; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_analyze_test_checks.py ; RUN: opt < %s -passes="print" 2>&1 -disable-output -S -mtriple=riscv64 -mattr=+v,+f,+d -riscv-v-vector-bits-min=-1 | FileCheck %s define void @sin() { ; CHECK-LABEL: 'sin' ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 10 for instruction: %1 = call float @llvm.sin.f32(float undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 23 for instruction: %2 = call <2 x float> @llvm.sin.v2f32(<2 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 47 for instruction: %3 = call <4 x float> @llvm.sin.v4f32(<4 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 95 for instruction: %4 = call <8 x float> @llvm.sin.v8f32(<8 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 191 for instruction: %5 = call <16 x float> @llvm.sin.v16f32(<16 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %6 = call @llvm.sin.nxv1f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %7 = call @llvm.sin.nxv2f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %8 = call @llvm.sin.nxv4f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %9 = call @llvm.sin.nxv8f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %10 = call @llvm.sin.nxv16f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 10 for instruction: %11 = call double @llvm.sin.f64(double undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 23 for instruction: %12 = call <2 x double> @llvm.sin.v2f64(<2 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 47 for instruction: %13 = call <4 x double> @llvm.sin.v4f64(<4 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 95 for instruction: %14 = call <8 x double> @llvm.sin.v8f64(<8 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 191 for instruction: %15 = call <16 x double> @llvm.sin.v16f64(<16 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %16 = call @llvm.sin.nxv1f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %17 = call @llvm.sin.nxv2f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %18 = call @llvm.sin.nxv4f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %19 = call @llvm.sin.nxv8f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 0 for instruction: ret void ; call float @llvm.sin.f32(float undef) call <2 x float> @llvm.sin.v2f32(<2 x float> undef) call <4 x float> @llvm.sin.v4f32(<4 x float> undef) call <8 x float> @llvm.sin.v8f32(<8 x float> undef) call <16 x float> @llvm.sin.v16f32(<16 x float> undef) call @llvm.sin.nvx1f32( undef) call @llvm.sin.nvx2f32( undef) call @llvm.sin.nvx4f32( undef) call @llvm.sin.nvx8f32( undef) call @llvm.sin.nvx16f32( undef) call double @llvm.sin.f64(double undef) call <2 x double> @llvm.sin.v2f64(<2 x double> undef) call <4 x double> @llvm.sin.v4f64(<4 x double> undef) call <8 x double> @llvm.sin.v8f64(<8 x double> undef) call <16 x double> @llvm.sin.v16f64(<16 x double> undef) call @llvm.sin.nvx1f64( undef) call @llvm.sin.nvx2f64( undef) call @llvm.sin.nvx4f64( undef) call @llvm.sin.nvx8f64( undef) ret void } define void @cos() { ; CHECK-LABEL: 'cos' ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 10 for instruction: %1 = call float @llvm.cos.f32(float undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 23 for instruction: %2 = call <2 x float> @llvm.cos.v2f32(<2 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 47 for instruction: %3 = call <4 x float> @llvm.cos.v4f32(<4 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 95 for instruction: %4 = call <8 x float> @llvm.cos.v8f32(<8 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 191 for instruction: %5 = call <16 x float> @llvm.cos.v16f32(<16 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %6 = call @llvm.cos.nxv1f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %7 = call @llvm.cos.nxv2f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %8 = call @llvm.cos.nxv4f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %9 = call @llvm.cos.nxv8f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %10 = call @llvm.cos.nxv16f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 10 for instruction: %11 = call double @llvm.cos.f64(double undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 23 for