// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin9 -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck %s extern "C" int printf(...); static int count; int func2(int c) { return printf("loading the func2(%d)\n", c); }; int func1(int c) { return printf("loading the func1(%d)\n", c); } static int loader_1 = func1(++count); // CHECK: call noundef i32 @_Z5func1i int loader_2 = func2(++count); static int loader_3 = func1(++count); // CHECK: call noundef i32 @_Z5func1i int main() {} int loader_4 = func2(++count); static int loader_5 = func1(++count); int loader_6 = func2(++count); // CHECK: call noundef i32 @_Z5func1i // CHECK-NOT: call noundef i32 @_Z5func1i