path: root/clang/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'clang/test')
5 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/clang/test/CodeGen/call-graph-section-1.cpp b/clang/test/CodeGen/call-graph-section-1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25397e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/CodeGen/call-graph-section-1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// Tests that we assign appropriate identifiers to indirect calls and targets
+// specifically for C++ class and instance methods.
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux -fcall-graph-section -S \
+// RUN: -emit-llvm -o %t %s
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=FT %s < %t
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CST %s < %t
+// Class definitions (check for indirect target metadata)
+class Cls1 {
+ // FT-DAG: define {{.*}} ptr @_ZN4Cls18receiverEPcPf({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS1RECEIVER:![0-9]+]]
+ static int *receiver(char *a, float *b) { return 0; }
+class Cls2 {
+ int *(*fp)(char *, float *);
+ // FT-DAG: define {{.*}} i32 @_ZN4Cls22f1Ecfd({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F1:![0-9]+]]
+ int f1(char a, float b, double c) { return 0; }
+ // FT-DAG: define {{.*}} ptr @_ZN4Cls22f2EPcPfPd({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F2:![0-9]+]]
+ int *f2(char *a, float *b, double *c) { return 0; }
+ // FT-DAG: define {{.*}} void @_ZN4Cls22f3E4Cls1({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F3F4:![0-9]+]]
+ void f3(Cls1 a) {}
+ // FT-DAG: define {{.*}} void @_ZN4Cls22f4E4Cls1({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F3F4]]
+ void f4(const Cls1 a) {}
+ // FT-DAG: define {{.*}} void @_ZN4Cls22f5EP4Cls1({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F5:![0-9]+]]
+ void f5(Cls1 *a) {}
+ // FT-DAG: define {{.*}} void @_ZN4Cls22f6EPK4Cls1({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F6:![0-9]+]]
+ void f6(const Cls1 *a) {}
+ // FT-DAG: define {{.*}} void @_ZN4Cls22f7ER4Cls1({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F7:![0-9]+]]
+ void f7(Cls1 &a) {}
+ // FT-DAG: define {{.*}} void @_ZN4Cls22f8ERK4Cls1({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F8:![0-9]+]]
+ void f8(const Cls1 &a) {}
+ // FT-DAG: define {{.*}} void @_ZNK4Cls22f9Ev({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F9:![0-9]+]]
+ void f9() const {}
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS1RECEIVER]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFPvS_S_E.generalized"}
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS2F2]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFPvS_S_S_E.generalized"}
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS2F1]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFicfdE.generalized"}
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS2F3F4]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFv4Cls1E.generalized"}
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS2F5]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFvPvE.generalized"}
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS2F6]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFvPKvE.generalized"}
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS2F7]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFvR4Cls1E.generalized"}
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS2F8]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFvRK4Cls1E.generalized"}
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS2F9]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSKFvvE.generalized"}
+// Callsites (check for indirect callsite operand bundles)
+// CST-LABEL: define {{.*}} @_Z3foov
+void foo() {
+ Cls2 ObjCls2;
+ ObjCls2.fp = &Cls1::receiver;
+ // CST: call noundef ptr %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFPvS_S_E.generalized") ]
+ ObjCls2.fp(0, 0);
+ auto fp_f1 = &Cls2::f1;
+ auto fp_f2 = &Cls2::f2;
+ auto fp_f3 = &Cls2::f3;
+ auto fp_f4 = &Cls2::f4;
+ auto fp_f5 = &Cls2::f5;
+ auto fp_f6 = &Cls2::f6;
+ auto fp_f7 = &Cls2::f7;
+ auto fp_f8 = &Cls2::f8;
+ auto fp_f9 = &Cls2::f9;
