# This is a helper function and not a build rule. It is to be used by the # various test rules to generate the full list of object files # recursively produced by "add_entrypoint_object" and "add_object_library" # targets. # Usage: # get_object_files_for_test( # # [ ...]) # # The list of object files is collected in . # If skipped entrypoints were found, then is # set to a true value. # targetN is either an "add_entrypoint_target" target or an # "add_object_library" target. function(get_object_files_for_test result skipped_entrypoints_list) set(object_files "") set(skipped_list "") foreach(dep IN LISTS ARGN) get_target_property(dep_type ${dep} "TARGET_TYPE") if(NOT dep_type) # Target for which TARGET_TYPE property is not set do not # provide any object files. continue() endif() if(${dep_type} STREQUAL ${OBJECT_LIBRARY_TARGET_TYPE}) get_target_property(dep_object_files ${dep} "OBJECT_FILES") if(dep_object_files) list(APPEND object_files ${dep_object_files}) endif() elseif(${dep_type} STREQUAL ${ENTRYPOINT_OBJ_TARGET_TYPE}) get_target_property(is_skipped ${dep} "SKIPPED") if(is_skipped) list(APPEND skipped_list ${dep}) continue() endif() get_target_property(object_file_raw ${dep} "OBJECT_FILE_RAW") if(object_file_raw) list(APPEND object_files ${object_file_raw}) endif() endif() get_target_property(indirect_deps ${dep} "DEPS") get_object_files_for_test( indirect_objfiles indirect_skipped_list ${indirect_deps}) list(APPEND object_files ${indirect_objfiles}) if(indirect_skipped_list) list(APPEND skipped_list ${indirect_skipped_list}) endif() endforeach(dep) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES object_files) set(${result} ${object_files} PARENT_SCOPE) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES skipped_list) set(${skipped_entrypoints_list} ${skipped_list} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(get_object_files_for_test) # Rule to add a libc unittest. # Usage # add_libc_unittest( # # SUITE # SRCS # HDRS # DEPENDS # COMPILE_OPTIONS # ) function(add_libc_unittest target_name) if(NOT LLVM_INCLUDE_TESTS) return() endif() cmake_parse_arguments( "LIBC_UNITTEST" "" # No optional arguments "SUITE" # Single value arguments "SRCS;HDRS;DEPENDS;COMPILE_OPTIONS" # Multi-value arguments ${ARGN} ) if(NOT LIBC_UNITTEST_SRCS) message(FATAL_ERROR "'add_libc_unittest' target requires a SRCS list of .cpp " "files.") endif() if(NOT LIBC_UNITTEST_DEPENDS) message(FATAL_ERROR "'add_libc_unittest' target requires a DEPENDS list of " "'add_entrypoint_object' targets.") endif() get_fq_target_name(${target_name} fq_target_name) get_fq_deps_list(fq_deps_list ${LIBC_UNITTEST_DEPENDS}) get_object_files_for_test( link_object_files skipped_entrypoints_list ${fq_deps_list}) if(skipped_entrypoints_list) # If a test is OS/target machine independent, it has to be skipped if the # OS/target machine combination does not provide any dependent entrypoints. # If a test is OS/target machine specific, then such a test will live is a # OS/target machine specific directory and will be skipped at the directory # level if required. # # There can potentially be a setup like this: A unittest is setup for a # OS/target machine independent object library, which in turn depends on a # machine specific object library. Such a test would be testing internals of # the libc and it is assumed that they will be rare in practice. So, they # can be skipped in the corresponding CMake files using platform specific # logic. This pattern is followed in the loader tests for example. # # Another pattern that is present currently is to detect machine # capabilities and add entrypoints and tests accordingly. That approach is # much lower level approach and is independent of the kind of skipping that # is happening here at the entrypoint level. set(msg "Skipping unittest ${fq_target_name} as it has missing deps: " "${skipped_entrypoints_list}.") message(STATUS ${msg}) add_custom_target(${fq_target_name}) # A post build custom command is used to avoid running the command always. add_custom_command( TARGET ${fq_target_name} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo ${msg} ) return() endif() add_executable( ${fq_target_name} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${LIBC_UNITTEST_SRCS} ${LIBC_UNITTEST_HDRS} ) target_include_directories( ${fq_target_name} PRIVATE ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR} ${LIBC_BUILD_DIR} ${LIBC_BUILD_DIR}/include ) if(LIBC_UNITTEST_COMPILE_OPTIONS) target_compile_options( ${target_name} PRIVATE ${LIBC_UNITTEST_COMPILE_OPTIONS} ) endif() target_link_libraries(${fq_target_name} PRIVATE ${link_object_files}) set_target_properties(${fq_target_name} PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) add_dependencies( ${fq_target_name} ${fq_deps_list} ) target_link_libraries(${fq_target_name} PRIVATE LibcUnitTest libc_test_utils) add_custom_command( TARGET ${fq_target_name} POST_BUILD COMMAND $ ) if(LIBC_UNITTEST_SUITE) add_dependencies( ${LIBC_UNITTEST_SUITE} ${fq_target_name} ) endif() endfunction(add_libc_unittest) function(add_libc_testsuite suite_name) add_custom_target(${suite_name}) add_dependencies(check-libc ${suite_name}) endfunction(add_libc_testsuite) # Rule to add a fuzzer test. # Usage # add_libc_fuzzer( # # SRCS # HDRS # DEPENDS # ) function(add_libc_fuzzer target_name) cmake_parse_arguments( "LIBC_FUZZER" "" # No optional arguments "" # Single value arguments "SRCS;HDRS;DEPENDS" # Multi-value arguments ${ARGN} ) if(NOT LIBC_FUZZER_SRCS) message(FATAL_ERROR "'add_libc_fuzzer' target requires a SRCS list of .cpp " "files.") endif() if(NOT LIBC_FUZZER_DEPENDS) message(FATAL_ERROR "'add_libc_fuzzer' target requires a DEPENDS list of " "'add_entrypoint_object' targets.") endif() get_fq_target_name(${target_name} fq_target_name) get_fq_deps_list(fq_deps_list ${LIBC_FUZZER_DEPENDS}) get_object_files_for_test( link_object_files skipped_entrypoints_list ${fq_deps_list}) if(skipped_entrypoints_list) set(msg "Skipping fuzzer target ${fq_target_name} as it has missing deps: " "${skipped_entrypoints_list}.") message(STATUS ${msg}) add_custom_target(${fq_target_name}) # A post build custom command is used to avoid running the command always. add_custom_command( TARGET ${fq_target_name} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo ${msg} ) return() endif() add_executable( ${fq_target_name} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${LIBC_FUZZER_SRCS} ${LIBC_FUZZER_HDRS} ) target_include_directories( ${fq_target_name} PRIVATE ${LIBC_SOURCE_DIR} ${LIBC_BUILD_DIR} ${LIBC_BUILD_DIR}/include ) target_link_libraries(${fq_target_name} PRIVATE ${link_object_files}) set_target_properties(${fq_target_name} PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) add_dependencies( ${fq_target_name} ${fq_deps_list} ) add_dependencies(libc-fuzzer ${fq_target_name}) endfunction(add_libc_fuzzer)