// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm64-apple-ios -target-feature +neon -ffreestanding -S -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-UNSIGNED-POLY %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm64-linux-gnu -target-feature +neon -ffreestanding -S -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-UNSIGNED-POLY %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple armv7-apple-ios -ffreestanding -target-cpu cortex-a8 -S -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-SIGNED-POLY %s // REQUIRES: aarch64-registered-target || arm-registered-target #include // Polynomial types really should be universally unsigned, otherwise casting // (say) poly8_t "x^7" to poly16_t would change it to "x^15 + x^14 + ... + // x^7". Unfortunately 32-bit ARM ended up in a slightly delicate ABI situation // so for now it got that wrong. poly16_t test_poly8(poly8_t pIn) { // CHECK-UNSIGNED-POLY: @_Z10test_poly8h // CHECK-UNSIGNED-POLY: zext i8 {{.*}} to i16 // CHECK-SIGNED-POLY: @_Z10test_poly8a // CHECK-SIGNED-POLY: sext i8 {{.*}} to i16 return pIn; }