; RUN: llc -mtriple=bpfel -filetype=obj -o - %s \ ; RUN: | llvm-objdump --no-print-imm-hex --arch=bpfel --section=foo -d - \ ; RUN: | FileCheck %s ; This test was added because "isPseudo" flag was missing in FI_ri ; instruction definition and certain byte sequence caused an assertion ; in llvm-objdump tool. ; The value "G" is byte by byte little endian representation of the FI_ri instruction, ; as declared in the BPFInstrInfo.td. ; The first byte encodes an opcode: BPF_IMM(0x00) | BPF_DW(0x18) | BPF_LD(0x00) ; The second byte encodes source and destination registers: 2 and 0 respectively. ; The rest of the bytes are zeroes to comply with the specification. ; An additional 8 bytes follow the instruction as an immediate 64 bit argument, ; (because of the BPF_IMM flag). ; This is a pseudo instruction, meaning that it's not possible to ; write it in assembly directly. Thus it is coded as a byte array. ; Note the "bpfel" flags in the RUN command. @G = constant [16 x i8] [i8 u0x18, i8 u0x20, i8 u0x00, i8 u0x00, i8 u0x00, i8 u0x00, i8 u0x00, i8 u0x00, i8 u0x00, i8 u0x00, i8 u0x00, i8 u0x00, i8 u0x00, i8 u0x00, i8 u0x00, i8 u0x00], section "foo", align 8 ; CHECK-LABEL: G ; CHECK: 0: 18 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ld_pseudo r0, 2, 0