// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -fsyntax-only -verify -std=c++11 %s static int test0 __attribute__((weak)); // expected-error {{weak declaration cannot have internal linkage}} static void test1() __attribute__((weak)); // expected-error {{weak declaration cannot have internal linkage}} namespace test2 __attribute__((weak)) { // expected-warning {{'weak' attribute only applies to variables, functions, and classes}} } namespace { int test3 __attribute__((weak)); // expected-error {{weak declaration cannot have internal linkage}} void test4() __attribute__((weak)); // expected-error {{weak declaration cannot have internal linkage}} } struct Test5 { static void test5() __attribute__((weak)); // no error }; namespace { struct Test6 { static void test6() __attribute__((weak)); // expected-error {{weak declaration cannot have internal linkage}} }; } // GCC rejects the instantiation with the internal type, but some existing // code expects it. It is also not that different from giving hidden visibility // to parts of a template that have explicit default visibility, so we accept // this. template struct Test7 { void test7() __attribute__((weak)) {} static int var __attribute__((weak)); }; template int Test7::var; namespace { class Internal {}; } template struct Test7; template struct Test7; class __attribute__((weak)) Test8 {}; // OK __attribute__((weak)) auto Test9 = Internal(); // expected-error {{weak declaration cannot have internal linkage}} [[gnu::weak]] void weak_function(); struct WithWeakMember { [[gnu::weak]] void weak_method(); [[gnu::weak]] virtual void virtual_weak_method(); }; constexpr bool weak_function_is_non_null = &weak_function != nullptr; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}} // expected-note@-1 {{comparison against address of weak declaration '&weak_function' can only be performed at runtime}} constexpr bool weak_method_is_non_null = &WithWeakMember::weak_method != nullptr; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}} // expected-note@-1 {{comparison against pointer to weak member 'WithWeakMember::weak_method' can only be performed at runtime}} // GCC accepts this and says the result is always non-null. That's consistent // with the ABI rules for member pointers, but seems unprincipled, so we do not // follow it for now. // TODO: Consider warning on such comparisons, as they do not test whether the // virtual member function is present. constexpr bool virtual_weak_method_is_non_null = &WithWeakMember::virtual_weak_method != nullptr; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}} // expected-note@-1 {{comparison against pointer to weak member 'WithWeakMember::virtual_weak_method' can only be performed at runtime}}