// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s struct A {}; struct B : public A {}; // Single public base. struct C1 : public virtual B {}; // Single virtual base. struct C2 : public virtual B {}; struct D : public C1, public C2 {}; // Diamond struct E : private A {}; // Single private base. expected-note 3 {{declared private here}} struct F : public C1 {}; // Single path to B with virtual. struct G1 : public B {}; struct G2 : public B {}; struct H : public G1, public G2 {}; // Ambiguous path to B. struct I; // Incomplete. expected-note {{'I' is incomplete}} struct J; // Incomplete. expected-note {{'J' is incomplete}} enum Enum { En1, En2 }; enum Onom { On1, On2 }; struct Co1 { operator int(); }; struct Co2 { Co2(int); }; struct Co3 { }; struct Co4 { Co4(Co3); operator Co3(); }; // Explicit implicits void t_529_2() { int i = 1; (void)static_cast(i); double d = 1.0; (void)static_cast(d); (void)static_cast(d); (void)static_cast(i); (void)static_cast(i); (void)static_cast(En1); (void)static_cast(En1); (void)static_cast(i); (void)static_cast(i); int ar[1]; (void)static_cast(ar); (void)static_cast(t_529_2); (void)static_cast(0); (void)static_cast((int*)0); (void)static_cast((const int*)0); (void)static_cast((B*)0); (void)static_cast(*((B*)0)); // expected-warning {{binding dereferenced null pointer to reference has undefined behavior}} (void)static_cast((C1*)0); (void)static_cast(*((C1*)0)); // expected-warning {{binding dereferenced null pointer to reference has undefined behavior}} (void)static_cast((D*)0); (void)static_cast(*((D*)0)); // expected-warning {{binding dereferenced null pointer to reference has undefined behavior}} (void)static_cast((int A::*)0); (void)static_cast((void (A::*)())0); (void)static_cast(Co1()); (void)static_cast(1); (void)static_cast(static_cast(Co3())); // Bad code below (void)static_cast((const int*)0); // expected-error {{static_cast from 'const int *' to 'void *' is not allowed}} (void)static_cast((E*)0); // expected-error {{cannot cast 'E' to its private base class 'A'}} (void)static_cast((H*)0); // expected-error {{ambiguous conversion}} (void)static_cast((int*)0); // expected-error {{static_cast from 'int *' to 'int' is not allowed}} (void)static_cast((B**)0); // expected-error {{static_cast from 'B **' to 'A **' is not allowed}} (void)static_cast(i); // expected-error {{non-const lvalue reference to type 'char' cannot bind to a value of unrelated type 'int'}} } // Anything to void void t_529_4() { static_cast(1); static_cast(t_529_4); } // Static downcasts void t_529_5_8() { (void)static_cast((A*)0); (void)static_cast(*((A*)0)); (void)static_cast((A*)0); (void)static_cast(*((A*)0)); // Bad code below (void)static_cast((A*)0); // expected-error {{cannot cast 'A *' to 'C1 *' via virtual base 'B'}} (void)static_cast(*((A*)0)); // expected-error {{cannot cast 'A' to 'C1 &' via virtual base 'B'}} (void)static_cast((A*)0); // expected-error {{cannot cast 'A *' to 'D *' via virtual base 'B'}} (void)static_cast(*((A*)0)); // expected-error {{cannot cast 'A' to 'D &' via virtual base 'B'}} (void)static_cast((const A*)0); // expected-error {{static_cast from 'const A *' to 'B *' casts away qualifiers}} (void)static_cast(*((const A*)0)); // expected-error {{static_cast from 'const A' to 'B &' casts away qualifiers}} (void)static_cast((A*)0); // expected-error {{cannot cast private base class 'A' to 'E'}} (void)static_cast(*((A*)0)); // expected-error {{cannot cast private base class 'A' to 'E'}} (void)static_cast((A*)0); // expected-error {{ambiguous cast from base 'A' to derived 'H':\n A -> B -> G1 -> struct H\n struct A -> B -> G2 -> struct H}} (void)static_cast(*((A*)0)); // expected-error {{ambiguous cast from base 'A' to derived 'H':\n A -> B -> G1 -> struct H\n A -> B -> G2 -> struct H}} (void)static_cast((B*)0); // expected-error {{static_cast from 'B *' to 'E *', which are not related by inheritance, is not allowed}} (void)static_cast(*((B*)0)); // expected-error {{non-const lvalue reference to type 'E' cannot bind to a value of unrelated type 'B'}} (void)static_cast((J*)0); // expected-error {{static_cast from 'J *' to 'E *', which are not related by inheritance, is not allowed}} (void)static_cast((B*)0); // expected-error {{static_cast from 'B *' to 'I *', which are not related by inheritance, is not allowed}} // TODO: Test inaccessible base in context where it's accessible, i.e. // member function and friend. // TODO: Test DR427. This requires user-defined conversions, though. } // Enum conversions void t_529_7() { (void)static_cast(1); (void)static_cast(1.0); (void)static_cast(En1); // Bad code below (void)static_cast((int*)0); // expected-error {{static_cast from 'int *' to 'Enum' is not allowed}} } // Void pointer to object pointer void t_529_10() { (void)static_cast((void*)0); (void)static_cast((void*)0); // Bad code below (void)static_cast((const void*)0); // expected-error {{static_cast from 'const void *' to 'int *' casts away qualifiers}} (void)static_cast((void*)0); // expected-error {{static_cast from 'void *' to 'void (*)()' is not allowed}} } // Member pointer upcast. void t_529_9() { (void)static_cast((int B::*)0); // Bad code below (void)static_cast((int H::*)0); // expected-error {{ambiguous conversion from pointer to member of derived class 'H' to pointer to member of base class 'A':}} (void)static_cast((int F::*)0); // expected-error {{conversion from pointer to member of class 'F' to pointer to member of class 'A' via virtual base 'B' is not allowed}} (void)static_cast((int J::*)0); // expected-error {{static_cast from 'int J::*' to 'int I::*' is not allowed}} } // PR 5261 - static_cast should instantiate template if possible namespace pr5261 { struct base {}; template struct derived : public base {}; template struct outer { base *pb; ~outer() { (void)static_cast*>(pb); } }; outer EntryList; } // Initialization by constructor struct X0; struct X1 { X1(); X1(X1&); X1(const X0&); operator X0() const; }; struct X0 { }; void test_ctor_init() { (void)static_cast(X1()); } // Casting away constness struct X2 { }; struct X3 : X2 { }; struct X4 { typedef const X3 X3_typedef; void f() const { (void)static_cast(x2); } const X2 *x2; }; // PR5897 - accept static_cast from const void* to const int (*)[1]. void PR5897() { (void)static_cast((const void*)0); } namespace PR6072 { struct A { }; struct B : A { void f(int); void f(); }; // expected-note 2{{candidate function}} struct C : B { }; struct D { }; void f() { (void)static_cast(&B::f); (void)static_cast(&B::f); (void)static_cast(&B::f); (void)static_cast(&B::f); // expected-error-re{{address of overloaded function 'f' cannot be static_cast to type 'void (PR6072::D::*)(){{( __attribute__\(\(thiscall\)\))?}}'}} } }