// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -Wformat-nonliteral -Wformat-non-iso -fblocks -std=c++11 %s __attribute__((format(scanf, 1, 2))) int scanf(const char *, ...); template __attribute__((format(scanf, 1, 2))) int scan(const char *fmt, Args &&...args) { // expected-warning{{GCC requires a function with the 'format' attribute to be variadic}} return scanf(fmt, args...); } union bag { bool b; unsigned char uc; signed char sc; unsigned short us; signed short ss; unsigned int ui; signed int si; unsigned long ul; signed long sl; unsigned long long ull; signed long long sll; __fp16 f16; float ff; double fd; long double fl; }; void test(void) { bag b; // expected-warning@+2 {{format specifies type 'char *' but the argument has type 'bool *'}} // expected-warning@+1 {{format specifies type 'unsigned char *' but the argument has type 'bool *'}} scan("%hhi %hhu %hhi %hhu", &b.sc, &b.uc, &b.b, &b.b); scan("%hi %hu", &b.ss, &b.us); scan("%i %u", &b.si, &b.ui); scan("%li %lu", &b.sl, &b.ul); scan("%lli %llu", &b.sll, &b.ull); scan("%f", &b.ff); scan("%lf", &b.fd); scan("%Lf", &b.fl); // expected-warning@+4{{format specifies type 'short *' but the argument has type 'signed char *'}} // expected-warning@+3{{format specifies type 'unsigned short *' but the argument has type 'unsigned char *'}} // expected-warning@+2{{format specifies type 'short *' but the argument has type 'bool *'}} // expected-warning@+1{{format specifies type 'unsigned short *' but the argument has type 'bool *'}} scan("%hi %hu %hi %hu", &b.sc, &b.uc, &b.b, &b.b); // expected-warning@+3{{format specifies type 'long *' but the argument has type 'short *'}} // expected-warning@+2{{format specifies type 'char *' but the argument has type 'short *'}} // expected-warning@+1{{format specifies type 'int *' but the argument has type 'short *'}} scan("%hhi %i %li", &b.ss, &b.ss, &b.ss); // expected-warning@+3{{format specifies type 'float *' but the argument has type '__fp16 *'}} // expected-warning@+2{{format specifies type 'float *' but the argument has type 'double *'}} // expected-warning@+1{{format specifies type 'float *' but the argument has type 'long double *'}} scan("%f %f %f", &b.f16, &b.fd, &b.fl); // expected-warning@+3{{format specifies type 'double *' but the argument has type '__fp16 *'}} // expected-warning@+2{{format specifies type 'double *' but the argument has type 'float *'}} // expected-warning@+1{{format specifies type 'double *' but the argument has type 'long double *'}} scan("%lf %lf %lf", &b.f16, &b.ff, &b.fl); // expected-warning@+3{{format specifies type 'long double *' but the argument has type '__fp16 *'}} // expected-warning@+2{{format specifies type 'long double *' but the argument has type 'float *'}} // expected-warning@+1{{format specifies type 'long double *' but the argument has type 'double *'}} scan("%Lf %Lf %Lf", &b.f16, &b.ff, &b.fd); }