path: root/openmp/runtime/src/kmp_collapse.cpp
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1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openmp/runtime/src/kmp_collapse.cpp b/openmp/runtime/src/kmp_collapse.cpp
index 2c410ca..569d2c1 100644
--- a/openmp/runtime/src/kmp_collapse.cpp
+++ b/openmp/runtime/src/kmp_collapse.cpp
@@ -1272,6 +1272,304 @@ void kmp_calc_original_ivs_for_end(
+ * Identify nested loop structure - loops come in the canonical form
+ * Lower triangle matrix: i = 0; i <= N; i++ {0,0}:{N,0}
+ * j = 0; j <= 0/-1+1*i; j++ {0,0}:{0/-1,1}
+ * Upper Triangle matrix
+ * i = 0; i <= N; i++ {0,0}:{N,0}
+ * j = 0+1*i; j <= N; j++ {0,1}:{N,0}
+ * ************************************************************************/
+kmp_identify_nested_loop_structure(/*in*/ bounds_info_t *original_bounds_nest,
+ /*in*/ kmp_index_t n) {
+ // only 2-level nested loops are supported
+ if (n != 2) {
+ return nested_loop_type_unkown;
+ }
+ // loops must be canonical
+ (original_bounds_nest[0].comparison == comparison_t::comp_less_or_eq) &&
+ (original_bounds_nest[1].comparison == comparison_t::comp_less_or_eq));
+ // check outer loop bounds: for triangular need to be {0,0}:{N,0}
+ kmp_uint64 outer_lb0_u64 = kmp_fix_iv(original_bounds_nest[0].loop_iv_type,
+ original_bounds_nest[0].lb0_u64);
+ kmp_uint64 outer_ub0_u64 = kmp_fix_iv(original_bounds_nest[0].loop_iv_type,
+ original_bounds_nest[0].ub0_u64);
+ kmp_uint64 outer_lb1_u64 = kmp_fix_iv(original_bounds_nest[0].loop_iv_type,
+ original_bounds_nest[0].lb1_u64);
+ kmp_uint64 outer_ub1_u64 = kmp_fix_iv(original_bounds_nest[0].loop_iv_type,
+ original_bounds_nest[0].ub1_u64);
+ if (outer_lb0_u64 != 0 || outer_lb1_u64 != 0 || outer_ub1_u64 != 0) {
+ return nested_loop_type_unkown;
+ }
+ // check inner bounds to determine triangle type
+ kmp_uint64 inner_lb0_u64 = kmp_fix_iv(original_bounds_nest[1].loop_iv_type,
+ original_bounds_nest[1].lb0_u64);
+ kmp_uint64 inner_ub0_u64 = kmp_fix_iv(original_bounds_nest[1].loop_iv_type,
+ original_bounds_nest[1].ub0_u64);
+ kmp_uint64 inner_lb1_u64 = kmp_fix_iv(original_bounds_nest[1].loop_iv_type,
+ original_bounds_nest[1].lb1_u64);
+ kmp_uint64 inner_ub1_u64 = kmp_fix_iv(original_bounds_nest[1].loop_iv_type,
+ original_bounds_nest[1].ub1_u64);
+ // lower triangle loop inner bounds need to be {0,0}:{0/-1,1}
+ if (inner_lb0_u64 == 0 && inner_lb1_u64 == 0 &&
+ (inner_ub0_u64 == 0 || inner_ub0_u64 == -1) && inner_ub1_u64 == 1) {
+ return nested_loop_type_lower_triangular_matrix;
+ }
+ // upper triangle loop inner bounds need to be {0,1}:{N,0}
+ if (inner_lb0_u64 == 0 && inner_lb1_u64 == 1 &&
+ inner_ub0_u64 == outer_ub0_u64 && inner_ub1_u64 == 0) {
+ return nested_loop_type_upper_triangular_matrix;
+ }
+ return nested_loop_type_unkown;
+ * SQRT Approximation: https://math.mit.edu/~stevenj/18.335/newton-sqrt.pdf
+ * Start point is x so the result is always > sqrt(x)
+ * The method has uniform convergence, PRECISION is set to 0.1
+ * ************************************************************************/
+#define level_of_precision 0.1
+double sqrt_newton_approx(/*in*/ kmp_uint64 x) {
+ double sqrt_old = 0.;
+ double sqrt_new = (double)x;
+ do {
+ sqrt_old = sqrt_new;
+ sqrt_new = (sqrt_old + x / sqrt_old) / 2;
+ } while ((sqrt_old - sqrt_new) > level_of_precision);
+ return sqrt_new;
+ * Handle lower triangle matrix in the canonical form
+ * i = 0; i <= N; i++ {0,0}:{N,0}
+ * j = 0; j <= 0/-1 + 1*i; j++ {0,0}:{0/-1,1}
+ * ************************************************************************/
+void kmp_handle_lower_triangle_matrix(
+ /*in*/ kmp_uint32 nth,
+ /*in*/ kmp_uint32 tid,
+ /*in */ kmp_index_t n,
+ /*in/out*/ bounds_info_t *original_bounds_nest,
+ /*out*/ bounds_info_t *chunk_bounds_nest) {
+ // transfer loop types from the original loop to the chunks
+ for (kmp_index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ chunk_bounds_nest[i] = original_bounds_nest[i];
+ }
+ // cleanup iv variables
+ kmp_uint64 outer_ub0 = kmp_fix_iv(original_bounds_nest[0].loop_iv_type,
+ original_bounds_nest[0].ub0_u64);
+ kmp_uint64 outer_lb0 = kmp_fix_iv(original_bounds_nest[0].loop_iv_type,
+ original_bounds_nest[0].lb0_u64);
