cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20.0) project( libclc VERSION 0.2.0 LANGUAGES CXX C) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) # Add path for custom modules list( INSERT CMAKE_MODULE_PATH 0 "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules" ) set( LIBCLC_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) set( LIBCLC_BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) set( LIBCLC_OBJFILE_DIR ${LIBCLC_BINARY_DIR}/obj.libclc.dir ) include( AddLibclc ) include( GNUInstallDirs ) set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS amdgcn-amdhsa/lib/SOURCES; amdgcn/lib/SOURCES; amdgcn-mesa3d/lib/SOURCES; amdgpu/lib/SOURCES; clspv/lib/SOURCES; clspv64/lib/SOURCES; generic/lib/SOURCES; ptx/lib/SOURCES; ptx-nvidiacl/lib/SOURCES; r600/lib/SOURCES; spirv/lib/SOURCES; spirv64/lib/SOURCES ) set( LIBCLC_MIN_LLVM 3.9.0 ) set( LIBCLC_TARGETS_TO_BUILD "all" CACHE STRING "Semicolon-separated list of libclc targets to build, or 'all'." ) option( ENABLE_RUNTIME_SUBNORMAL "Enable runtime linking of subnormal support." OFF ) if( LIBCLC_STANDALONE_BUILD OR CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR ) # Out-of-tree configuration set( LIBCLC_STANDALONE_BUILD TRUE ) find_package(LLVM REQUIRED HINTS "${LLVM_CMAKE_DIR}") include(AddLLVM) message( STATUS "libclc LLVM version: ${LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION}" ) if( LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION VERSION_LESS LIBCLC_MIN_LLVM ) message( FATAL_ERROR "libclc needs at least LLVM ${LIBCLC_MIN_LLVM}" ) endif() # Import required tools as targets if( NOT EXISTS ${LIBCLC_CUSTOM_LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR} ) foreach( tool IN ITEMS clang llvm-as llvm-link opt ) find_program( LLVM_TOOL_${tool} ${tool} PATHS ${LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR} NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) add_executable( libclc::${tool} IMPORTED GLOBAL ) set_target_properties( libclc::${tool} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${LLVM_TOOL_${tool}} ) endforeach() endif() else() # In-tree configuration set( LIBCLC_STANDALONE_BUILD FALSE ) set( LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION ${LLVM_VERSION} ) # Note that we check this later (for both build types) but we can provide a # more useful error message when built in-tree. We assume that LLVM tools are # always available so don't warn here. if( NOT clang IN_LIST LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS ) message(FATAL_ERROR "Clang is not enabled, but is required to build libclc in-tree") endif() if( NOT EXISTS ${LIBCLC_CUSTOM_LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR} ) foreach( tool IN ITEMS clang llvm-as llvm-link opt ) add_executable(libclc::${tool} ALIAS ${tool}) endforeach() endif() endif() if( EXISTS ${LIBCLC_CUSTOM_LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR} ) message( WARNING "Using custom LLVM tools to build libclc: " "${LIBCLC_CUSTOM_LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR}, " " ensure the tools are up to date." ) # Note - use a differently named variable than LLVM_TOOL_${tool} as above, as # the variable name is used to cache the result of find_program. If we used # the same name, a user wouldn't be able to switch a build between default # and custom tools. foreach( tool IN ITEMS clang llvm-as llvm-link opt ) find_program( LLVM_CUSTOM_TOOL_${tool} ${tool} PATHS ${LIBCLC_CUSTOM_LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR} NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) add_executable( libclc::${tool} IMPORTED GLOBAL ) set_target_properties( libclc::${tool} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${LLVM_CUSTOM_TOOL_${tool}} ) endforeach() endif() foreach( tool IN ITEMS clang opt llvm-as llvm-link ) if( NOT TARGET libclc::${tool} ) message( FATAL_ERROR "libclc toolchain incomplete - missing tool ${tool}!" ) endif() endforeach() # llvm-spirv is an optional dependency, used to build spirv-* targets. find_program( LLVM_SPIRV llvm-spirv PATHS ${LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR} NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) if( LLVM_SPIRV ) add_executable( libclc::llvm-spirv IMPORTED GLOBAL ) set_target_properties( libclc::llvm-spirv PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${LLVM_SPIRV} ) endif() # List of all targets. Note that some are added dynamically below. set( LIBCLC_TARGETS_ALL amdgcn-- amdgcn--amdhsa clspv-- clspv64-- r600-- nvptx-- nvptx64-- nvptx--nvidiacl nvptx64--nvidiacl ) # mesa3d environment is only available since LLVM 4.0 if( LLVM_PACKAGE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 4.0.0 ) list( APPEND LIBCLC_TARGETS_ALL amdgcn-mesa-mesa3d ) endif() # spirv-mesa3d and spirv64-mesa3d targets can only be built with the (optional) # llvm-spirv external tool. if( TARGET libclc::llvm-spirv ) list( APPEND LIBCLC_TARGETS_ALL spirv-mesa3d- spirv64-mesa3d- ) endif() if( LIBCLC_TARGETS_TO_BUILD STREQUAL "all" ) set( LIBCLC_TARGETS_TO_BUILD ${LIBCLC_TARGETS_ALL} ) endif() list( SORT LIBCLC_TARGETS_TO_BUILD ) # Verify that the user hasn't requested mesa3d targets without an available # llvm-spirv tool. if( "spirv-mesa3d-" IN_LIST LIBCLC_TARGETS_TO_BUILD OR "spirv64-mesa3d-" IN_LIST LIBCLC_TARGETS_TO_BUILD ) if( NOT TARGET libclc::llvm-spirv ) message( FATAL_ERROR "SPIR-V targets requested, but spirv-tools is not installed" ) endif() endif() # Construct LLVM version define set( LLVM_VERSION_DEFINE "-DHAVE_LLVM=0x${LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR}0${LLVM_VERSION_MINOR}" ) # This needs to be set before any target that needs it # We need to use LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS here, because if we are linking to an # llvm build directory, this includes $src/llvm/include which is where all the # headers are not $build/include/ which is what LLVM_INCLUDE_DIR is set to. include_directories( ${LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) # Setup prepare_builtins tools set(LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS BitReader BitWriter Core IRReader Support ) if( LIBCLC_STANDALONE_BUILD ) add_llvm_executable( prepare_builtins utils/prepare-builtins.cpp ) else() add_llvm_utility( prepare_builtins utils/prepare-builtins.cpp ) endif() target_compile_definitions( prepare_builtins PRIVATE ${LLVM_VERSION_DEFINE} ) # These were not properly reported in early LLVM and we don't need them target_compile_options( prepare_builtins PRIVATE -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions ) # Setup arch devices set( r600--_devices cedar cypress barts cayman ) set( amdgcn--_devices tahiti ) set( amdgcn-mesa-mesa3d_devices ${amdgcn--_devices} ) set( amdgcn--amdhsa_devices none ) set( clspv--_devices none ) set( clspv64--_devices none ) set( nvptx--_devices none ) set( nvptx64--_devices none ) set( nvptx--nvidiacl_devices none ) set( nvptx64--nvidiacl_devices none ) set( spirv-mesa3d-_devices none ) set( spirv64-mesa3d-_devices none ) # Setup aliases set( cedar_aliases palm sumo sumo2 redwood juniper ) set( cypress_aliases hemlock ) set( barts_aliases turks caicos ) set( cayman_aliases aruba ) set( tahiti_aliases pitcairn verde oland hainan bonaire kabini kaveri hawaii mullins tonga tongapro iceland carrizo fiji stoney polaris10 polaris11 gfx602 gfx705 gfx805 gfx900 gfx902 gfx904 gfx906 gfx908 gfx909 gfx90a gfx90c gfx940 gfx941 gfx942 gfx1010 gfx1011 gfx1012 gfx1013 gfx1030 gfx1031 gfx1032 gfx1033 gfx1034 gfx1035 gfx1036 gfx1100 gfx1101 gfx1102 gfx1103 gfx1150 gfx1151 gfx1152 gfx1200 gfx1201 ) # pkg-config file configure_file( libclc.pc @ONLY ) install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libclc.pc DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/pkgconfig" ) install( DIRECTORY generic/include/clc DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}" ) if( ENABLE_RUNTIME_SUBNORMAL ) foreach( file IN ITEMS subnormal_use_default subnormal_disable ) link_bc( TARGET ${file} INPUTS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/generic/lib/${file}.ll ) install( FILES $ ARCHIVE DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/clc" ) endforeach() endif() find_package( Python3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter ) file( TO_CMAKE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/generic/lib/ script_loc ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT COMMAND ${Python3_EXECUTABLE} ${script_loc} > DEPENDS ${script_loc} ) add_custom_target( "" DEPENDS ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT COMMAND ${Python3_EXECUTABLE} ${script_loc} --clspv > DEPENDS ${script_loc} ) add_custom_target( "" DEPENDS ) enable_testing() foreach( t ${LIBCLC_TARGETS_TO_BUILD} ) message( STATUS "libclc target '${t}' is enabled" ) string( REPLACE "-" ";" TRIPLE ${t} ) list( GET TRIPLE 0 ARCH ) list( GET TRIPLE 1 VENDOR ) list( GET TRIPLE 2 OS ) set( dirs ) if ( NOT ${ARCH} STREQUAL spirv AND NOT ${ARCH} STREQUAL spirv64 AND NOT ${ARCH} STREQUAL clspv AND NOT ${ARCH} STREQUAL clspv64) LIST( APPEND dirs generic ) endif() if( ${ARCH} STREQUAL r600 OR ${ARCH} STREQUAL amdgcn ) list( APPEND dirs amdgpu ) endif() # nvptx is special if( ${ARCH} STREQUAL nvptx OR ${ARCH} STREQUAL nvptx64 ) set( DARCH ptx ) else() set( DARCH ${ARCH} ) endif() # Enumerate SOURCES* files set( source_list ) foreach( l ${dirs} ${DARCH} ${DARCH}-${OS} ${DARCH}-${VENDOR}-${OS} ) foreach( s "SOURCES" "SOURCES_${LLVM_MAJOR}.${LLVM_MINOR}" ) file( TO_CMAKE_PATH ${l}/lib/${s} file_loc ) file( TO_CMAKE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${file_loc} loc ) # Prepend the location to give higher priority to # specialized implementation if( EXISTS ${loc} ) set( source_list ${file_loc} ${source_list} ) endif() endforeach() endforeach() # Add the generated here to prevent adding the one listed in # SOURCES set( objects ) # A "set" of already-added input files set( rel_files ) # Source directory input files, relative to the root dir set( gen_files ) # Generated binary input files, relative to the binary dir if( NOT ${ARCH} STREQUAL "spirv" AND NOT ${ARCH} STREQUAL "spirv64" ) if( NOT ENABLE_RUNTIME_SUBNORMAL AND NOT ${ARCH} STREQUAL "clspv" AND NOT ${ARCH} STREQUAL "clspv64" ) list( APPEND gen_files ) list( APPEND objects ) list( APPEND rel_files generic/lib/subnormal_use_default.ll ) elseif(${ARCH} STREQUAL "clspv" OR ${ARCH} STREQUAL "clspv64") list( APPEND gen_files ) list( APPEND objects ) endif() endif() foreach( l ${source_list} ) file( READ ${l} file_list ) string( REPLACE "\n" ";" file_list ${file_list} ) get_filename_component( dir ${l} DIRECTORY ) foreach( f ${file_list} ) # Only add each file once, so that targets can 'specialize' builtins if( NOT ${f} IN_LIST objects ) list( APPEND objects ${f} ) list( APPEND rel_files ${dir}/${f} ) endif() endforeach() endforeach() foreach( d ${${t}_devices} ) get_libclc_device_info( TRIPLE ${t} DEVICE ${d} CPU cpu ARCH_SUFFIX arch_suffix CLANG_TRIPLE clang_triple ) set( mcpu ) if( NOT "${cpu}" STREQUAL "" ) set( mcpu "-mcpu=${cpu}" ) endif() message( STATUS " device: ${d} ( ${${d}_aliases} )" ) if ( ARCH STREQUAL spirv OR ARCH STREQUAL spirv64 ) set( build_flags -O0 -finline-hint-functions ) set( opt_flags ) set( spvflags --spirv-max-version=1.1 ) elseif( ARCH STREQUAL clspv OR ARCH STREQUAL clspv64 ) set( build_flags "-Wno-unknown-assumption") set( opt_flags -O3 ) else() set( build_flags ) set( opt_flags -O3 ) endif() set( LIBCLC_ARCH_OBJFILE_DIR "${LIBCLC_OBJFILE_DIR}/${arch_suffix}" ) file( MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LIBCLC_ARCH_OBJFILE_DIR} ) string( TOUPPER "CLC_${ARCH}" CLC_TARGET_DEFINE ) list( APPEND build_flags -D__CLC_INTERNAL -D${CLC_TARGET_DEFINE} -I${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/generic/include # FIXME: Fix libclc to not require disabling this noisy warning -Wno-bitwise-conditional-parentheses ) set( bytecode_files "" ) foreach( file IN LISTS gen_files rel_files ) # We need to take each file and produce an absolute input file, as well # as a unique architecture-specific output file. We deal with a mix of # different input files, which makes this trickier. if( ${file} IN_LIST gen_files ) # Generated files are given just as file names, which we must make # absolute to the binary directory. set( input_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${file} ) set( output_file "${LIBCLC_ARCH_OBJFILE_DIR}/${file}.bc" ) else() # Other files are originally relative to each SOURCE file, which are # then make relative to the libclc root directory. We must normalize # the path (e.g., ironing out any ".."), then make it relative to the # root directory again, and use that relative path component for the # binary path. get_filename_component( abs_path ${file} ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} ) file( RELATIVE_PATH root_rel_path ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} ${abs_path} ) set( input_file ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${file} ) set( output_file "${LIBCLC_ARCH_OBJFILE_DIR}/${root_rel_path}.bc" ) endif() get_filename_component( file_dir ${file} DIRECTORY ) compile_to_bc( TRIPLE ${clang_triple} INPUT ${input_file} OUTPUT ${output_file} EXTRA_OPTS "${mcpu}" -fno-builtin -nostdlib "${build_flags}" -I${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${file_dir} ) list( APPEND bytecode_files ${output_file} ) endforeach() set( builtins_link_lib_tgt${arch_suffix} ) link_bc( TARGET ${builtins_link_lib_tgt} INPUTS ${bytecode_files} ) set( builtins_link_lib $ ) if( ARCH STREQUAL spirv OR ARCH STREQUAL spirv64 ) set( spv_suffix ${arch_suffix}.spv ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${spv_suffix} COMMAND libclc::llvm-spirv ${spvflags} -o ${spv_suffix} ${builtins_link_lib} DEPENDS ${builtins_link_lib} ) add_custom_target( "prepare-${spv_suffix}" ALL DEPENDS "${spv_suffix}" ) install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${spv_suffix} DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/clc" ) else() set( builtins_opt_lib_tgt builtins.opt.${arch_suffix} ) # Add opt target add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${builtins_opt_lib_tgt}.bc COMMAND libclc::opt ${opt_flags} -o ${builtins_opt_lib_tgt}.bc ${builtins_link_lib} DEPENDS libclc::opt ${builtins_link_lib} ) add_custom_target( ${builtins_opt_lib_tgt} ALL DEPENDS ${builtins_opt_lib_tgt}.bc ) set_target_properties( ${builtins_opt_lib_tgt} PROPERTIES TARGET_FILE ${builtins_opt_lib_tgt}.bc ) set( builtins_opt_lib $ ) # Add prepare target set( obj_suffix ${arch_suffix}.bc ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${obj_suffix} COMMAND prepare_builtins -o ${obj_suffix} ${builtins_opt_lib} DEPENDS ${builtins_opt_lib} prepare_builtins ) add_custom_target( prepare-${obj_suffix} ALL DEPENDS ${obj_suffix} ) # nvptx-- targets don't include workitem builtins if( NOT clang_triple MATCHES ".*ptx.*--$" ) add_test( NAME external-calls-${obj_suffix} COMMAND ./ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${obj_suffix} ${LLVM_TOOLS_BINARY_DIR} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} ) endif() install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${obj_suffix} DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/clc" ) foreach( a ${${d}_aliases} ) set( alias_suffix "${a}-${clang_triple}.bc" ) add_custom_target( ${alias_suffix} ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${obj_suffix} ${alias_suffix} DEPENDS prepare-${obj_suffix} ) install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${alias_suffix} DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/clc" ) endforeach( a ) endif() endforeach( d ) endforeach( t )