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7 files changed, 62 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/TwoAddressInstructionPass.cpp b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/TwoAddressInstructionPass.cpp
index de336ab..615ff4b 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/TwoAddressInstructionPass.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/TwoAddressInstructionPass.cpp
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ STATISTIC(NumTwoAddressInstrs, "Number of two-address instructions");
STATISTIC(NumCommuted , "Number of instructions commuted to coalesce");
STATISTIC(NumAggrCommuted , "Number of instructions aggressively commuted");
STATISTIC(NumConvertedTo3Addr, "Number of instructions promoted to 3-address");
-STATISTIC(Num3AddrSunk, "Number of 3-address instructions sunk");
STATISTIC(NumReSchedUps, "Number of instructions re-scheduled up");
STATISTIC(NumReSchedDowns, "Number of instructions re-scheduled down");
@@ -109,10 +108,6 @@ class TwoAddressInstructionPass : public MachineFunctionPass {
// Set of already processed instructions in the current block.
SmallPtrSet<MachineInstr*, 8> Processed;
- // Set of instructions converted to three-address by target and then sunk
- // down current basic block.
- SmallPtrSet<MachineInstr*, 8> SunkInstrs;
// A map from virtual registers to physical registers which are likely targets
// to be coalesced to due to copies from physical registers to virtual
// registers. e.g. v1024 = move r0.
@@ -123,9 +118,6 @@ class TwoAddressInstructionPass : public MachineFunctionPass {
// registers. e.g. r1 = move v1024.
DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> DstRegMap;
- bool sink3AddrInstruction(MachineInstr *MI, unsigned Reg,
- MachineBasicBlock::iterator OldPos);
bool isRevCopyChain(unsigned FromReg, unsigned ToReg, int Maxlen);
bool noUseAfterLastDef(unsigned Reg, unsigned Dist, unsigned &LastDef);
@@ -209,136 +201,6 @@ INITIALIZE_PASS_END(TwoAddressInstructionPass, DEBUG_TYPE,
static bool isPlainlyKilled(MachineInstr *MI, unsigned Reg, LiveIntervals *LIS);
-/// A two-address instruction has been converted to a three-address instruction
-/// to avoid clobbering a register. Try to sink it past the instruction that
-/// would kill the above mentioned register to reduce register pressure.
-bool TwoAddressInstructionPass::
-sink3AddrInstruction(MachineInstr *MI, unsigned SavedReg,
- MachineBasicBlock::iterator OldPos) {
- // FIXME: Shouldn't we be trying to do this before we three-addressify the
- // instruction? After this transformation is done, we no longer need
- // the instruction to be in three-address form.
- // Check if it's safe to move this instruction.
- bool SeenStore = true; // Be conservative.
- if (!MI->isSafeToMove(AA, SeenStore))
- return false;
- unsigned DefReg = 0;
- SmallSet<unsigned, 4> UseRegs;
- for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI->operands()) {
- if (!MO.isReg())
- continue;
- Register MOReg = MO.getReg();
- if (!MOReg)
- continue;
- if (MO.isUse() && MOReg != SavedReg)
- UseRegs.insert(MO.getReg());
- if (!MO.isDef())
- continue;
- if (MO.isImplicit())
- // Don't try to move it if it implicitly defines a register.
- return false;
- if (DefReg)
- // For now, don't move any instructions that define multiple registers.
- return false;
- DefReg = MO.getReg();
- }
- // Find the instruction that kills SavedReg.
- MachineInstr *KillMI = nullptr;
- if (LIS) {
- LiveInterval &LI = LIS->getInterval(SavedReg);
- assert(LI.end() != LI.begin() &&
- "Reg should not have empty live interval.");
- SlotIndex MBBEndIdx = LIS->getMBBEndIdx(MBB).getPrevSlot();
- LiveInterval::const_iterator I = LI.find(MBBEndIdx);
- if (I != LI.end() && I->start < MBBEndIdx)
- return false;
- --I;
- KillMI = LIS->getInstructionFromIndex(I->end);
- }
- if (!KillMI) {
- for (MachineOperand &UseMO : MRI->use_nodbg_operands(SavedReg)) {
- if (!UseMO.isKill())
- continue;
- KillMI = UseMO.getParent();
- break;
- }
- }
- // If we find the instruction that kills SavedReg, and it is in an
- // appropriate location, we can try to sink the current instruction
- // past it.