+ Cls2 *ObjCls2Ptr = &ObjCls2;
+ Cls1 Cls1Param;
+ // CST: call noundef i32 %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFicfdE.generalized") ]
+ (ObjCls2Ptr->*fp_f1)(0, 0, 0);
+ // CST: call noundef ptr %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFPvS_S_S_E.generalized") ]
+ (ObjCls2Ptr->*fp_f2)(0, 0, 0);
+ // CST: call void %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFv4Cls1E.generalized") ]
+ (ObjCls2Ptr->*fp_f3)(Cls1Param);
+ // CST: call void %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFv4Cls1E.generalized") ]
+ (ObjCls2Ptr->*fp_f4)(Cls1Param);
+ // CST: call void %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFvPvE.generalized") ]
+ (ObjCls2Ptr->*fp_f5)(&Cls1Param);
+ // CST: call void %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFvPKvE.generalized") ]
+ (ObjCls2Ptr->*fp_f6)(&Cls1Param);
+ // CST: call void %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFvR4Cls1E.generalized") ]
+ (ObjCls2Ptr->*fp_f7)(Cls1Param);
+ // CST: call void %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFvRK4Cls1E.generalized") ]
+ (ObjCls2Ptr->*fp_f8)(Cls1Param);
+ // CST: call void %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSKFvvE.generalized") ]
+ (ObjCls2Ptr->*fp_f9)();
diff --git a/clang/test/CodeGen/call-graph-section-2.cpp b/clang/test/CodeGen/call-graph-section-2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4187fae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/CodeGen/call-graph-section-2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// Tests that we assign appropriate identifiers to indirect calls and targets
+// specifically for C++ templates.
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux -fcall-graph-section -S \
+// RUN: -emit-llvm -o %t %s
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=FT %s < %t
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CST %s < %t
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK %s < %t
+// Class definitions and template classes (check for indirect target metadata)
+class Cls1 {};
+// Cls2 is instantiated with T=Cls1 in foo(). Following checks are for this
+// instantiation.
+template <class T>
+class Cls2 {
+ // FT: define {{.*}} void @_ZN4Cls2I4Cls1E2f1Ev({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F1:![0-9]+]]
+ void f1() {}
+ // FT: define {{.*}} void @_ZN4Cls2I4Cls1E2f2ES0_({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F2:![0-9]+]]
+ void f2(T a) {}
+ // FT: define {{.*}} void @_ZN4Cls2I4Cls1E2f3EPS0_({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F3:![0-9]+]]
+ void f3(T *a) {}
+ // FT: define {{.*}} void @_ZN4Cls2I4Cls1E2f4EPKS0_({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F4:![0-9]+]]
+ void f4(const T *a) {}
+ // FT: define {{.*}} void @_ZN4Cls2I4Cls1E2f5ERS0_({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F5:![0-9]+]]
+ void f5(T &a) {}
+ // FT: define {{.*}} void @_ZN4Cls2I4Cls1E2f6ERKS0_({{.*}} !type [[F_TCLS2F6:![0-9]+]]
+ void f6(const T &a) {}
+ // Mixed type function pointer member
+ T *(*fp)(T a, T *b, const T *c, T &d, const T &e);
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS2F1]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFvvE.generalized"}
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS2F2]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFv4Cls1E.generalized"}
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS2F3]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFvPvE.generalized"}
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS2F4]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFvPKvE.generalized"}
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS2F5]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFvR4Cls1E.generalized"}
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TCLS2F6]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFvRK4Cls1E.generalized"}
+// Callsites (check for indirect callsite operand bundles)
+template <class T>
+T *T_func(T a, T *b, const T *c, T &d, const T &e) { return b; }
+// CST-LABEL: define {{.*}} @_Z3foov
+void foo() {
+ // Methods for Cls2<Cls1> is checked above within the template description.
