// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -verify -fsyntax-only namespace test1 { __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) class A; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "class" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "class" to apply attribute to type declaration}} __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) struct B; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "struct" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "struct" to apply attribute to type declaration}} __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) union C; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "union" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "union" to apply attribute to type declaration}} __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) enum D {D}; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "enum" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "enum" to apply attribute to type declaration}} __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) enum class EC {}; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "enum class" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "enum class" to apply attribute to type declaration}} __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) enum struct ES {}; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "enum struct" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "enum struct" to apply attribute to type declaration}} // Test that we get the same warnings for type declarations nested in a record. struct X { __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) class A; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "class" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "class" to apply attribute to type declaration}} __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) struct B; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "struct" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "struct" to apply attribute to type declaration}} __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) union C; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "union" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "union" to apply attribute to type declaration}} __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) enum D {D}; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "enum" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "enum" to apply attribute to type declaration}} __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) enum class EC {}; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "enum class" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "enum class" to apply attribute to type declaration}} __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) enum struct ES {}; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "enum struct" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "enum struct" to apply attribute to type declaration}} // Also test [[]] attribute syntax. (On a non-nested declaration, these // generate a hard "misplaced attributes" error, which we test for // elsewhere.) [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] [[gnu::aligned]] class E; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "class" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "class" to apply attribute to type declaration}} [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] [[gnu::aligned]] struct F; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "struct" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "struct" to apply attribute to type declaration}} [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] [[gnu::aligned]] union G; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "union" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "union" to apply attribute to type declaration}} [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] [[gnu::aligned]] enum H {H}; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "enum" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "enum" to apply attribute to type declaration}} [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] [[gnu::aligned]] enum class I {}; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "enum class" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "enum class" to apply attribute to type declaration}} [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] [[gnu::aligned]] enum struct J {}; // expected-warning{{attribute 'visibility' is ignored, place it after "enum struct" to apply attribute to type declaration}} \ // expected-warning{{attribute 'aligned' is ignored, place it after "enum struct" to apply attribute to type declaration}} }; } namespace test2 { __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) class A {} a; __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) struct B {} b; __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) union C {} c; __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) enum D {D} d; __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) enum class EC {} ec; __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) enum struct ES {} es; struct X { __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) class A {} a; __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) struct B {} b; __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) union C {} c; __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) enum D {D} d; __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) enum class EC {} ec; __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) __attribute__((aligned)) enum struct ES {} es; [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] [[gnu::aligned]] class E {} e; [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] [[gnu::aligned]] struct F {} f; [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] [[gnu::aligned]] union G {} g; [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] [[gnu::aligned]] enum H {H} h; [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] [[gnu::aligned]] enum class I {} i; [[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] [[gnu::aligned]] enum struct J {} j; }; }