# -*- Python -*- import os import platform import re import subprocess import sys import lit.formats import lit.util from lit.llvm import llvm_config from lit.llvm.subst import ToolSubst from lit.llvm.subst import FindTool # Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner. # name: The name of this test suite. config.name = "Flang" # testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests. # # For now we require '&&' between commands, until they get globally killed and # the test runner updated. config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(not llvm_config.use_lit_shell) # suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files. config.suffixes = [ ".c", ".cpp", ".f", ".F", ".ff", ".FOR", ".for", ".f77", ".f90", ".F90", ".ff90", ".f95", ".F95", ".ff95", ".fpp", ".FPP", ".cuf", ".CUF", ".f18", ".F18", ".f03", ".F03", ".f08", ".F08", ".ll", ".fir", ".mlir", ] config.substitutions.append(("%PATH%", config.environment["PATH"])) config.substitutions.append(("%llvmshlibdir", config.llvm_shlib_dir)) config.substitutions.append(("%pluginext", config.llvm_plugin_ext)) llvm_config.use_default_substitutions() # ask llvm-config about asserts llvm_config.feature_config([("--assertion-mode", {"ON": "asserts"})]) # Targets config.targets = frozenset(config.targets_to_build.split()) for arch in config.targets_to_build.split(): config.available_features.add(arch.lower() + "-registered-target") # To modify the default target triple for flang tests. if config.flang_test_triple: config.target_triple = config.flang_test_triple config.environment[config.llvm_target_triple_env] = config.flang_test_triple # excludes: A list of directories to exclude from the testsuite. The 'Inputs' # subdirectories contain auxiliary inputs for various tests in their parent # directories. config.excludes = ["Inputs", "CMakeLists.txt", "README.txt", "LICENSE.txt"] # If the flang examples are built, add examples to the config if config.flang_examples: config.available_features.add("examples") # Plugins (loadable modules) if config.has_plugins: config.available_features.add("plugins") if config.linked_bye_extension: config.substitutions.append(("%loadbye", "")) else: config.substitutions.append( ( "%loadbye", "-fpass-plugin={}/Bye{}".format( config.llvm_shlib_dir, config.llvm_plugin_ext ), ) ) # test_source_root: The root path where tests are located. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # test_exec_root: The root path where tests should be run. config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(config.flang_obj_root, "test") # Tweak the PATH to include the tools dir. llvm_config.with_environment("PATH", config.flang_tools_dir, append_path=True) llvm_config.with_environment("PATH", config.llvm_tools_dir, append_path=True) if config.flang_standalone_build: # For builds with FIR, set path for tco and enable related tests if config.flang_llvm_tools_dir != "": config.available_features.add("fir") if config.llvm_tools_dir != config.flang_llvm_tools_dir: llvm_config.with_environment( "PATH", config.flang_llvm_tools_dir, append_path=True ) # On MacOS, -isysroot is needed to build binaries. isysroot_flag = [] if config.osx_sysroot: isysroot_flag = ["-isysroot", config.osx_sysroot] # Check for DEFAULT_SYSROOT, because when it is set -isysroot has no effect. if config.default_sysroot: config.available_features.add("default_sysroot") # For each occurrence of a flang tool name, replace it with the full path to # the build directory holding that tool. tools = [ ToolSubst( "%flang", command=FindTool("flang-new"), extra_args=isysroot_flag, unresolved="fatal", ), ToolSubst( "%flang_fc1", command=FindTool("flang-new"), extra_args=["-fc1"], unresolved="fatal", ), ] # Flang has several unimplemented features. TODO messages are used to mark # and fail if these features are exercised. Some TODOs exit with a non-zero # exit code, but others abort the execution in assert builds. # To catch aborts, the `--crash` option for the `not` command has to be used. tools.append(ToolSubst("%not_todo_cmd", command=FindTool("not"), unresolved="fatal")) if "asserts" in config.available_features: tools.append( ToolSubst( "%not_todo_abort_cmd", command=FindTool("not"), extra_args=["--crash"], unresolved="fatal", ) ) else: tools.append( ToolSubst("%not_todo_abort_cmd", command=FindTool("not"), unresolved="fatal") ) # Define some variables to help us test that the flang runtime doesn't depend on # the C++ runtime libraries. For this we need a C compiler. If for some reason # we don't have one, we can just disable the test. if config.cc: libruntime = os.path.join(config.flang_lib_dir, "libFortranRuntime.a") libdecimal = os.path.join(config.flang_lib_dir, "libFortranDecimal.a") include = os.path.join(config.flang_src_dir, "include") if ( os.path.isfile(libruntime) and os.path.isfile(libdecimal) and os.path.isdir(include) ): config.available_features.add("c-compiler") tools.append( ToolSubst( "%cc", command=config.cc, extra_args=isysroot_flag, unresolved="fatal" ) ) tools.append(ToolSubst("%libruntime", command=libruntime, unresolved="fatal")) tools.append(ToolSubst("%libdecimal", command=libdecimal, unresolved="fatal")) tools.append(ToolSubst("%include", command=include, unresolved="fatal")) # Add all the tools and their substitutions (if applicable). Use the search paths provided for # finding the tools. if config.flang_standalone_build: llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions( tools, [config.flang_llvm_tools_dir, config.llvm_tools_dir] ) else: llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions(tools, config.llvm_tools_dir) # Enable libpgmath testing result = lit_config.params.get("LIBPGMATH") if result: config.environment["LIBPGMATH"] = True