// RUN: tco --target=i386-unknown-linux-gnu %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=I32 // RUN: tco --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X64 // RUN: tco --target=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=AARCH64 // RUN: tco --target=powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=PPC // I32-LABEL: define i64 @gen4() // X64-LABEL: define <2 x float> @gen4() // AARCH64-LABEL: define { float, float } @gen4() // PPC-LABEL: define { float, float } @gen4() func.func @gen4() -> !fir.complex<4> { %1 = fir.undefined !fir.complex<4> %2 = arith.constant 2.0 : f32 %3 = fir.convert %2 : (f32) -> !fir.real<4> %c0 = arith.constant 0 : i32 %4 = fir.insert_value %1, %3, [0 : index] : (!fir.complex<4>, !fir.real<4>) -> !fir.complex<4> %c1 = arith.constant 1 : i32 %5 = arith.constant -42.0 : f32 %6 = fir.insert_value %4, %5, [1 : index] : (!fir.complex<4>, f32) -> !fir.complex<4> // I32: store { float, float } { float 2.000000e+00, float -4.200000e+01 } // I32: %[[load:.*]] = load i64, ptr // I32: ret i64 %[[load]] // X64: store { float, float } { float 2.000000e+00, float -4.200000e+01 } // X64: %[[load:.*]] = load <2 x float>, ptr // X64: ret <2 x float> %[[load]] // AARCH64: ret { float, float } // PPC: ret { float, float } return %6 : !fir.complex<4> } // I32-LABEL: define void @gen8(ptr sret({ double, double }) align 4 % // X64-LABEL: define { double, double } @gen8() // AARCH64-LABEL: define { double, double } @gen8() // PPC-LABEL: define { double, double } @gen8() func.func @gen8() -> !fir.complex<8> { %1 = fir.undefined !fir.complex<8> %2 = arith.constant 1.0 : f64 %3 = arith.constant -4.0 : f64 %c0 = arith.constant 0 : i32 %4 = fir.insert_value %1, %3, [0 : index] : (!fir.complex<8>, f64) -> !fir.complex<8> %c1 = arith.constant 1 : i32 %5 = fir.insert_value %4, %2, [1 : index] : (!fir.complex<8>, f64) -> !fir.complex<8> // I32: store { double, double } { double -4.000000e+00, double 1.000000e+00 } // I64: store { double, double } { double -4.000000e+00, double 1.000000e+00 } // I64: %[[load:.*]] = load { double, double } // I64: ret { double, double } %[[load]] // AARCH64: ret { double, double } // PPC: ret { double, double } return %5 : !fir.complex<8> } // I32: declare void @sink4(ptr byval({ float, float }) align 4) // X64: declare void @sink4(<2 x float>) // AARCH64: declare void @sink4([2 x float]) // PPC: declare void @sink4(float, float) func.func private @sink4(!fir.complex<4>) -> () // I32: declare void @sink8(ptr byval({ double, double }) align 4) // X64: declare void @sink8(double, double) // AARCH64: declare void @sink8([2 x double]) // PPC: declare void @sink8(double, double) func.func private @sink8(!fir.complex<8>) -> () // I32-LABEL: define void @call4() // X64-LABEL: define void @call4() // AARCH64-LABEL: define void @call4() func.func @call4() { // I32: = call i64 @gen4() // X64: = call <2 x float> @gen4() // AARCH64: = call { float, float } @gen4() // PPC: = call { float, float } @gen4() %1 = fir.call @gen4() : () -> !fir.complex<4> // I32: call void @sink4(ptr % // X64: call void @sink4(<2 x float> % // AARCH64: call void @sink4([2 x float] % // PPC: call void @sink4(float %{{.