#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Compiles a source file with "-fdebug-unparse-with-symbols' and verifies we get the right symbols in the output, i.e. the output should be the same as the input, except for the copyright comment. Parameters: sys.argv[1]: a source file with contains the input and expected output sys.argv[2]: the Flang frontend driver sys.argv[3:]: Optional arguments to the Flang frontend driver""" import sys import tempfile import re import subprocess import common as cm from difflib import unified_diff cm.check_args(sys.argv) src = cm.set_source(sys.argv[1]) diff1 = "" diff2 = "" flang_fc1 = cm.set_executable(sys.argv[2]) flang_fc1_args = sys.argv[3:] flang_fc1_options = "-fdebug-unparse-with-symbols" # Strips out blank lines and all comments except for "!DEF:", "!REF:", "!$acc" and "!$omp" with open(src, 'r') as text_in: for line in text_in: text = re.sub(r"!(?![DR]EF:|\$omp|\$acc).*", "", line) text = re.sub(r"^\s*$", "", text) diff1 += text # Strips out "!DEF:" and "!REF:" comments for line in diff1: text = re.sub(r"![DR]EF:.*", "", line) diff2 += text # Compiles, inserting comments for symbols: cmd = [flang_fc1, *flang_fc1_args, flang_fc1_options] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: diff3 = subprocess.check_output(cmd, input=diff2, universal_newlines=True, cwd=tmpdir) # Removes all whitespace to compare differences in files diff1 = diff1.replace(" ", "") diff3 = diff3.replace(" ", "") diff_check = "" # Compares the input with the output diff_check = "\n".join(unified_diff(diff1.split("\n"), diff3.split("\n"), n=999999, fromfile="Expected_output", tofile="Actual_output")) if diff_check != "": print(diff_check.replace(" ", "")) print() print("FAIL") sys.exit(1) else: print() print("PASS")