// RUN: %clang_cc1 -pedantic -triple x86_64-apple-macos11 -std=c++20 -fsyntax-only -verify %s static_assert(__has_extension(cxx_attributes_on_using_declarations), ""); namespace NS { typedef int x; } [[clang::annotate("foo")]] using NS::x; // expected-warning{{ISO C++ does not allow an attribute list to appear here}} [[deprecated]] using NS::x; // expected-warning {{'deprecated' currently has no effect on a using declaration}} expected-warning{{ISO C++ does not allow}} using NS::x [[deprecated]]; // expected-warning {{'deprecated' currently has no effect on a using declaration}} expected-warning{{ISO C++ does not allow}} using NS::x __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-warning {{'deprecated' currently has no effect on a using declaration}} using NS::x __attribute__((availability(macos,introduced=1))); // expected-warning {{'availability' currently has no effect on a using declaration}} [[clang::availability(macos,introduced=1)]] using NS::x; // expected-warning {{'availability' currently has no effect on a using declaration}} expected-warning{{ISO C++ does not allow}} // expected-warning@+1 3 {{ISO C++ does not allow an attribute list to appear here}} [[clang::annotate("A")]] using NS::x [[clang::annotate("Y")]], NS::x [[clang::annotate("Z")]]; template struct S : T { [[deprecated]] using typename T::x; // expected-warning{{ISO C++ does not allow}} expected-warning {{'deprecated' currently has no effect on a using declaration}} [[deprecated]] using T::y; // expected-warning{{ISO C++ does not allow}} expected-warning {{'deprecated' currently has no effect on a using declaration}} using typename T::z [[deprecated]]; // expected-warning{{ISO C++ does not allow}} expected-warning {{'deprecated' currently has no effect on a using declaration}} using T::a [[deprecated]]; // expected-warning{{ISO C++ does not allow}} expected-warning {{'deprecated' currently has no effect on a using declaration}} }; struct Base {}; template struct DepBase1 : B { using B::B [[]]; }; template struct DepBase2 : B { using B::B __attribute__(()); }; DepBase1 db1; DepBase2 db2;