instruction: %12 = call <2 x double> @llvm.cos.v2f64(<2 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 47 for instruction: %13 = call <4 x double> @llvm.cos.v4f64(<4 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 95 for instruction: %14 = call <8 x double> @llvm.cos.v8f64(<8 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 191 for instruction: %15 = call <16 x double> @llvm.cos.v16f64(<16 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %16 = call @llvm.cos.nxv1f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %17 = call @llvm.cos.nxv2f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %18 = call @llvm.cos.nxv4f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %19 = call @llvm.cos.nxv8f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 0 for instruction: ret void ; call float @llvm.cos.f32(float undef) call <2 x float> @llvm.cos.v2f32(<2 x float> undef) call <4 x float> @llvm.cos.v4f32(<4 x float> undef) call <8 x float> @llvm.cos.v8f32(<8 x float> undef) call <16 x float> @llvm.cos.v16f32(<16 x float> undef) call @llvm.cos.nvx1f32( undef) call @llvm.cos.nvx2f32( undef) call @llvm.cos.nvx4f32( undef) call @llvm.cos.nvx8f32( undef) call @llvm.cos.nvx16f32( undef) call double @llvm.cos.f64(double undef) call <2 x double> @llvm.cos.v2f64(<2 x double> undef) call <4 x double> @llvm.cos.v4f64(<4 x double> undef) call <8 x double> @llvm.cos.v8f64(<8 x double> undef) call <16 x double> @llvm.cos.v16f64(<16 x double> undef) call @llvm.cos.nvx1f64( undef) call @llvm.cos.nvx2f64( undef) call @llvm.cos.nvx4f64( undef) call @llvm.cos.nvx8f64( undef) ret void } define void @exp() { ; CHECK-LABEL: 'exp' ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 10 for instruction: %1 = call float @llvm.exp.f32(float undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 23 for instruction: %2 = call <2 x float> @llvm.exp.v2f32(<2 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 47 for instruction: %3 = call <4 x float> @llvm.exp.v4f32(<4 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 95 for instruction: %4 = call <8 x float> @llvm.exp.v8f32(<8 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 191 for instruction: %5 = call <16 x float> @llvm.exp.v16f32(<16 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %6 = call @llvm.exp.nxv1f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %7 = call @llvm.exp.nxv2f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %8 = call @llvm.exp.nxv4f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %9 = call @llvm.exp.nxv8f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %10 = call @llvm.exp.nxv16f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 10 for instruction: %11 = call double @llvm.exp.f64(double undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 23 for instruction: %12 = call <2 x double> @llvm.exp.v2f64(<2 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 47 for instruction: %13 = call <4 x double> @llvm.exp.v4f64(<4 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 95 for instruction: %14 = call <8 x double> @llvm.exp.v8f64(<8 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 191 for instruction: %15 = call <16 x double> @llvm.exp.v16f64(<16 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %16 = call @llvm.exp.nxv1f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %17 = call @llvm.exp.nxv2f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %18 = call @llvm.exp.nxv4f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %19 = call @llvm.exp.nxv8f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 0 for instruction: ret void ; call float @llvm.exp.f32(float undef) call <2 x float> @llvm.exp.v2f32(<2 x float> undef) call <4 x float> @llvm.exp.v4f32(<4 x float> undef) call <8 x float> @llvm.exp.v8f32(<8 x float> undef) call <16 x float> @llvm.exp.v16f32(<16 x float> undef) call @llvm.exp.nvx1f32( undef) call @llvm.exp.nvx2f32( undef) call @llvm.exp.nvx4f32( undef) call @llvm.exp.nvx8f32( undef) call @llvm.exp.nvx16f32( undef) call double @llvm.exp.f64(double undef) call <2 x double> @llvm.exp.v2f64(<2 x double> undef) call <4 x double> @llvm.exp.v4f64(<4 x double> undef) call <8 x double> @llvm.exp.v8f64(<8 x