// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fsyntax-only %s extern int g0 __attribute__((weak)); extern int g1 __attribute__((weak_import)); int g2 __attribute__((weak)); int g3 __attribute__((weak_import)); // expected-warning {{'weak_import' attribute cannot be specified on a definition}} int __attribute__((weak_import)) g4(void); void __attribute__((weak_import)) g5(void) { } struct __attribute__((weak)) s0 {}; // expected-warning {{'weak' attribute only applies to variables and functions}} struct __attribute__((weak_import)) s1 {}; // expected-warning {{'weak_import' attribute only applies to variables and functions}} static int x __attribute__((weak)); // expected-error {{weak declaration cannot have internal linkage}} // rdar://9538608 int C; // expected-note {{previous definition is here}} extern int C __attribute__((weak_import)); // expected-warning {{an already-declared variable is made a weak_import declaration}}