// RUN: %clang_cc1 -Wno-uninitialized -fsyntax-only -verify -std=c++11 -Wno-error=static-float-init %s int vs = 0; class C { public: struct NestedC { NestedC(int); }; int i = 0; static int si = 0; // expected-error {{non-const static data member must be initialized out of line}} static const NestedC ci = 0; // expected-error {{static data member of type 'const NestedC' must be initialized out of line}} static const int nci = vs; // expected-error {{in-class initializer for static data member is not a constant expression}} static const int vi = 0; static const volatile int cvi = 0; // expected-error {{static const volatile data member must be initialized out of line}} }; namespace rdar8367341 { float foo(); // expected-note {{here}} struct A { static const float x = 5.0f; // expected-warning {{requires 'constexpr'}} expected-note {{add 'constexpr'}} static const float y = foo(); // expected-warning {{requires 'constexpr'}} expected-note {{add 'constexpr'}} static constexpr float x2 = 5.0f; static constexpr float y2 = foo(); // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}} expected-note {{non-constexpr function 'foo'}} }; } namespace Foo { // Regression test -- forward declaration of Foo should not cause error about // nonstatic data member. class Foo; class Foo { int x; int y = x; }; } // Instantiating another default member initializer while parsing one should // not cause us to mess up the 'this' override. template struct DefaultMemberTemplate { int n = 0; }; class DefaultMemberInitSelf { DefaultMemberTemplate t = {}; int *p = &t.n; }; namespace composed_templates { // Regression test -- obtaining the type from composed templates should not // require out-of-line definition. template struct Zero { static const typename T::type value = 0; }; struct Integer { using type = int; }; template struct Zero; }