+ kmp_uint64 inner_ub0 = kmp_fix_iv(original_bounds_nest[1].loop_iv_type,
+ original_bounds_nest[1].ub0_u64);
+ // calculate the chunk's lower and upper bounds
+ // the total number of iterations in the loop is the sum of the arithmetic
+ // progression from the outer lower to outer upper bound (inclusive since the
+ // loop is canonical) note that less_than inner loops (inner_ub0 = -1)
+ // effectively make the progression 1-based making N = (outer_ub0 - inner_lb0
+ // + 1) -> N - 1
+ kmp_uint64 outer_iters = (outer_ub0 - outer_lb0 + 1) + inner_ub0;
+ kmp_uint64 iter_total = outer_iters * (outer_iters + 1) / 2;
+ // the current thread's number of iterations:
+ // each thread gets an equal number of iterations: total number of iterations
+ // divided by the number of threads plus, if there's a remainder,
+ // the first threads with the number up to the remainder get an additional
+ // iteration each to cover it
+ kmp_uint64 iter_current =
+ iter_total / nth + ((tid < (iter_total % nth)) ? 1 : 0);
+ // cumulative number of iterations executed by all the previous threads:
+ // threads with the tid below the remainder will have (iter_total/nth+1)
+ // elements, and so will all threads before them so the cumulative number of
+ // iterations executed by the all previous will be the current thread's number
+ // of iterations multiplied by the number of previous threads which is equal
+ // to the current thread's tid; threads with the number equal or above the
+ // remainder will have (iter_total/nth) elements so the cumulative number of
+ // iterations previously executed is its number of iterations multipled by the
+ // number of previous threads which is again equal to the current thread's tid
+ // PLUS all the remainder iterations that will have been executed by the
+ // previous threads
+ kmp_uint64 iter_before_current =
+ tid * iter_current + ((tid < iter_total % nth) ? 0 : (iter_total % nth));
+ // cumulative number of iterations executed with the current thread is
+ // the cumulative number executed before it plus its own
+ kmp_uint64 iter_with_current = iter_before_current + iter_current;
+ // calculate the outer loop lower bound (lbo) which is the max outer iv value
+ // that gives the number of iterations that is equal or just below the total
+ // number of iterations executed by the previous threads, for less_than
+ // (1-based) inner loops (inner_ub0 == -1) it will be i.e.
+ // lbo*(lbo-1)/2<=iter_before_current => lbo^2-lbo-2*iter_before_current<=0
+ // for less_than_equal (0-based) inner loops (inner_ub == 0) it will be:
+ // i.e. lbo*(lbo+1)/2<=iter_before_current =>
+ // lbo^2+lbo-2*iter_before_current<=0 both cases can be handled similarily
+ // using a parameter to control the equation sign
+ kmp_int64 inner_adjustment = 1 + 2 * inner_ub0;
+ kmp_uint64 lower_bound_outer =
+ (kmp_uint64)(sqrt_newton_approx(inner_adjustment * inner_adjustment +
+ 8 * iter_before_current) +
+ inner_adjustment) /
+ 2 -
+ inner_adjustment;
+ // calculate the inner loop lower bound which is the remaining number of
+ // iterations required to hit the total number of iterations executed by the
+ // previous threads giving the starting point of this thread
+ kmp_uint64 lower_bound_inner =
+ iter_before_current -
+ ((lower_bound_outer + inner_adjustment) * lower_bound_outer) / 2;
+ // calculate the outer loop upper bound using the same approach as for the
+ // inner bound except using the total number of iterations executed with the
+ // current thread
+ kmp_uint64 upper_bound_outer =
+ (kmp_uint64)(sqrt_newton_approx(inner_adjustment * inner_adjustment +
+ 8 * iter_with_current) +
+ inner_adjustment) /
+ 2 -
+ inner_adjustment;
+ // calculate the inner loop upper bound which is the remaining number of
+ // iterations required to hit the total number of iterations executed after
+ // the current thread giving the starting point of the next thread
+ kmp_uint64 upper_bound_inner =
+ iter_with_current -
+ ((upper_bound_outer + inner_adjustment) * upper_bound_outer) / 2;
+ // adjust the upper bounds down by 1 element to point at the last iteration of
+ // the current thread the first iteration of the next thread
