// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c2x -verify -pedantic -Wno-comments %s void test_basic_types(void) { auto undefined; // expected-error {{declaration of variable 'undefined' with deduced type 'auto' requires an initializer}} auto auto_int = 4; auto auto_long = 4UL; auto int auto_int_ts = 12; signed auto a = 1L; // expected-error {{'auto' cannot be signed or unsigned}} _Static_assert(_Generic(auto_int, int : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(auto_long, unsigned long : 1)); } void test_complex_types(void) { _Complex auto i = 12.0; // expected-error {{'_Complex auto' is invalid}} } void test_gnu_extensions(void) { auto t = ({ // expected-warning {{use of GNU statement expression extension}} auto b = 12; b; }); _Static_assert(_Generic(t, int : 1)); } void test_sizeof_typeof(void) { auto auto_size = sizeof(auto); // expected-error {{expected expression}} typeof(auto) tpof = 4; // expected-error {{expected expression}} } void test_casts(void) { auto int_cast = (int)(4 + 3); auto double_cast = (double)(1 / 3); auto long_cast = (long)(4UL + 3UL); auto auto_cast = (auto)(4 + 3); // expected-error {{expected expression}} _Static_assert(_Generic(int_cast, int : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(double_cast, double : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(long_cast, long : 1)); } void test_compound_literral(void) { auto int_cl = (int){13}; auto double_cl = (double){2.5}; auto array[] = { 1, 2, 3 }; // expected-error {{cannot use 'auto' with array in C}} auto auto_cl = (auto){13}; // expected-error {{expected expression}} _Static_assert(_Generic(int_cl, int : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(double_cl, double : 1)); } void test_array_pointers(void) { double array[3] = { 0 }; auto a = array; auto b = &array; _Static_assert(_Generic(array, double * : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(a, double * : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(b, double (*)[3] : 1)); } void test_typeof() { int typeof_target(); auto result = (typeof(typeof_target())){12}; _Static_assert(_Generic(result, int : 1)); } void test_qualifiers(const int y) { const auto a = 12; auto b = y; static auto c = 1UL; int* pa = &a; // expected-warning {{initializing 'int *' with an expression of type 'const int *' discards qualifiers}} const int* pb = &b; int* pc = &c; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types initializing 'int *' with an expression of type 'unsigned long *'}} _Static_assert(_Generic(a, int : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(b, int : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(c, unsigned long : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(pa, int * : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(pb, const int * : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(pc, int * : 1)); } void test_strings(void) { auto str = "this is a string"; auto str2[] = "this is a string"; // expected-warning {{type inference of a declaration other than a plain identifier with optional trailing attributes is a Clang extension}} auto (str3) = "this is a string"; auto (((str4))) = "this is a string"; _Static_assert(_Generic(str, char * : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(str2, char * : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(str3, char * : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(str4, char * : 1)); } void test_pointers(void) { auto a = 12; auto *ptr = &a; // expected-warning {{type inference of a declaration other than a plain identifier with optional trailing attributes is a Clang extension}} auto *str = "this is a string"; // expected-warning {{type inference of a declaration other than a plain identifier with optional trailing attributes is a Clang extension}} const auto *str2 = "this is a string"; // expected-warning {{type inference of a declaration other than a plain identifier with optional trailing attributes is a Clang extension}} auto *b = &a; // expected-warning {{type inference of a declaration other than a plain identifier with optional trailing attributes is a Clang extension}} *b = &a; // expected-error {{incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning to 'int' from 'int *'; remove &}} auto nptr = nullptr; _Static_assert(_Generic(a, int : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(ptr, int * : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(str, char * : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(str2, const char * : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(b, int * : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(nptr, typeof(nullptr) : 1)); } void test_prototypes(void) { extern void foo(int a, int array[({ auto x = 12; x;})]); // expected-warning {{use of GNU statement expression extension}} } void test_scopes(void) { double a = 7; double b = 9; { auto a = a * a; // expected-error {{variable 'a' declared with deduced type 'auto' cannot appear in its own initializer}} \ expected-error {{variable 'a' declared with deduced type 'auto' cannot appear in its own initializer}} } { auto b = a * a; auto a = b; _Static_assert(_Generic(b, double : 1)); _Static_assert(_Generic(a, double : 1)); } } [[clang::overloadable]] auto test(auto x) { // expected-error {{'auto' not allowed in function prototype}} \ expected-error {{'auto' not allowed in function return type}} return x; }