*}}, float %{{.*}}) fir.call @sink4(%1) : (!fir.complex<4>) -> () return } // I32-LABEL: define void @call8() // X64-LABEL: define void @call8() // AARCH64-LABEL: define void @call8() func.func @call8() { // I32: call void @gen8(ptr % // X64: = call { double, double } @gen8() // AARCH64: = call { double, double } @gen8() // PPC: = call { double, double } @gen8() %1 = fir.call @gen8() : () -> !fir.complex<8> // I32: call void @sink8(ptr % // X64: call void @sink8(double %{{[0-9]*}}, double %{{[0-9]*}}) // AARCH64: call void @sink8([2 x double] % // PPC: call void @sink8(double %{{.*}}, double %{{.*}}) fir.call @sink8(%1) : (!fir.complex<8>) -> () return } // I32-LABEL: define i64 @char1lensum(ptr %0, ptr %1, i32 %2, i32 %3) // X64-LABEL: define i64 @char1lensum(ptr %0, ptr %1, i64 %2, i64 %3) // PPC-LABEL: define i64 @char1lensum(ptr %0, ptr %1, i64 %2, i64 %3) func.func @char1lensum(%arg0 : !fir.boxchar<1>, %arg1 : !fir.boxchar<1>) -> i64 { // X64-DAG: %[[p0:.*]] = insertvalue { ptr, i64 } undef, ptr %1, 0 // X64-DAG: = insertvalue { ptr, i64 } %[[p0]], i64 %3, 1 // X64-DAG: %[[p1:.*]] = insertvalue { ptr, i64 } undef, ptr %0, 0 // X64-DAG: = insertvalue { ptr, i64 } %[[p1]], i64 %2, 1 %1:2 = fir.unboxchar %arg0 : (!fir.boxchar<1>) -> (!fir.ref>, i64) %2:2 = fir.unboxchar %arg1 : (!fir.boxchar<1>) -> (!fir.ref>, i64) // I32: %[[add:.*]] = add i64 % // X64: %[[add:.*]] = add i64 % %3 = arith.addi %1#1, %2#1 : i64 // I32: ret i64 %[[add]] // X64: ret i64 %[[add]] return %3 : i64 } // I32-LABEL: define void @char1copy(ptr sret(i8) %0, i32 %1, ptr %2, i32 %3) // I64-LABEL: define void @char1copy(ptr sret(i8) %0, i64 %1, ptr %2, i64 %3) // PPC-LABEL: define void @char1copy(ptr sret(i8) %0, i64 %1, ptr %2, i64 %3) func.func @char1copy(%arg0 : !fir.boxchar<1> {llvm.sret = !fir.char<1, ?>}, %arg1 : !fir.boxchar<1>) { // I32-DAG: %[[p0:.*]] = insertvalue { ptr, i32 } undef, ptr %2, 0 // I32-DAG: = insertvalue { ptr, i32 } %[[p0]], i32 %3, 1 // I32-DAG: %[[p1:.*]] = insertvalue { ptr, i32 } undef, ptr %0, 0 // I32-DAG: = insertvalue { ptr, i32 } %[[p1]], i32 %1, 1 // X64-DAG: %[[p0:.*]] = insertvalue { ptr, i64 } undef, ptr %2, 0 // X64-DAG: = insertvalue { ptr, i64 } %[[p0]], i64 %3, 1 // X64-DAG: %[[p1:.*]] = insertvalue { ptr, i64 } undef, ptr %0, 0 // X64-DAG: = insertvalue { ptr, i64 } %[[p1]], i64 %1, 1 %1:2 = fir.unboxchar %arg0 : (!fir.boxchar<1>) -> (!fir.ref>>, i64) %2:2 = fir.unboxchar %arg1 : (!fir.boxchar<1>) -> (!fir.ref>>, i64) %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index %3 = fir.convert %1#1 : (i64) -> index %last = arith.subi %3, %c1 : index fir.do_loop %i = %c0 to %last step %c1 { %in_pos = fir.coordinate_of %2#0, %i : (!fir.ref>>, index) -> !fir.ref> %out_pos = fir.coordinate_of %1#0, %i : (!fir.ref>>, index) -> !fir.ref> %ch = fir.load %in_pos : !fir.ref> fir.store %ch to %out_pos : !fir.ref> } // I32: ret void // X64: ret void return }