// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -Wmissing-variable-declarations -std=c++17 %s // Variable declarations that should trigger a warning. int vbad1; // expected-warning{{no previous extern declaration for non-static variable 'vbad1'}} // expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the variable is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}} int vbad2 = 10; // expected-warning{{no previous extern declaration for non-static variable 'vbad2'}} // expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the variable is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}} namespace x { int vbad3; // expected-warning{{no previous extern declaration for non-static variable 'vbad3'}} // expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the variable is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}} } // Variable declarations that should not trigger a warning. static int vgood1; extern int vgood2; int vgood2; static struct { int mgood1; } vgood3; // Functions should never trigger a warning. void fgood1(void); void fgood2(void) { int lgood1; static int lgood2; } static void fgood3(void) { int lgood3; static int lgood4; } // Structures, namespaces and classes should be unaffected. struct sgood1 { int mgood2; }; struct { int mgood3; } sgood2; class CGood1 { static int MGood1; }; int CGood1::MGood1; namespace { int mgood4; } class C { void test() { static int x = 0; // no-warn } }; // There is also no need to use static in anonymous namespaces. namespace { int vgood4; } inline int inline_var = 0; const int const_var = 0; constexpr int constexpr_var = 0; inline constexpr int inline_constexpr_var = 0; extern const int extern_const_var = 0; // expected-warning {{no previous extern declaration}} // expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the variable is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}} extern constexpr int extern_constexpr_var = 0; // expected-warning {{no previous extern declaration}} // expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the variable is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}} template int var_template = 0; template constexpr int const_var_template = 0; template static int static_var_template = 0; template int var_template; template int var_template; int use_var_template() { return var_template; } template int var_template; extern template int var_template; template<> int var_template; // expected-warning {{no previous extern declaration}} // expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the variable is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}} // FIXME: We give this specialization internal linkage rather than inheriting // the linkage from the template! We should not warn here. template<> int static_var_template; // expected-warning {{no previous extern declaration}} // expected-note@-1{{declare 'static' if the variable is not intended to be used outside of this translation unit}}