"""Generate a mock model for LLVM tests for Register Allocation. The generated model is not a neural net - it is just a tf.function with the correct input and output parameters. By construction, the mock model will always output the first liverange that can be evicted. """ import os import sys import tensorflow as tf POLICY_DECISION_LABEL = "index_to_evict" POLICY_OUTPUT_SPEC = """ [ { "logging_name": "index_to_evict", "tensor_spec": { "name": "StatefulPartitionedCall", "port": 0, "type": "int64_t", "shape": [ 1 ] } } ] """ PER_REGISTER_FEATURE_LIST = ["mask"] NUM_REGISTERS = 33 def get_input_signature(): """Returns (time_step_spec, action_spec) for LLVM register allocation.""" inputs = dict( (key, tf.TensorSpec(dtype=tf.int64, shape=(NUM_REGISTERS), name=key)) for key in PER_REGISTER_FEATURE_LIST ) return inputs def get_output_spec_path(path): return os.path.join(path, "output_spec.json") def build_mock_model(path): """Build and save the mock model with the given signature.""" module = tf.Module() # We have to set this useless variable in order for the TF C API to correctly # intake it module.var = tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int64) def action(*inputs): result = ( tf.math.argmax(tf.cast(inputs[0]["mask"], tf.int32), axis=-1) + module.var ) return {POLICY_DECISION_LABEL: result} module.action = tf.function()(action) action = {"action": module.action.get_concrete_function(get_input_signature())} tf.saved_model.save(module, path, signatures=action) output_spec_path = get_output_spec_path(path) with open(output_spec_path, "w") as f: print(f"Writing output spec to {output_spec_path}.") f.write(POLICY_OUTPUT_SPEC) def main(argv): assert len(argv) == 2 model_path = argv[1] build_mock_model(model_path) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)