- if (!KillMI || KillMI->getParent() != MBB || KillMI == MI ||
- MachineBasicBlock::iterator(KillMI) == OldPos || KillMI->isTerminator())
- return false;
- // If any of the definitions are used by another instruction between the
- // position and the kill use, then it's not safe to sink it.
- //
- // FIXME: This can be sped up if there is an easy way to query whether an
- // instruction is before or after another instruction. Then we can use
- // MachineRegisterInfo def / use instead.
- MachineOperand *KillMO = nullptr;
- MachineBasicBlock::iterator KillPos = KillMI;
- ++KillPos;
- unsigned NumVisited = 0;
- for (MachineInstr &OtherMI : make_range(std::next(OldPos), KillPos)) {
- // Debug instructions cannot be counted against the limit.
- if (OtherMI.isDebugInstr())
- continue;
- if (NumVisited > 30) // FIXME: Arbitrary limit to reduce compile time cost.
- return false;
- ++NumVisited;
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = OtherMI.getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
- MachineOperand &MO = OtherMI.getOperand(i);
- if (!MO.isReg())
- continue;
- Register MOReg = MO.getReg();
- if (!MOReg)
- continue;
- if (DefReg == MOReg)
- return false;
- if (MO.isKill() || (LIS && isPlainlyKilled(&OtherMI, MOReg, LIS))) {
- if (&OtherMI == KillMI && MOReg == SavedReg)
- // Save the operand that kills the register. We want to unset the kill
- // marker if we can sink MI past it.
- KillMO = &MO;
- else if (UseRegs.count(MOReg))
- // One of the uses is killed before the destination.
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- assert(KillMO && "Didn't find kill");
- if (!LIS) {
- // Update kill and LV information.
- KillMO->setIsKill(false);
- KillMO = MI->findRegisterUseOperand(SavedReg, false, TRI);
- KillMO->setIsKill(true);
- if (LV)
- LV->replaceKillInstruction(SavedReg, *KillMI, *MI);
- }
- // Move instruction to its destination.
- MBB->remove(MI);
- MBB->insert(KillPos, MI);
- if (LIS)
- LIS->handleMove(*MI);
- ++Num3AddrSunk;
- return true;
/// Return the MachineInstr* if it is the single def of the Reg in current BB.
static MachineInstr *getSingleDef(unsigned Reg, MachineBasicBlock *BB,
const MachineRegisterInfo *MRI) {
@@ -740,26 +602,15 @@ TwoAddressInstructionPass::convertInstTo3Addr(MachineBasicBlock::iterator &mi,
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "2addr: CONVERTING 2-ADDR: " << *mi);
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "2addr: TO 3-ADDR: " << *NewMI);
- bool Sunk = false;
if (LIS)
LIS->ReplaceMachineInstrInMaps(*mi, *NewMI);
- if (NewMI->findRegisterUseOperand(RegB, false, TRI))
- // FIXME: Temporary workaround. If the new instruction doesn't
- // uses RegB, convertToThreeAddress must have created more
- // then one instruction.
- Sunk = sink3AddrInstruction(NewMI, RegB, mi);
MBB->erase(mi); // Nuke the old inst.
- if (!Sunk) {
- DistanceMap.insert(std::make_pair(NewMI, Dist));
- mi = NewMI;
- nmi = std::next(mi);
- }
- else
- SunkInstrs.insert(NewMI);
+ DistanceMap.insert(std::make_pair(NewMI, Dist));
+ mi = NewMI;
+ nmi = std::next(mi);
// Update source and destination register maps.
@@ -1700,13 +1551,11 @@ bool TwoAddressInstructionPass::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &Func) {
- SunkInstrs.clear();
for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator mi = MBB->begin(), me = MBB->end();
mi != me; ) {
MachineBasicBlock::iterator nmi = std::next(mi);
- // Don't revisit an instruction previously converted by target. It may
- // contain undef register operands (%noreg), which are not handled.
- if (mi->isDebugInstr() || SunkInstrs.count(&*mi)) {
+ // Skip debug instructions.
+ if (mi->isDebugInstr()) {
mi = nmi;
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/callbr-asm-sink.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/callbr-asm-sink.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..758ac37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/callbr-asm-sink.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py
+; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s
+;; Verify that the machine instructions generated from the first
+;; getelementptr don't get sunk below the callbr. (Reduced from a bug
+;; report.)
