// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s -std=c++11 -Wno-deprecated-builtins // expected-no-diagnostics struct T1 { }; static_assert(__has_trivial_destructor(T1), "T1 has trivial destructor!"); struct T2 { ~T2(); }; static_assert(!__has_trivial_destructor(T2), "T2 has a user-declared destructor!"); struct T3 { virtual void f(); }; static_assert(__has_trivial_destructor(T3), "T3 has a virtual function (but still a trivial destructor)!"); struct T4 : virtual T3 { }; static_assert(__has_trivial_destructor(T4), "T4 has a virtual base class! (but still a trivial destructor)!"); struct T5 : T1 { }; static_assert(__has_trivial_destructor(T5), "All the direct base classes of T5 have trivial destructors!"); struct T6 { T5 t5; T1 t1[2][2]; static T2 t2; }; static_assert(__has_trivial_destructor(T6), "All nonstatic data members of T6 have trivial destructors!"); struct T7 { T2 t2; }; static_assert(!__has_trivial_destructor(T7), "t2 does not have a trivial destructor!"); struct T8 : T2 { }; static_assert(!__has_trivial_destructor(T8), "The base class T2 does not have a trivial destructor!");