+ if (upper_bound_inner == 0) {
+ // {n,0} => {n-1,n-1}
+ upper_bound_outer -= 1;
+ upper_bound_inner = upper_bound_outer;
+ } else {
+ // {n,m} => {n,m-1} (m!=0)
+ upper_bound_inner -= 1;
+ }
+ // assign the values, zeroing out lb1 and ub1 values since the iteration space
+ // is now one-dimensional
+ chunk_bounds_nest[0].lb0_u64 = lower_bound_outer;
+ chunk_bounds_nest[1].lb0_u64 = lower_bound_inner;
+ chunk_bounds_nest[0].ub0_u64 = upper_bound_outer;
+ chunk_bounds_nest[1].ub0_u64 = upper_bound_inner;
+ chunk_bounds_nest[0].lb1_u64 = 0;
+ chunk_bounds_nest[0].ub1_u64 = 0;
+ chunk_bounds_nest[1].lb1_u64 = 0;
+ chunk_bounds_nest[1].ub1_u64 = 0;
+#if 0
+ printf("tid/nth = %d/%d : From [%llu, %llu] To [%llu, %llu] : Chunks %llu/%llu\n",
+ tid, nth, chunk_bounds_nest[0].lb0_u64, chunk_bounds_nest[1].lb0_u64,
+ chunk_bounds_nest[0].ub0_u64, chunk_bounds_nest[1].ub0_u64, iter_current, iter_total);
+ * Handle upper triangle matrix in the canonical form
+ * i = 0; i <= N; i++ {0,0}:{N,0}
+ * j = 0+1*i; j <= N; j++ {0,1}:{N,0}
+ * ************************************************************************/
+void kmp_handle_upper_triangle_matrix(
+ /*in*/ kmp_uint32 nth,
+ /*in*/ kmp_uint32 tid,
+ /*in */ kmp_index_t n,
+ /*in/out*/ bounds_info_t *original_bounds_nest,
+ /*out*/ bounds_info_t *chunk_bounds_nest) {
+ // transfer loop types from the original loop to the chunks
+ for (kmp_index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ chunk_bounds_nest[i] = original_bounds_nest[i];
+ }
+ // cleanup iv variables
+ kmp_uint64 outer_ub0 = kmp_fix_iv(original_bounds_nest[0].loop_iv_type,
+ original_bounds_nest[0].ub0_u64);
+ kmp_uint64 outer_lb0 = kmp_fix_iv(original_bounds_nest[0].loop_iv_type,
+ original_bounds_nest[0].lb0_u64);
+ kmp_uint64 inner_ub0 = kmp_fix_iv(original_bounds_nest[1].loop_iv_type,
+ original_bounds_nest[1].ub0_u64);
+ // calculate the chunk's lower and upper bounds
+ // the total number of iterations in the loop is the sum of the arithmetic
+ // progression from the outer lower to outer upper bound (inclusive since the
+ // loop is canonical) note that less_than inner loops (inner_ub0 = -1)
+ // effectively make the progression 1-based making N = (outer_ub0 - inner_lb0
+ // + 1) -> N - 1
+ kmp_uint64 outer_iters = (outer_ub0 - outer_lb0 + 1);
+ kmp_uint64 iter_total = outer_iters * (outer_iters + 1) / 2;
+ // the current thread's number of iterations:
+ // each thread gets an equal number of iterations: total number of iterations
+ // divided by the number of threads plus, if there's a remainder,
+ // the first threads with the number up to the remainder get an additional
+ // iteration each to cover it
+ kmp_uint64 iter_current =
+ iter_total / nth + ((tid < (iter_total % nth)) ? 1 : 0);
+ // cumulative number of iterations executed by all the previous threads:
+ // threads with the tid below the remainder will have (iter_total/nth+1)
+ // elements, and so will all threads before them so the cumulative number of
+ // iterations executed by the all previous will be the current thread's number
+ // of iterations multiplied by the number of previous threads which is equal
+ // to the current thread's tid; threads with the number equal or above the
+ // remainder will have (iter_total/nth) elements so the cumulative number of
+ // iterations previously executed is its number of iterations multipled by the
+ // number of previous threads which is again equal to the current thread's tid
+ // PLUS all the remainder iterations that will have been executed by the
+ // previous threads
+ kmp_uint64 iter_before_current =
+ tid * iter_current + ((tid < iter_total % nth) ? 0 : (iter_total % nth));
+ // cumulative number of iterations executed with the current thread is
+ // the cumulative number executed before it plus its own
+ kmp_uint64 iter_with_current = iter_before_current + iter_current;
+ // calculate the outer loop lower bound (lbo) which is the max outer iv value
+ // that gives the number of iterations that is equal or just below the total
+ // number of iterations executed by the previous threads, for less_than
+ // (1-based) inner loops (inner_ub0 == -1) it will be i.e.
