// Most Microsoft-specific testing should go in case-insensitive-include-ms.c // This file should only include code that really needs a Windows host OS to // run. // Note: We must use the real path here, because the logic to detect case // mismatches must resolve the real path to figure out the original casing. // If we use %t and we are on a substitute drive S: mapping to C:\subst, // then we will compare "S:\test.dir\FOO.h" to "C:\subst\test.dir\foo.h" // and avoid emitting the diagnostic because the structure is different. // REQUIRES: system-windows // RUN: mkdir -p %t.dir // RUN: touch %t.dir/foo.h // RUN: not %clang_cl /FI \\?\%{t:real}.dir\FOO.h /WX -fsyntax-only %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s // CHECK: non-portable path to file '"\\?\