=============================================== llvm-libc: An ISO C-conformant Standard Library =============================================== **llvm-libc library is not complete. If you need a fully functioning libc right now, you should continue to use your standard system libc.** .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 4 :local: Introduction ============ The libc aspires to a unique place in the software ecosystem. The goals are: - Fully compliant with current C standards (C17 and upcoming C2x) and POSIX. - Easily decomposed and embedded: Supplement or replace system C library functionality easily. This is useful to get consistent math precision across systems, or updated memory operations for newer microarchitectures. These pieces will work on Linux, MacOS, Windows, and Fuchsia. - The creation of fully static binaries without license implications. - Increase whole program optimization opportunities for static binaries through ability to inline math and memory operations. - Reduce coding errors by coding in modern C++ through the use of lightweight containers during coding that can be optimized away at runtime. - Permit fuzzing and sanitizer instrumentation of user binaries including the libc functions. - A complete testsuite that tests both the public interface and internal algorithms. - `Fuzzing`__ .. __: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/libc/fuzzing Platform Support ================ Most development is currently targeting x86_64 and aarch64 on Linux. Several functions in llvm-libc have been tested on Windows. The Fuchsia platform is slowly replacing functions from its bundled libc with functions from llvm-libc. ABI Compatibility ================= llvm-libc is written to be ABI independent. Interfaces are generated using LLVM's tablegen, so supporting arbitrary ABIs is possible. In it's initial stages llvm-libc is not offering ABI stability in any form. Other Interesting Documentation =============================== .. toctree:: build_system clang_tidy_checks entrypoints fuzzing ground_truth_specification header_generation implementation_standard api_test layering mechanics_of_public_api redirectors source_layout strings runtimes_build stdio math