; RUN: opt < %s -aa-pipeline=basic-aa,globals-aa -passes='require,gvn' -S | FileCheck %s ; ; This tests the safe no-alias conclusions of GMR -- when there is ; a non-escaping global as one indentified underlying object and some pointer ; that would inherently have escaped any other function as the other underlying ; pointer of an alias query. @g1 = internal global i32 0 define i32 @test1(ptr %param) { ; Ensure that we can fold a store to a load of a global across a store to ; a parameter when the global is non-escaping. ; ; CHECK-LABEL: @test1( ; CHECK: store i32 42, ptr @g1 ; CHECK-NOT: load i32 ; CHECK: ret i32 42 entry: store i32 42, ptr @g1 store i32 7, ptr %param %v = load i32, ptr @g1 ret i32 %v } declare ptr @f() define i32 @test2() { ; Ensure that we can fold a store to a load of a global across a store to ; the pointer returned by a function call. Since the global could not escape, ; this function cannot be returning its address. ; ; CHECK-LABEL: @test2( ; CHECK: store i32 42, ptr @g1 ; CHECK-NOT: load i32 ; CHECK: ret i32 42 entry: %ptr = call ptr @f() readnone store i32 42, ptr @g1 store i32 7, ptr %ptr %v = load i32, ptr @g1 ret i32 %v } @g2 = external global ptr define i32 @test3() { ; Ensure that we can fold a store to a load of a global across a store to ; the pointer loaded from that global. Because the global does not escape, it ; cannot alias a pointer loaded out of a global. ; ; CHECK-LABEL: @test3( ; CHECK: store i32 42, ptr @g1 ; CHECK: store i32 7, ptr ; CHECK-NOT: load i32 ; CHECK: ret i32 42 entry: store i32 42, ptr @g1 %ptr1 = load ptr, ptr @g2 store i32 7, ptr %ptr1 %v = load i32, ptr @g1 ret i32 %v } @g3 = internal global i32 1 @g4 = internal global [10 x ptr] zeroinitializer define i32 @test4(ptr %param, i32 %n, i1 %c1, i1 %c2, i1 %c3) { ; Ensure that we can fold a store to a load of a global across a store to ; the pointer loaded from that global even when the load is behind PHIs and ; selects, and there is a mixture of a load and another global or argument. ; Note that we can't eliminate the load here because it is used in a PHI and ; GVN doesn't try to do real DCE. The store is still forwarded by GVN though. ; ; CHECK-LABEL: @test4( ; CHECK: store i32 42, ptr @g1 ; CHECK: store i32 7, ptr ; CHECK: ret i32 42 entry: %call = call ptr @f() store i32 42, ptr @g1 %ptr1 = load ptr, ptr @g2 %ptr2 = select i1 %c1, ptr %ptr1, ptr %param %ptr3 = select i1 %c3, ptr %ptr2, ptr @g3 br label %loop loop: %iv = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %inc, %loop ] %ptr = phi ptr [ %ptr3, %entry ], [ %ptr5, %loop ] store i32 7, ptr %ptr %ptr4 = load ptr, ptr getelementptr ([10 x ptr], ptr @g4, i32 0, i32 1) %ptr5 = select i1 %c2, ptr %ptr4, ptr %call %inc = add i32 %iv, 1 %test = icmp slt i32 %inc, %n br i1 %test, label %loop, label %exit exit: %v = load i32, ptr @g1 ret i32 %v } define i32 @test5(ptr %param) { ; Ensure that we can fold a store to a load of a global across a store to ; a parameter that has been dereferenced when the global is non-escaping. ; ; CHECK-LABEL: @test5( ; CHECK: %p = load ptr ; CHECK: store i32 42, ptr @g1 ; CHECK-NOT: load i32 ; CHECK: ret i32 42 entry: %p = load ptr, ptr %param store i32 42, ptr @g1 store i32 7, ptr %p %v = load i32, ptr @g1 ret i32 %v }