+ Cls2<Cls1> Obj;
+ // CHECK-DAG: define {{.*}} @_Z6T_funcI4Cls1EPT_S1_S2_PKS1_RS1_RS3_({{.*}} !type [[F_TFUNC_CLS1:![0-9]+]]
+ // CHECK-DAG: [[F_TFUNC_CLS1]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFPv4Cls1S_PKvRS0_RKS0_E.generalized"}
+ Obj.fp = T_func<Cls1>;
+ Cls1 Cls1Obj;
+ // CST: call noundef ptr %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFPv4Cls1S_PKvRS0_RKS0_E.generalized") ]
+ Obj.fp(Cls1Obj, &Cls1Obj, &Cls1Obj, Cls1Obj, Cls1Obj);
+ // Make indirect calls to Cls2's member methods
+ auto fp_f1 = &Cls2<Cls1>::f1;
+ auto fp_f2 = &Cls2<Cls1>::f2;
+ auto fp_f3 = &Cls2<Cls1>::f3;
+ auto fp_f4 = &Cls2<Cls1>::f4;
+ auto fp_f5 = &Cls2<Cls1>::f5;
+ auto fp_f6 = &Cls2<Cls1>::f6;
+ auto *Obj2Ptr = &Obj;
+ // CST: call void %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFvvE.generalized") ]
+ (Obj2Ptr->*fp_f1)();
+ // CST: call void %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFv4Cls1E.generalized") ]
+ (Obj2Ptr->*fp_f2)(Cls1Obj);
+ // CST: call void %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFvPvE.generalized") ]
+ (Obj2Ptr->*fp_f3)(&Cls1Obj);
+ // CST: call void %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFvPKvE.generalized") ]
+ (Obj2Ptr->*fp_f4)(&Cls1Obj);
+ // CST: call void %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFvR4Cls1E.generalized") ]
+ (Obj2Ptr->*fp_f5)(Cls1Obj);
+ // CST: call void %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFvRK4Cls1E.generalized") ]
+ (Obj2Ptr->*fp_f6)(Cls1Obj);
diff --git a/clang/test/CodeGen/call-graph-section-3.cpp b/clang/test/CodeGen/call-graph-section-3.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77bb110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/CodeGen/call-graph-section-3.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// Tests that we assign appropriate identifiers to indirect calls and targets
+// specifically for virtual methods.
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux -fcall-graph-section -S \
+// RUN: -emit-llvm -o %t %s
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=FT %s < %t
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CST %s < %t
+// Class definitions (check for indirect target metadata)
+class Base {
+ // FT-DAG: define {{.*}} @_ZN4Base2vfEPc({{.*}} !type [[F_TVF:![0-9]+]]
+ virtual int vf(char *a) { return 0; };
+class Derived : public Base {
+ // FT-DAG: define {{.*}} @_ZN7Derived2vfEPc({{.*}} !type [[F_TVF]]
+ int vf(char *a) override { return 1; };
+// FT-DAG: [[F_TVF]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFiPvE.generalized"}
+// Callsites (check for indirect callsite operand bundles)
+// CST-LABEL: define {{.*}} @_Z3foov
+void foo() {
+ auto B = Base();
+ auto D = Derived();
+ Base *Bptr = &B;
+ Base *BptrToD = &D;
+ Derived *Dptr = &D;
+ auto FpBaseVf = &Base::vf;
+ auto FpDerivedVf = &Derived::vf;
+ // CST: call noundef i32 %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFiPvE.generalized") ]
+ (Bptr->*FpBaseVf)(0);
+ // CST: call noundef i32 %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFiPvE.generalized") ]
+ (BptrToD->*FpBaseVf)(0);
+ // CST: call noundef i32 %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFiPvE.generalized") ]
+ (Dptr->*FpBaseVf)(0);
+ // CST: call noundef i32 %{{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFiPvE.generalized") ]
+ (Dptr->*FpDerivedVf)(0);
diff --git a/clang/test/CodeGen/call-graph-section.c b/clang/test/CodeGen/call-graph-section.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed1bdb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/CodeGen/call-graph-section.c
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// Tests that we assign appropriate identifiers to indirect calls and targets.
