// RUN: %clang_cc1 -no-opaque-pointers -triple %itanium_abi_triple -emit-llvm -cl-ext=+cl_khr_subgroups -O0 -cl-std=clc++ -o - %s | FileCheck %s // FIXME: Add MS ABI manglings of OpenCL things and remove %itanium_abi_triple // above to support OpenCL in the MS C++ ABI. // CHECK-DAG: %opencl.pipe_ro_t = type opaque // CHECK-DAG: %opencl.pipe_wo_t = type opaque // CHECK-DAG: %opencl.reserve_id_t = type opaque #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_subgroups : enable void test1(read_only pipe int p, global int *ptr) { // CHECK: call i32 @__read_pipe_2(%opencl.pipe_ro_t* %{{.*}}, i8* %{{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) read_pipe(p, ptr); // CHECK: call %opencl.reserve_id_t* @__reserve_read_pipe(%opencl.pipe_ro_t* %{{.*}}, i32 {{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) reserve_id_t rid = reserve_read_pipe(p, 2); // CHECK: call i32 @__read_pipe_4(%opencl.pipe_ro_t* %{{.*}}, %opencl.reserve_id_t* %{{.*}}, i32 {{.*}}, i8* %{{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) read_pipe(p, rid, 2, ptr); // CHECK: call void @__commit_read_pipe(%opencl.pipe_ro_t* %{{.*}}, %opencl.reserve_id_t* %{{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) commit_read_pipe(p, rid); } void test2(write_only pipe int p, global int *ptr) { // CHECK: call i32 @__write_pipe_2(%opencl.pipe_wo_t* %{{.*}}, i8* %{{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) write_pipe(p, ptr); // CHECK: call %opencl.reserve_id_t* @__reserve_write_pipe(%opencl.pipe_wo_t* %{{.*}}, i32 {{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) reserve_id_t rid = reserve_write_pipe(p, 2); // CHECK: call i32 @__write_pipe_4(%opencl.pipe_wo_t* %{{.*}}, %opencl.reserve_id_t* %{{.*}}, i32 {{.*}}, i8* %{{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) write_pipe(p, rid, 2, ptr); // CHECK: call void @__commit_write_pipe(%opencl.pipe_wo_t* %{{.*}}, %opencl.reserve_id_t* %{{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) commit_write_pipe(p, rid); } void test3(read_only pipe int p, global int *ptr) { // CHECK: call %opencl.reserve_id_t* @__work_group_reserve_read_pipe(%opencl.pipe_ro_t* %{{.*}}, i32 {{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) reserve_id_t rid = work_group_reserve_read_pipe(p, 2); // CHECK: call void @__work_group_commit_read_pipe(%opencl.pipe_ro_t* %{{.*}}, %opencl.reserve_id_t* %{{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) work_group_commit_read_pipe(p, rid); } void test4(write_only pipe int p, global int *ptr) { // CHECK: call %opencl.reserve_id_t* @__work_group_reserve_write_pipe(%opencl.pipe_wo_t* %{{.*}}, i32 {{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) reserve_id_t rid = work_group_reserve_write_pipe(p, 2); // CHECK: call void @__work_group_commit_write_pipe(%opencl.pipe_wo_t* %{{.*}}, %opencl.reserve_id_t* %{{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) work_group_commit_write_pipe(p, rid); } void test5(read_only pipe int p, global int *ptr) { // CHECK: call %opencl.reserve_id_t* @__sub_group_reserve_read_pipe(%opencl.pipe_ro_t* %{{.*}}, i32 {{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) reserve_id_t rid = sub_group_reserve_read_pipe(p, 2); // CHECK: call void @__sub_group_commit_read_pipe(%opencl.pipe_ro_t* %{{.*}}, %opencl.reserve_id_t* %{{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) sub_group_commit_read_pipe(p, rid); } void test6(write_only pipe int p, global int *ptr) { // CHECK: call %opencl.reserve_id_t* @__sub_group_reserve_write_pipe(%opencl.pipe_wo_t* %{{.*}}, i32 {{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) reserve_id_t rid = sub_group_reserve_write_pipe(p, 2); // CHECK: call void @__sub_group_commit_write_pipe(%opencl.pipe_wo_t* %{{.*}}, %opencl.reserve_id_t* %{{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) sub_group_commit_write_pipe(p, rid); } void test7(read_only pipe int p, global int *ptr) { // CHECK: call i32 @__get_pipe_num_packets_ro(%opencl.pipe_ro_t* %{{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) *ptr = get_pipe_num_packets(p); // CHECK: call i32 @__get_pipe_max_packets_ro(%opencl.pipe_ro_t* %{{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) *ptr = get_pipe_max_packets(p); } void test8(write_only pipe int p, global int *ptr) { // CHECK: call i32 @__get_pipe_num_packets_wo(%opencl.pipe_wo_t* %{{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) *ptr = get_pipe_num_packets(p); // CHECK: call i32 @__get_pipe_max_packets_wo(%opencl.pipe_wo_t* %{{.*}}, i32 4, i32 4) *ptr = get_pipe_max_packets(p); }