// RUN: %clang -mfloat-abi=soft -target arm-linux-gnu -emit-llvm -S -o - %s | FileCheck %s struct Empty {}; struct Empty emptyvar; void take_args(int a, ...) { // CHECK: [[ALLOCA_VA_LIST:%[a-zA-Z0-9._]+]] = alloca %struct.__va_list, align 4 // CHECK: call void @llvm.va_start // CHECK-NEXT: [[LOAD_AP:%[a-zA-Z0-9._]+]] = load ptr, ptr [[ALLOCA_VA_LIST]], align 4 // It's conceivable that EMPTY_PTR may not actually be a valid pointer // (e.g. it's at the very bottom of the stack and the next page is // invalid). This doesn't matter provided it's never loaded (there's no // well-defined way to tell), but it becomes a problem if we do try to use it. // CHECK-NOT: load %struct.Empty, ptr [[LOAD_AP]] __builtin_va_list l; __builtin_va_start(l, a); emptyvar = __builtin_va_arg(l, struct Empty); __builtin_va_end(l); }