path: root/llvm/test/CodeGen/SPIRV/pointers/type-deduce-call-no-bitcast.ll
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'llvm/test/CodeGen/SPIRV/pointers/type-deduce-call-no-bitcast.ll')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/SPIRV/pointers/type-deduce-call-no-bitcast.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/SPIRV/pointers/type-deduce-call-no-bitcast.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edb31ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/SPIRV/pointers/type-deduce-call-no-bitcast.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+; RUN: llc -O0 -mtriple=spirv64-unknown-unknown %s -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-SPIRV
+; RUN: %if spirv-tools %{ llc -O0 -mtriple=spirv64-unknown-unknown %s -o - -filetype=obj | spirv-val %}
+; CHECK-SPIRV-DAG: OpName %[[Foo:.*]] "foo"
+; CHECK-SPIRV-DAG: %[[TyChar:.*]] = OpTypeInt 8 0
+; CHECK-SPIRV-DAG: %[[TyVoid:.*]] = OpTypeVoid
+; CHECK-SPIRV-DAG: %[[TyGenPtrChar:.*]] = OpTypePointer Generic %[[TyChar]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV-DAG: %[[TyFunBar:.*]] = OpTypeFunction %[[TyVoid]] %[[TyGenPtrChar]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV-DAG: %[[TyLong:.*]] = OpTypeInt 64 0
+; CHECK-SPIRV-DAG: %[[TyGenPtrPtrChar:.*]] = OpTypePointer Generic %[[TyGenPtrChar]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV-DAG: %[[TyFunFoo:.*]] = OpTypeFunction %[[TyVoid]] %[[TyLong]] %[[TyGenPtrPtrChar]] %[[TyGenPtrPtrChar]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV-DAG: %[[TyStruct:.*]] = OpTypeStruct %[[TyLong]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV-DAG: %[[Const100:.*]] = OpConstant %[[TyLong]] 100
+; CHECK-SPIRV-DAG: %[[TyFunPtrGenPtrChar:.*]] = OpTypePointer Function %[[TyGenPtrChar]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV-DAG: %[[TyPtrStruct:.*]] = OpTypePointer Generic %[[TyStruct]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV-DAG: %[[TyPtrLong:.*]] = OpTypePointer Generic %[[TyLong]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV: %[[Bar:.*]] = OpFunction %[[TyVoid]] None %[[TyFunBar]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV: %[[BarArg:.*]] = OpFunctionParameter %[[TyGenPtrChar]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV-NEXT: OpVariable %[[TyFunPtrGenPtrChar]] Function
+; CHECK-SPIRV-NEXT: OpVariable %[[TyFunPtrGenPtrChar]] Function
+; CHECK-SPIRV-NEXT: OpVariable %[[TyFunPtrGenPtrChar]] Function
+; CHECK-SPIRV: %[[Var1:.*]] = OpPtrCastToGeneric %[[TyGenPtrPtrChar]] %[[#]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV: %[[Var2:.*]] = OpPtrCastToGeneric %[[TyGenPtrPtrChar]] %[[#]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV: OpStore %[[#]] %[[BarArg]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV-NEXT: OpFunctionCall %[[TyVoid]] %[[Foo]] %[[Const100]] %[[Var1]] %[[Var2]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV-NEXT: OpFunctionCall %[[TyVoid]] %[[Foo]] %[[Const100]] %[[Var2]] %[[Var1]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV: %[[Foo]] = OpFunction %[[TyVoid]] None %[[TyFunFoo]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV-NEXT: OpFunctionParameter %[[TyLong]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV-NEXT: OpFunctionParameter %[[TyGenPtrPtrChar]]
+; CHECK-SPIRV-NEXT: OpFunctionParameter %[[TyGenPtrPtrChar]]
+%class.CustomType = type { i64 }
+define linkonce_odr dso_local spir_func void @bar(ptr addrspace(4) noundef %first) {
+ %first.addr = alloca ptr addrspace(4)
+ %first.addr.ascast = addrspacecast ptr %first.addr to ptr addrspace(4)
+ %temp = alloca ptr addrspace(4), align 8
+ %temp.ascast = addrspacecast ptr %temp to ptr addrspace(4)
+ store ptr addrspace(4) %first, ptr %first.addr
+ call spir_func void @foo(i64 noundef 100, ptr addrspace(4) noundef dereferenceable(8) %first.addr.ascast, ptr addrspace(4) noundef dereferenceable(8) %temp.ascast)
+ call spir_func void @foo(i64 noundef 100, ptr addrspace(4) noundef dereferenceable(8) %temp.ascast, ptr addrspace(4) noundef dereferenceable(8) %first.addr.ascast)
+ %var = alloca ptr addrspace(4), align 8
+ ret void
+define linkonce_odr dso_local spir_func void @foo(i64 noundef %offset, ptr addrspace(4) noundef dereferenceable(8) %in_acc1, ptr addrspace(4) noundef dereferenceable(8) %out_acc1) {
+ %r0 = load ptr addrspace(4), ptr addrspace(4) %in_acc1
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds %class.CustomType, ptr addrspace(4) %r0, i64 42
+ %r1 = load i64, ptr addrspace(4) %arrayidx
+ %r3 = load ptr addrspace(4), ptr addrspace(4) %out_acc1
+ %r4 = getelementptr %class.CustomType, ptr addrspace(4) %r3, i64 43
+ store i64 %r1, ptr addrspace(4) %r4
+ ret void