double> undef) call <16 x double> @llvm.exp.v16f64(<16 x double> undef) call @llvm.exp.nvx1f64( undef) call @llvm.exp.nvx2f64( undef) call @llvm.exp.nvx4f64( undef) call @llvm.exp.nvx8f64( undef) ret void } define void @exp2() { ; CHECK-LABEL: 'exp2' ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 10 for instruction: %1 = call float @llvm.exp2.f32(float undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 23 for instruction: %2 = call <2 x float> @llvm.exp2.v2f32(<2 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 47 for instruction: %3 = call <4 x float> @llvm.exp2.v4f32(<4 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 95 for instruction: %4 = call <8 x float> @llvm.exp2.v8f32(<8 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 191 for instruction: %5 = call <16 x float> @llvm.exp2.v16f32(<16 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %6 = call @llvm.exp2.nxv1f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %7 = call @llvm.exp2.nxv2f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %8 = call @llvm.exp2.nxv4f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %9 = call @llvm.exp2.nxv8f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %10 = call @llvm.exp2.nxv16f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 10 for instruction: %11 = call double @llvm.exp2.f64(double undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 23 for instruction: %12 = call <2 x double> @llvm.exp2.v2f64(<2 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 47 for instruction: %13 = call <4 x double> @llvm.exp2.v4f64(<4 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 95 for instruction: %14 = call <8 x double> @llvm.exp2.v8f64(<8 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 191 for instruction: %15 = call <16 x double> @llvm.exp2.v16f64(<16 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %16 = call @llvm.exp2.nxv1f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %17 = call @llvm.exp2.nxv2f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %18 = call @llvm.exp2.nxv4f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %19 = call @llvm.exp2.nxv8f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 0 for instruction: ret void ; call float @llvm.exp2.f32(float undef) call <2 x float> @llvm.exp2.v2f32(<2 x float> undef) call <4 x float> @llvm.exp2.v4f32(<4 x float> undef) call <8 x float> @llvm.exp2.v8f32(<8 x float> undef) call <16 x float> @llvm.exp2.v16f32(<16 x float> undef) call @llvm.exp2.nvx1f32( undef) call @llvm.exp2.nvx2f32( undef) call @llvm.exp2.nvx4f32( undef) call @llvm.exp2.nvx8f32( undef) call @llvm.exp2.nvx16f32( undef) call double @llvm.exp2.f64(double undef) call <2 x double> @llvm.exp2.v2f64(<2 x double> undef) call <4 x double> @llvm.exp2.v4f64(<4 x double> undef) call <8 x double> @llvm.exp2.v8f64(<8 x double> undef) call <16 x double> @llvm.exp2.v16f64(<16 x double> undef) call @llvm.exp2.nvx1f64( undef) call @llvm.exp2.nvx2f64( undef) call @llvm.exp2.nvx4f64( undef) call @llvm.exp2.nvx8f64( undef) ret void } define void @log() { ; CHECK-LABEL: 'log' ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 10 for instruction: %1 = call float @llvm.log.f32(float undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 23 for instruction: %2 = call <2 x float> @llvm.log.v2f32(<2 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 47 for instruction: %3 = call <4 x float> @llvm.log.v4f32(<4 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 95 for instruction: %4 = call <8 x float> @llvm.log.v8f32(<8 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 191 for instruction: %5 = call <16 x float> @llvm.log.v16f32(<16 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %6 = call @llvm.log.nxv1f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %7 = call @llvm.log.nxv2f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %8 = call @llvm.log.nxv4f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %9 = call @llvm.log.nxv8f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %10 = call @llvm.log.nxv16f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 10 for instruction: %11 = call double @llvm.log.f64(double undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 