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV64I-NEXT: addiw a0, a0, 16 ; RV64I-NEXT: add sp, sp, a0 ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_1: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, 16 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: sub sp, sp, a0 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, sp, 16 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, 16 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: add sp, sp, a0 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_1: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addiw a0, a0, 16 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: sub sp, sp, a0 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, sp, 16 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addiw a0, a0, 16 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: add sp, sp, a0 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_1: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addiw a0, a0, 16 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: sub sp, sp, a0 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, sp, 16 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addiw a0, a0, 16 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: add sp, sp, a0 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %data = alloca [1024 x i32], align 4 %ptr = bitcast [1024 x i32]* %data to i8* call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_frameindex_2() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_2: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_2: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_2: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, sp, 16 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_2: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, sp, 16 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_2: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, sp, 16 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %data = alloca [128 x i32], align 4 %base = bitcast [128 x i32]* %data to i8* %ptr = getelementptr [128 x i32], ptr %base, i32 0, i32 4 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_frameindex_3() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_3: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_3: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_3: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, sp, -16 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_3: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, sp, -16 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_3: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, sp, -16 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %data = alloca [128 x i32], align 4 %base = bitcast [128 x i32]* %data to i8* %ptr = getelementptr [128 x i32], ptr %base, i32 0, i32 -4 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_frameindex_4() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_4: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_4: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_4: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(sp) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_4: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(sp) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_4: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(sp) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %data = alloca [128 x i32], align 4 %base = bitcast [128 x i32]* %data to i8* %ptr = getelementptr [128 x i32], ptr %base, i32 0, i32 8 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_frameindex_5() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_5: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_5: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_5: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -32(sp) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_5: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -32(sp) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_5: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r -32(sp) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %data = alloca [128 x i32], align 4 %base = bitcast [128 x i32]* %data to i8* %ptr = getelementptr [128 x i32], ptr %base, i32 0, i32 -8 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_frameindex_6() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_6: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_6: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_6: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 2016(sp) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_6: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 2016(sp) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_6: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 2016(sp) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %data = alloca [128 x i32], align 4 %base = bitcast [128 x i32]* %data to i8* %ptr = getelementptr [128 x i32], ptr %base, i32 0, i32 504 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_frameindex_7() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_7: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_7: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_7: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(sp) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_7: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(sp) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_7: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(sp) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %data = alloca [128 x i32], align 4 %base = bitcast [128 x i32]* %data to i8* %ptr = getelementptr [128 x i32], ptr %base, i32 0, i32 -512 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_frameindex_8() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_8: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_8: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_8: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, sp, 2020 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_8: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, sp, 2020 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_8: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, sp, 2020 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %data = alloca [128 x i32], align 4 %base = bitcast [128 x i32]* %data to i8* %ptr = getelementptr [128 x i32], ptr %base, i32 0, i32 505 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_frameindex_9() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_9: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_9: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64I-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_9: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: mv a0, sp ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, -4 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_9: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: mv a0, sp ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, -4 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_frameindex_9: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: mv a0, sp ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, a0, -4 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 512 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %data = alloca [128 x i32], align 4 %base = bitcast [128 x i32]* %data to i8* %ptr = getelementptr [128 x i32], ptr %base, i32 0, i32 -513 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_constant_address_0() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_0: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_0: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_0: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_0: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %ptr = inttoptr i64 4128 to i8* call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_constant_address_1() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_1: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_1: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_1: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, 31 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_1: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addiw a0, a0, 31 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_1: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, 1 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addiw a0, a0, 31 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %ptr = inttoptr i64 4127 to i8* call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_constant_address_2() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_2: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_2: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_2: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, 1048561 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_2: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, 1048561 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_2: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, 1048561 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %ptr = inttoptr i64 18446744073709490208 to i8* call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_constant_address_3() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_3: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_3: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_3: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, 1048561 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, 31 ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_3: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, 1048561 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addiw a0, a0, 31 ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_constant_address_3: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, 1048561 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addiw a0, a0, 31 ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %ptr = inttoptr i64 18446744073709490207 to i8* call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } @g = external global [1024 x i32], align 4 define void @test_prefetch_global_0() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_0: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_0: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_0: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_0: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %ptr = getelementptr [1024 x i32], ptr @g, i32 0, i32 0 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_global_1() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_1: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_1: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_1: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g+16) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g+16) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_1: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g+16) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g+16) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_1: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g+16) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g+16) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %ptr = getelementptr [1024 x i32], ptr @g, i32 0, i32 4 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_global_2() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_2: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_2: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_2: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g-16) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g-16) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_2: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g-16) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g-16) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_2: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g-16) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g-16) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %ptr = getelementptr [1024 x i32], ptr @g, i32 0, i32 -4 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_global_3() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_3: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_3: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_3: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_3: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_3: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 32(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %ptr = getelementptr [1024 x i32], ptr @g, i32 0, i32 8 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_global_4() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_4: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_4: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_4: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -32(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_4: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -32(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_4: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r -32(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %ptr = getelementptr [1024 x i32], ptr @g, i32 0, i32 -8 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_global_5() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_5: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_5: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_5: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 2016(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_5: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 2016(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_5: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 2016(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %ptr = getelementptr [1024 x i32], ptr @g, i32 0, i32 504 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_global_6() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_6: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_6: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_6: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_6: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_6: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %ptr = getelementptr [1024 x i32], ptr @g, i32 0, i32 -512 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_global_7() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_7: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_7: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_7: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g+2020) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g+2020) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_7: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g+2020) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g+2020) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_7: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g+2020) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g+2020) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r 0(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %ptr = getelementptr [1024 x i32], ptr @g, i32 0, i32 505 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void } define void @test_prefetch_global_8() nounwind { ; RV32I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_8: ; RV32I: # %bb.0: ; RV32I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64I-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_8: ; RV64I: # %bb.0: ; RV64I-NEXT: ret ; ; RV32ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_8: ; RV32ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g-4) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g-4) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV32ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOP-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_8: ; RV64ZICBOP: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g-4) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g-4) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV64ZICBOP-NEXT: ret ; ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-LABEL: test_prefetch_global_8: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL: # %bb.0: ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: lui a0, %hi(g-4) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: addi a0, a0, %lo(g-4) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ntl.all ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: prefetch.r -2048(a0) ; RV64ZICBOPZIHINTNTL-NEXT: ret %ptr = getelementptr [1024 x i32], ptr @g, i32 0, i32 -513 call void @llvm.prefetch(ptr %ptr, i32 0, i32 0, i32 1) ret void }