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux -fcall-graph-section -S \
+// RUN: -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,ITANIUM %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-windows-msvc -fcall-graph-section -S \
+// RUN: -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,MS %s
+// CHECK-DAG: define {{(dso_local)?}} void @foo({{.*}} !type [[F_TVOID:![0-9]+]]
+void foo() {
+// CHECK-DAG: define {{(dso_local)?}} void @bar({{.*}} !type [[F_TVOID]]
+void bar() {
+ void (*fp)() = foo;
+ // ITANIUM: call {{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFvE.generalized") ]
+ // MS: call {{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"?6AX@Z.generalized") ]
+ fp();
+// CHECK-DAG: define {{(dso_local)?}} i32 @baz({{.*}} !type [[F_TPRIMITIVE:![0-9]+]]
+int baz(char a, float b, double c) {
+ return 1;
+// CHECK-DAG: define {{(dso_local)?}} ptr @qux({{.*}} !type [[F_TPTR:![0-9]+]]
+int *qux(char *a, float *b, double *c) {
+ return 0;
+// CHECK-DAG: define {{(dso_local)?}} void @corge({{.*}} !type [[F_TVOID]]
+void corge() {
+ int (*fp_baz)(char, float, double) = baz;
+ // ITANIUM: call i32 {{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFicfdE.generalized") ]
+ // MS: call i32 {{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"?6AHDMN@Z.generalized") ]
+ fp_baz('a', .0f, .0);
+ int *(*fp_qux)(char *, float *, double *) = qux;
+ // ITANIUM: call ptr {{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFPvS_S_S_E.generalized") ]
+ // MS: call ptr {{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"?6APEAXPEAX00@Z.generalized") ]
+ fp_qux(0, 0, 0);
+struct st1 {
+ int *(*fp)(char *, float *, double *);
+struct st2 {
+ struct st1 m;
+// CHECK-DAG: define {{(dso_local)?}} void @stparam({{.*}} !type [[F_TSTRUCT:![0-9]+]]
+void stparam(struct st2 a, struct st2 *b) {}
+// CHECK-DAG: define {{(dso_local)?}} void @stf({{.*}} !type [[F_TVOID]]
+void stf() {
+ struct st1 St1;
+ St1.fp = qux;
+ // ITANIUM: call ptr {{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFPvS_S_S_E.generalized") ]
+ // MS: call ptr {{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"?6APEAXPEAX00@Z.generalized") ]
+ St1.fp(0, 0, 0);
+ struct st2 St2;
+ St2.m.fp = qux;
+ // ITANIUM: call ptr {{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFPvS_S_S_E.generalized") ]
+ // MS: call ptr {{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"?6APEAXPEAX00@Z.generalized") ]
+ St2.m.fp(0, 0, 0);
+ // ITANIUM: call void {{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"_ZTSFv3st2PvE.generalized") ]
+ // MS: call void {{.*}} [ "type"(metadata !"?6AXUst2@@PEAX@Z.generalized") ]
+ void (*fp_stparam)(struct st2, struct st2 *) = stparam;
+ fp_stparam(St2, &St2);
+// ITANIUM-DAG: [[F_TVOID]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFvE.generalized"}
+// MS-DAG: [[F_TVOID]] = !{i64 0, !"?6AX@Z.generalized"}
+// ITANIUM-DAG: [[F_TPRIMITIVE]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFicfdE.generalized"}
+// MS-DAG: [[F_TPRIMITIVE]] = !{i64 0, !"?6AHDMN@Z.generalized"}
+// ITANIUM-DAG: [[F_TPTR]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFPvS_S_S_E.generalized"}
+// MS-DAG: [[F_TPTR]] = !{i64 0, !"?6APEAXPEAX00@Z.generalized"}
+// ITANIUM-DAG: [[F_TSTRUCT]] = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFv3st2PvE.generalized"}
+// MS-DAG: [[F_TSTRUCT]] = !{i64 0, !"?6AXUst2@@PEAX@Z.generalized"}
diff --git a/clang/test/Driver/call-graph-section.c b/clang/test/Driver/call-graph-section.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5832aa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/Driver/call-graph-section.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// RUN: %clang -### -S -fcall-graph-section %s 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=CALL-GRAPH-SECTION %s
+// RUN: %clang -### -S -fcall-graph-section -fno-call-graph-section %s 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=NO-CALL-GRAPH-SECTION %s
+// CALL-GRAPH-SECTION: "-fcall-graph-section"
+// NO-CALL-GRAPH-SECTION-NOT: "-fcall-graph-section"