// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -fsyntax-only -verify=expected,precxx17 %std_cxx98-14 %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -fsyntax-only -verify %std_cxx17- %s struct A; // expected-note 4 {{forward declaration of 'A'}} struct Abstract { virtual void f() = 0; }; // expected-note {{unimplemented pure virtual method 'f'}} void trys() { int k = 42; try { } catch(int i) { // expected-note {{previous definition}} int j = i; int i; // expected-error {{redefinition of 'i'}} } catch(float i) { } catch(void v) { // expected-error {{cannot catch incomplete type 'void'}} } catch(A a) { // expected-error {{cannot catch incomplete type 'A'}} } catch(A *a) { // expected-error {{cannot catch pointer to incomplete type 'A'}} } catch(A &a) { // expected-error {{cannot catch reference to incomplete type 'A'}} } catch(Abstract) { // expected-error {{variable type 'Abstract' is an abstract class}} } catch(...) { int ref = k; { int ref = k; } int j = i; // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'i'}} } try { } catch(...) { // expected-error {{catch-all handler must come last}} } catch(int) { } } void throws() { throw; throw 0; throw throw; // expected-error {{cannot throw object of incomplete type 'void'}} throw (A*)0; // expected-error {{cannot throw pointer to object of incomplete type 'A'}} } void jumps() { l1: goto l5; goto l4; // expected-error {{cannot jump}} goto l3; // expected-error {{cannot jump}} goto l2; // expected-error {{cannot jump}} goto l1; try { // expected-note 4 {{jump bypasses initialization of try block}} l2: goto l5; goto l4; // expected-error {{cannot jump}} goto l3; // expected-error {{cannot jump}} goto l2; goto l1; } catch(int) { // expected-note 4 {{jump bypasses initialization of catch block}} l3: goto l5; goto l4; // expected-error {{cannot jump}} goto l3; goto l2; // expected-error {{cannot jump}} goto l1; } catch(...) { // expected-note 4 {{jump bypasses initialization of catch block}} l4: goto l5; goto l4; goto l3; // expected-error {{cannot jump}} goto l2; // expected-error {{cannot jump}} goto l1; } l5: goto l5; goto l4; // expected-error {{cannot jump}} goto l3; // expected-error {{cannot jump}} goto l2; // expected-error {{cannot jump}} goto l1; } struct BadReturn { BadReturn() try { } catch(...) { // Try to hide try { } catch(...) { { if (0) return; // expected-error {{return in the catch of a function try block of a constructor is illegal}} } } } BadReturn(int); }; BadReturn::BadReturn(int) try { } catch(...) { // Try to hide try { } catch(int) { return; // expected-error {{return in the catch of a function try block of a constructor is illegal}} } catch(...) { { if (0) return; // expected-error {{return in the catch of a function try block of a constructor is illegal}} } } } // Cannot throw an abstract type. class foo { public: foo() {} void bar () { throw *this; // expected-error{{cannot throw an object of abstract type 'foo'}} } virtual void test () = 0; // expected-note{{unimplemented pure virtual method 'test'}} }; namespace PR6831 { namespace NA { struct S; } namespace NB { struct S; } void f() { using namespace NA; using namespace NB; try { } catch (int S) { } } } #if __cplusplus < 201703L namespace Decay { struct A { void f() throw (A[10]); }; template struct B { void f() throw (B[10]); }; template struct B; void f() throw (int[10], int(*)()); void f() throw (int*, int()); template struct C { void f() throw (T); #if __cplusplus <= 199711L // expected-error@-2 {{pointer to incomplete type 'Decay::E' is not allowed in exception specification}} #endif }; struct D { C c; }; struct E; #if __cplusplus <= 199711L // expected-note@-2 {{forward declaration of 'Decay::E'}} #endif C e; #if __cplusplus <= 199711L // expected-note@-2 {{in instantiation of template class 'Decay::C' requested here}} #endif } void rval_ref() throw (int &&); // expected-error {{rvalue reference type 'int &&' is not allowed in exception specification}} #if __cplusplus <= 199711L // expected-warning@-2 {{rvalue references are a C++11 extension}} #endif #endif namespace HandlerInversion { struct B {}; struct D : B {}; struct D2 : D {}; void f1() { try { } catch (B &b) { // expected-note {{for type 'B &'}} } catch (D &d) { // expected-warning {{exception of type 'D &' will be caught by earlier handler}} } } void f2() { try { } catch (B *b) { // expected-note {{for type 'B *'}} } catch (D *d) { // expected-warning {{exception of type 'D *' will be caught by earlier handler}} } } void f3() { try { } catch (D &d) { // Ok } catch (B &b) { } } void f4() { try { } catch (B &b) { // Ok } } void f5() { try { } catch (int) { } catch (float) { } } void f6() { try { } catch (B &b) { // expected-note {{for type 'B &'}} } catch (D2 &d) { // expected-warning {{exception of type 'D2 &' will be caught by earlier handler}} } } void f7() { try { } catch (B *b) { // Ok } catch (D &d) { // Ok } try { } catch (B b) { // Ok } catch (D *d) { // Ok } } void f8() { try { } catch (const B &b) { // expected-note {{for type 'const B &'}} } catch (D2 &d) { // expected-warning {{exception of type 'D2 &' will be caught by earlier handler}} } try { } catch (B &b) { // expected-note {{for type 'B &'}} } catch (const D2 &d) { // expected-warning {{exception of type 'const D2 &' will be caught by earlier handler}} } try { } catch (B b) { // expected-note {{for type 'B'}} } catch (D &d) { // expected-warning {{exception of type 'D &' will be caught by earlier handler}} } } } namespace ConstVolatileThrow { struct S { S() {} // precxx17-note{{candidate constructor not viable}} S(const S &s); // precxx17-note{{candidate constructor not viable}} }; typedef const volatile S CVS; void f() { throw CVS(); // precxx17-error{{no matching constructor for initialization}} } } namespace ConstVolatileCatch { struct S { S() {} S(const volatile S &s); private: S(const S &s); // expected-note {{declared private here}} }; void f(); void g() { try { f(); } catch (volatile S s) { // expected-error {{calling a private constructor}} } } } namespace PR28047 { void test1(int i) { // expected-note {{declared here}} try { } catch (int(*)[i]) { // expected-error{{cannot catch variably modified type}} \ expected-warning {{variable length arrays in C++ are a Clang extension}} \ expected-note {{function parameter 'i' with unknown value cannot be used in a constant expression}} } } void test2() { int i; // expected-note {{declared here}} try { } catch (int(*)[i]) { // expected-error{{cannot catch variably modified type}} \ expected-warning {{variable length arrays in C++ are a Clang extension}} \ expected-note {{read of non-const variable 'i' is not allowed in a constant expression}} } } }