// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -std=c++20 -verify %s using fp0_t = void (*)(); using fp1_t = int (*)(); extern fp0_t a, b; extern fp1_t c; bool eq0 = a == b; bool ne0 = a != b; bool lt0 = a < b; // expected-warning {{ordered comparison of function pointers ('fp0_t' (aka 'void (*)()') and 'fp0_t')}} bool le0 = a <= b; // expected-warning {{ordered comparison of function pointers}} bool gt0 = a > b; // expected-warning {{ordered comparison of function pointers}} bool ge0 = a >= b; // expected-warning {{ordered comparison of function pointers}} auto tw0 = a <=> b; // expected-error {{ordered comparison of function pointers}} bool eq1 = a == c; // expected-error {{comparison of distinct pointer types}} bool ne1 = a != c; // expected-error {{comparison of distinct pointer types}} bool lt1 = a < c; // expected-warning {{ordered comparison of function pointers ('fp0_t' (aka 'void (*)()') and 'fp1_t' (aka 'int (*)()'))}} // expected-error@-1 {{comparison of distinct pointer types}} bool le1 = a <= c; // expected-warning {{ordered comparison of function pointers}} // expected-error@-1 {{comparison of distinct pointer types}} bool gt1 = a > c; // expected-warning {{ordered comparison of function pointers}} // expected-error@-1 {{comparison of distinct pointer types}} bool ge1 = a >= c; // expected-warning {{ordered comparison of function pointers}} // expected-error@-1 {{comparison of distinct pointer types}} auto tw1 = a <=> c; // expected-error {{ordered comparison of function pointers}}