+ // lbo*(lbo-1)/2<=iter_before_current => lbo^2-lbo-2*iter_before_current<=0
+ // for less_than_equal (0-based) inner loops (inner_ub == 0) it will be:
+ // i.e. lbo*(lbo+1)/2<=iter_before_current =>
+ // lbo^2+lbo-2*iter_before_current<=0 both cases can be handled similarily
+ // using a parameter to control the equatio sign
+ kmp_uint64 lower_bound_outer =
+ (kmp_uint64)(sqrt_newton_approx(1 + 8 * iter_before_current) + 1) / 2 - 1;
+ ;
+ // calculate the inner loop lower bound which is the remaining number of
+ // iterations required to hit the total number of iterations executed by the
+ // previous threads giving the starting point of this thread
+ kmp_uint64 lower_bound_inner =
+ iter_before_current - ((lower_bound_outer + 1) * lower_bound_outer) / 2;
+ // calculate the outer loop upper bound using the same approach as for the
+ // inner bound except using the total number of iterations executed with the
+ // current thread
+ kmp_uint64 upper_bound_outer =
+ (kmp_uint64)(sqrt_newton_approx(1 + 8 * iter_with_current) + 1) / 2 - 1;
+ // calculate the inner loop upper bound which is the remaining number of
+ // iterations required to hit the total number of iterations executed after
+ // the current thread giving the starting point of the next thread
+ kmp_uint64 upper_bound_inner =
+ iter_with_current - ((upper_bound_outer + 1) * upper_bound_outer) / 2;
+ // adjust the upper bounds down by 1 element to point at the last iteration of
+ // the current thread the first iteration of the next thread
+ if (upper_bound_inner == 0) {
+ // {n,0} => {n-1,n-1}
+ upper_bound_outer -= 1;
+ upper_bound_inner = upper_bound_outer;
+ } else {
+ // {n,m} => {n,m-1} (m!=0)
+ upper_bound_inner -= 1;
+ }
+ // assign the values, zeroing out lb1 and ub1 values since the iteration space
+ // is now one-dimensional
+ chunk_bounds_nest[0].lb0_u64 = (outer_iters - 1) - upper_bound_outer;
+ chunk_bounds_nest[1].lb0_u64 = (outer_iters - 1) - upper_bound_inner;
+ chunk_bounds_nest[0].ub0_u64 = (outer_iters - 1) - lower_bound_outer;
+ chunk_bounds_nest[1].ub0_u64 = (outer_iters - 1) - lower_bound_inner;
+ chunk_bounds_nest[0].lb1_u64 = 0;
+ chunk_bounds_nest[0].ub1_u64 = 0;
+ chunk_bounds_nest[1].lb1_u64 = 0;
+ chunk_bounds_nest[1].ub1_u64 = 0;
+#if 0
+ printf("tid/nth = %d/%d : From [%llu, %llu] To [%llu, %llu] : Chunks %llu/%llu\n",
+ tid, nth, chunk_bounds_nest[0].lb0_u64, chunk_bounds_nest[1].lb0_u64,
+ chunk_bounds_nest[0].ub0_u64, chunk_bounds_nest[1].ub0_u64, iter_current, iter_total);
//----------Init API for non-rectangular loops--------------------------------
// Init API for collapsed loops (static, no chunks defined).
@@ -1334,6 +1632,19 @@ __kmpc_for_collapsed_init(ident_t *loc, kmp_int32 gtid,
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(tid < nth);
+ // Handle special cases
+ nested_loop_type_t loop_type =
+ kmp_identify_nested_loop_structure(original_bounds_nest, n);
+ if (loop_type == nested_loop_type_lower_triangular_matrix) {
+ kmp_handle_lower_triangle_matrix(nth, tid, n, original_bounds_nest,
+ chunk_bounds_nest);
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if (loop_type == nested_loop_type_upper_triangular_matrix) {
+ kmp_handle_upper_triangle_matrix(nth, tid, n, original_bounds_nest,
+ chunk_bounds_nest);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
CollapseAllocator<kmp_uint64> original_ivs_start(n);
if (!kmp_calc_original_ivs_for_start(original_bounds_nest, n,