23 for instruction: %12 = call <2 x double> @llvm.log.v2f64(<2 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 47 for instruction: %13 = call <4 x double> @llvm.log.v4f64(<4 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 95 for instruction: %14 = call <8 x double> @llvm.log.v8f64(<8 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 191 for instruction: %15 = call <16 x double> @llvm.log.v16f64(<16 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %16 = call @llvm.log.nxv1f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %17 = call @llvm.log.nxv2f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %18 = call @llvm.log.nxv4f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %19 = call @llvm.log.nxv8f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 0 for instruction: ret void ; call float @llvm.log.f32(float undef) call <2 x float> @llvm.log.v2f32(<2 x float> undef) call <4 x float> @llvm.log.v4f32(<4 x float> undef) call <8 x float> @llvm.log.v8f32(<8 x float> undef) call <16 x float> @llvm.log.v16f32(<16 x float> undef) call @llvm.log.nvx1f32( undef) call @llvm.log.nvx2f32( undef) call @llvm.log.nvx4f32( undef) call @llvm.log.nvx8f32( undef) call @llvm.log.nvx16f32( undef) call double @llvm.log.f64(double undef) call <2 x double> @llvm.log.v2f64(<2 x double> undef) call <4 x double> @llvm.log.v4f64(<4 x double> undef) call <8 x double> @llvm.log.v8f64(<8 x double> undef) call <16 x double> @llvm.log.v16f64(<16 x double> undef) call @llvm.log.nvx1f64( undef) call @llvm.log.nvx2f64( undef) call @llvm.log.nvx4f64( undef) call @llvm.log.nvx8f64( undef) ret void } define void @log10() { ; CHECK-LABEL: 'log10' ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 10 for instruction: %1 = call float @llvm.log10.f32(float undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 23 for instruction: %2 = call <2 x float> @llvm.log10.v2f32(<2 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 47 for instruction: %3 = call <4 x float> @llvm.log10.v4f32(<4 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 95 for instruction: %4 = call <8 x float> @llvm.log10.v8f32(<8 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 191 for instruction: %5 = call <16 x float> @llvm.log10.v16f32(<16 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %6 = call @llvm.log10.nxv1f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %7 = call @llvm.log10.nxv2f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %8 = call @llvm.log10.nxv4f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %9 = call @llvm.log10.nxv8f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %10 = call @llvm.log10.nxv16f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 10 for instruction: %11 = call double @llvm.log10.f64(double undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 23 for instruction: %12 = call <2 x double> @llvm.log10.v2f64(<2 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 47 for instruction: %13 = call <4 x double> @llvm.log10.v4f64(<4 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 95 for instruction: %14 = call <8 x double> @llvm.log10.v8f64(<8 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 191 for instruction: %15 = call <16 x double> @llvm.log10.v16f64(<16 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %16 = call @llvm.log10.nxv1f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %17 = call @llvm.log10.nxv2f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %18 = call @llvm.log10.nxv4f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %19 = call @llvm.log10.nxv8f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 0 for instruction: ret void ; call float @llvm.log10.f32(float undef) call <2 x float> @llvm.log10.v2f32(<2 x float> undef) call <4 x float> @llvm.log10.v4f32(<4 x float> undef) call <8 x float> @llvm.log10.v8f32(<8 x float> undef) call <16 x float> @llvm.log10.v16f32(<16 x float> undef) call @llvm.log10.nvx1f32( undef) call @llvm.log10.nvx2f32( undef) call @llvm.log10.nvx4f32( undef) call @llvm.log10.nvx8f32( undef) call @llvm.log10.nvx16f32( undef) call double @llvm.log10.f64(double undef) call <2 x double> @llvm.log10.v2f64(<2 x double> undef) call <4 x double> @llvm.log10.v4f64(<4 x double> undef) call <8 x double> @llvm.log10.v8f64(<8 x double> undef) call <16 x double> @llvm.log10.v16f64(<16 x double> undef) call @llvm.log10.nvx1f64( undef) call @llvm.log10.nvx2f64( undef) call @llvm.log10.nvx4f64( undef) call @llvm.log10.nvx8f64( undef) ret void } define void @log2() { ; CHECK-LABEL: 'log2' ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 10 for instruction: %1 = call float @llvm.log2.f32(float undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 23 for instruction: %2 = call <2 x float> @llvm.log2.v2f32(<2 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 47 for instruction: %3 = call <4 x float> @llvm.log2.v4f32(<4 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 95 for instruction: %4 = call <8 x float> @llvm.log2.v8f32(<8 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 191 for instruction: %5 = call <16 x float> @llvm.log2.v16f32(<16 x float> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %6 = call @llvm.log2.nxv1f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %7 = call @llvm.log2.nxv2f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %8 = call @llvm.log2.nxv4f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %9 = call @llvm.log2.nxv8f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %10 = call @llvm.log2.nxv16f32( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 10 for instruction: %11 = call double @llvm.log2.f64(double undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 23 for instruction: %12 = call <2 x double> @llvm.log2.v2f64(<2 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 47 for instruction: %13 = call <4 x double> @llvm.log2.v4f64(<4 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 95 for instruction: %14 = call <8 x double> @llvm.log2.v8f64(<8 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 191 for instruction: %15 = call <16 x double> @llvm.log2.v16f64(<16 x double> undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %16 = call @llvm.log2.nxv1f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %17 = call @llvm.log2.nxv2f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %18 = call @llvm.log2.nxv4f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Invalid cost for instruction: %19 = call @llvm.log2.nxv8f64( undef) ; CHECK-NEXT: Cost Model: Found an estimated cost of 0 for instruction: ret void ; call float @llvm.log2.f32(float undef) call <2 x float> @llvm.log2.v2f32(<2 x float> undef) call <4 x float> @llvm.log2.v4f32(<4 x float> undef) call <8 x float> @llvm.log2.v8f32(<8 x float> undef) call <16 x float> @llvm.log2.v16f32(<16 x float> undef) call @llvm.log2.nvx1f32( undef) call @llvm.log2.nvx2f32( undef) call @llvm.log2.nvx4f32( undef) call @llvm.log2.nvx8f32( undef) call @llvm.log2.nvx16f32( undef) call double @llvm.log2.f64(double undef) call <2 x double> @llvm.log2.v2f64(<2 x double> undef) call <4 x double> @llvm.log2.v4f64(<4 x double> undef) call <8 x double> @llvm.log2.v8f64(<8 x double> undef) call <16 x double> @llvm.log2.v16f64(<16 x double> undef) call @llvm.log2.nvx1f64( undef) call @llvm.log2.nvx2f64( undef) call @llvm.log2.nvx4f64( undef) call @llvm.log2.nvx8f64( undef) ret void } declare float @llvm.sin.f32(float) declare <2 x float> @llvm.sin.v2f32(<2 x float>) declare <4 x float> @llvm.sin.v4f32(<4 x float>) declare <8 x float> @llvm.sin.v8f32(<8 x float>) declare <16 x float> @llvm.sin.v16f32(<16 x float>) declare @llvm.sin.nvx1f32() declare @llvm.sin.nvx2f32() declare @llvm.sin.nvx4f32() declare @llvm.sin.nvx8f32() declare @llvm.sin.nvx16f32() declare double @llvm.sin.f64(double) declare <2 x double> @llvm.sin.v2f64(<2 x double>) declare <4 x double> @llvm.sin.v4f64(<4 x double>) declare <8 x double> @llvm.sin.v8f64(<8 x double>) declare <16 x double> @llvm.sin.v16f64(<16 x double>) declare @llvm.sin.nvx1f64() declare @llvm.sin.nvx2f64() declare @llvm.sin.nvx4f64() declare @llvm.sin.nvx8f64() declare float @llvm.cos.f32(float) declare <2 x float> @llvm.cos.v2f32(<2 x float>) declare <4 x float> @llvm.cos.v4f32(<4 x float>) declare <8 x float> @llvm.cos.v8f32(<8 x float>) declare <16 x float> @llvm.cos.v16f32(<16 x float>) declare @llvm.cos.nvx1f32() declare @llvm.cos.nvx2f32() declare @llvm.cos.nvx4f32() declare @llvm.cos.nvx8f32() declare @llvm.cos.nvx16f32() declare double @llvm.cos.f64(double) declare <2 x double> @llvm.cos.v2f64(<2 x double>) declare <4 x double> @llvm.cos.v4f64(<4 x double>) declare <8 x double> @llvm.cos.v8f64(<8 x double>) declare <16 x double> @llvm.cos.v16f64(<16 x double>) declare @llvm.cos.nvx1f64() declare @llvm.cos.nvx2f64() declare @llvm.cos.nvx4f64() declare @llvm.cos.nvx8f64() declare float @llvm.exp.f32(float) declare <2 x float> @llvm.exp.v2f32(<2 x float>) declare <4 x float> @llvm.exp.v4f32(<4 x float>) declare <8 x float> @llvm.exp.v8f32(<8 x float>) declare <16 x float> @llvm.exp.v16f32(<16 x float>) declare @llvm.exp.nvx1f32() declare @llvm.exp.nvx2f32() declare @llvm.exp.nvx4f32() declare @llvm.exp.nvx8f32() declare @llvm.exp.nvx16f32() declare double @llvm.exp.f64(double) declare <2 x double> @llvm.exp.v2f64(<2 x double>) declare <4 x double> @llvm.exp.v4f64(<4 x double>) declare <8 x double> @llvm.exp.v8f64(<8 x double>) declare <16 x double> @llvm.exp.v16f64(<16 x double>) declare @llvm.exp.nvx1f64() declare @llvm.exp.nvx2f64() declare @llvm.exp.nvx4f64() declare @llvm.exp.nvx8f64() declare float @llvm.exp2.f32(float) declare <2 x float> @llvm.exp2.v2f32(<2 x float>) declare <4 x float> @llvm.exp2.v4f32(<4 x float>) declare <8 x float> @llvm.exp2.v8f32(<8 x float>) declare <16 x float> @llvm.exp2.v16f32(<16 x float>) declare @llvm.exp2.nvx1f32() declare @llvm.exp2.nvx2f32() declare @llvm.exp2.nvx4f32() declare @llvm.exp2.nvx8f32() declare @llvm.exp2.nvx16f32() declare double @llvm.exp2.f64(double) declare <2 x double> @llvm.exp2.v2f64(<2 x double>) declare <4 x double> @llvm.exp2.v4f64(<4 x double>) declare <8 x double> @llvm.exp2.v8f64(<8 x double>) declare <16 x double> @llvm.exp2.v16f64(<16 x double>) declare @llvm.exp2.nvx1f64() declare @llvm.exp2.nvx2f64() declare @llvm.exp2.nvx4f64() declare @llvm.exp2.nvx8f64() declare float @llvm.log.f32(float) declare <2 x float> @llvm.log.v2f32(<2 x float>) declare <4 x float> @llvm.log.v4f32(<4 x float>) declare <8 x float> @llvm.log.v8f32(<8 x float>) declare <16 x float> @llvm.log.v16f32(<16 x float>) declare @llvm.log.nvx1f32() declare @llvm.log.nvx2f32() declare @llvm.log.nvx4f32() declare @llvm.log.nvx8f32() declare @llvm.log.nvx16f32() declare double @llvm.log.f64(double) declare <2 x double> @llvm.log.v2f64(<2 x double>) declare <4 x double> @llvm.log.v4f64(<4 x double>) declare <8 x double> @llvm.log.v8f64(<8 x double>) declare <16 x double> @llvm.log.v16f64(<16 x double>) declare @llvm.log.nvx1f64() declare @llvm.log.nvx2f64() declare @llvm.log.nvx4f64() declare @llvm.log.nvx8f64() declare float @llvm.log10.f32(float) declare <2 x float> @llvm.log10.v2f32(<2 x float>) declare <4 x float> @llvm.log10.v4f32(<4 x float>) declare <8 x float> @llvm.log10.v8f32(<8 x float>) declare <16 x float> @llvm.log10.v16f32(<16 x float>) declare @llvm.log10.nvx1f32() declare @llvm.log10.nvx2f32() declare @llvm.log10.nvx4f32() declare @llvm.log10.nvx8f32() declare @llvm.log10.nvx16f32() declare double @llvm.log10.f64(double) declare <2 x double> @llvm.log10.v2f64(<2 x double>) declare <4 x double> @llvm.log10.v4f64(<4 x double>) declare <8 x double> @llvm.log10.v8f64(<8 x double>) declare <16 x double> @llvm.log10.v16f64(<16 x double>) declare @llvm.log10.nvx1f64() declare @llvm.log10.nvx2f64() declare @llvm.log10.nvx4f64() declare @llvm.log10.nvx8f64() declare float @llvm.log2.f32(float) declare <2 x float> @llvm.log2.v2f32(<2 x float>) declare <4 x float> @llvm.log2.v4f32(<4 x float>) declare <8 x float> @llvm.log2.v8f32(<8 x float>) declare <16 x float> @llvm.log2.v16f32(<16 x float>) declare @llvm.log2.nvx1f32() declare @llvm.log2.nvx2f32() declare @llvm.log2.nvx4f32() declare @llvm.log2.nvx8f32() declare @llvm.log2.nvx16f32() declare double @llvm.log2.f64(double) declare <2 x double> @llvm.log2.v2f64(<2 x double>) declare <4 x double> @llvm.log2.v4f64(<4 x double>) declare <8 x double> @llvm.log2.v8f64(<8 x double>) declare <16 x double> @llvm.log2.v16f64(<16 x double>) declare @llvm.log2.nvx1f64() declare @llvm.log2.nvx2f64() declare @llvm.log2.nvx4f64() declare @llvm.log2.nvx8f64()