+%struct1 = type { i8*, i32 }
+define void @klist_dec_and_del(%struct1*) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: klist_dec_and_del:
+; CHECK: # %bb.0:
+; CHECK-NEXT: leaq 8(%rdi), %rax
+; CHECK-NEXT: # 8(%rdi) .Ltmp0
+; CHECK-NEXT: # %bb.2:
+; CHECK-NEXT: retq
+; CHECK-NEXT: .Ltmp0: # Block address taken
+; CHECK-NEXT: movq $0, -8(%rax)
+; CHECK-NEXT: retq
+ %2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct1, %struct1* %0, i64 0, i32 1
+ callbr void asm sideeffect "# $0 $1", "*m,X,~{memory},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32* %2, i8* blockaddress(@klist_dec_and_del, %3))
+ to label %6 [label %3]
+ %4 = getelementptr i32, i32* %2, i64 -2
+ %5 = bitcast i32* %4 to i8**
+ store i8* null, i8** %5, align 8
+ br label %6
+ ret void
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/masked-iv-unsafe.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/masked-iv-unsafe.ll
index 76f2ad2..e4c82fa 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/masked-iv-unsafe.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/masked-iv-unsafe.ll
@@ -402,9 +402,9 @@ return:
define void @another_count_down_signed(double* %d, i64 %n) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: another_count_down_signed:
; CHECK: # %bb.0: # %entry
-; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rsi, %rax
-; CHECK-NEXT: shlq $24, %rax
-; CHECK-NEXT: leaq -10(%rsi), %rcx
+; CHECK-NEXT: leaq -10(%rsi), %rax
+; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rsi, %rcx
+; CHECK-NEXT: shlq $24, %rcx
; CHECK-NEXT: shlq $8, %rsi
; CHECK-NEXT: movsd {{.*#+}} xmm0 = mem[0],zero
; CHECK-NEXT: movsd {{.*#+}} xmm1 = mem[0],zero
@@ -417,17 +417,17 @@ define void @another_count_down_signed(double* %d, i64 %n) nounwind {
; CHECK-NEXT: movsd {{.*#+}} xmm3 = mem[0],zero
; CHECK-NEXT: mulsd %xmm0, %xmm3
; CHECK-NEXT: movsd %xmm3, (%rdi,%rdx,8)
-; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rax, %rdx
+; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rcx, %rdx
; CHECK-NEXT: sarq $24, %rdx
; CHECK-NEXT: movsd {{.*#+}} xmm3 = mem[0],zero
; CHECK-NEXT: mulsd %xmm1, %xmm3
; CHECK-NEXT: movsd %xmm3, (%rdi,%rdx,8)
; CHECK-NEXT: movsd {{.*#+}} xmm3 = mem[0],zero
; CHECK-NEXT: mulsd %xmm2, %xmm3
-; CHECK-NEXT: movsd %xmm3, 80(%rdi,%rcx,8)
-; CHECK-NEXT: addq $-16777216, %rax # imm = 0xFF000000
+; CHECK-NEXT: movsd %xmm3, 80(%rdi,%rax,8)
+; CHECK-NEXT: addq $-16777216, %rcx # imm = 0xFF000000
; CHECK-NEXT: addq $-256, %rsi
-; CHECK-NEXT: decq %rcx
+; CHECK-NEXT: decq %rax
; CHECK-NEXT: jne .LBB7_1
; CHECK-NEXT: # %bb.2: # %return
; CHECK-NEXT: retq
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/reverse_branches.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/reverse_branches.ll
index 170fc6a..7a9ff84 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/reverse_branches.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/reverse_branches.ll
@@ -48,25 +48,25 @@ define i32 @test_branches_order() uwtable ssp {
; CHECK-NEXT: ## %bb.2: ## %for.cond1.preheader
; CHECK-NEXT: ## in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1
-; CHECK-NEXT: movl $-1, %r13d
-; CHECK-NEXT: movq %r15, %rbx
-; CHECK-NEXT: movq %r14, %rbp
+; CHECK-NEXT: movl $-1, %ebp
+; CHECK-NEXT: movq %r15, %rdi
+; CHECK-NEXT: movq %r14, %rbx
; CHECK-NEXT: .p2align 4, 0x90
; CHECK-NEXT: LBB0_3: ## %for.cond1
; CHECK-NEXT: ## Parent Loop BB0_1 Depth=1
; CHECK-NEXT: ## => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2
-; CHECK-NEXT: incl %r13d
-; CHECK-NEXT: cmpl $999, %r13d ## imm = 0x3E7
+; CHECK-NEXT: incl %ebp
+; CHECK-NEXT: cmpl $999, %ebp ## imm = 0x3E7
; CHECK-NEXT: ## %bb.4: ## %for.body3
; CHECK-NEXT: ## in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=2
-; CHECK-NEXT: addq $1002, %rbp ## imm = 0x3EA
-; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rbx, %rdi
-; CHECK-NEXT: addq $1001, %rbx ## imm = 0x3E9
+; CHECK-NEXT: addq $1002, %rbx ## imm = 0x3EA
+; CHECK-NEXT: leaq 1001(%rdi), %r13
; CHECK-NEXT: movl $1000, %edx ## imm = 0x3E8
; CHECK-NEXT: movl $120, %esi
; CHECK-NEXT: callq _memchr
-; CHECK-NEXT: cmpq %rax, %rbp
+; CHECK-NEXT: cmpq %rax, %rbx
+; CHECK-NEXT: movq %r13, %rdi
; CHECK-NEXT: jmp LBB0_5
; CHECK-NEXT: LBB0_7: ## %for.end11
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/rotate-extract.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/rotate-extract.ll
index 9ef29c7..41003c9 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/rotate-extract.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/rotate-extract.ll
@@ -306,9 +306,9 @@ define i32 @extract_add_1_comut(i32 %i) nounwind {
define i32 @no_extract_add_1(i32 %i) nounwind {
; X86-LABEL: no_extract_add_1:
; X86: # %bb.0:
-; X86-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %ecx
-; X86-NEXT: leal (%ecx,%ecx), %eax
-; X86-NEXT: shrl $27, %ecx
+; X86-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax
+; X86-NEXT: leal (%eax,%eax), %ecx
+; X86-NEXT: shrl $27, %eax
; X86-NEXT: orl %ecx, %eax
; X86-NEXT: retl
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/twoaddr-lea.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/twoaddr-lea.ll
index 077cf80..716d20d 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/twoaddr-lea.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/twoaddr-lea.ll
@@ -68,8 +68,9 @@ bb2:
br label %bb6
-; CHECK: subl %e[[REG0:[a-z0-9]+]],
-; CHECK: addq $4, %r[[REG0]]
+; CHECK: LBB3_3:
+; CHECK: addq $4, %r
+; CHECK: subl %e
%tmp14 = phi i64 [ %tmp15, %bb5 ], [ 0, %bb1 ]
%tmp15 = add nuw i64 %tmp14, 4
%tmp16 = trunc i64 %tmp14 to i32
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/twoaddr-pass-sink.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/twoaddr-pass-sink.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index a06eaec..0000000
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/twoaddr-pass-sink.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-; REQUIRES: asserts
-; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i686-- -mattr=+sse2 -stats 2>&1 | grep "Number of 3-address instructions sunk"
-define void @t2(<2 x i64>* %vDct, <2 x i64>* %vYp, i8* %skiplist, <2 x i64> %a1) nounwind {
- %tmp25 = bitcast <2 x i64> %a1 to <8 x i16> ; <<8 x i16>> [#uses=1]
- br label %bb
-bb: ; preds = %bb, %entry
- %skiplist_addr.0.rec = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %indvar.next, %bb ] ; <i32> [#uses=3]
- %vYp_addr.0.rec = shl i32 %skiplist_addr.0.rec, 3 ; <i32> [#uses=3]
- %vDct_addr.0 = getelementptr <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* %vDct, i32 %vYp_addr.0.rec ; <<2 x i64>*> [#uses=1]
- %vYp_addr.0 = getelementptr <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* %vYp, i32 %vYp_addr.0.rec ; <<2 x i64>*> [#uses=1]
- %skiplist_addr.0 = getelementptr i8, i8* %skiplist, i32 %skiplist_addr.0.rec ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
- %vDct_addr.0.sum43 = or i32 %vYp_addr.0.rec, 1 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- %tmp7 = getelementptr <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* %vDct, i32 %vDct_addr.0.sum43 ; <<2 x i64>*> [#uses=1]
- %tmp8 = load <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* %tmp7, align 16 ; <<2 x i64>> [#uses=1]
- %tmp11 = load <2 x i64>, <2 x i64>* %vDct_addr.0, align 16 ; <<2 x i64>> [#uses=1]
- %tmp13 = bitcast <2 x i64> %tmp8 to <8 x i16> ; <<8 x i16>> [#uses=1]
- %tmp15 = bitcast <2 x i64> %tmp11 to <8 x i16> ; <<8 x i16>> [#uses=1]
- %tmp16 = shufflevector <8 x i16> %tmp15, <8 x i16> %tmp13, <8 x i32> < i32 0, i32 8, i32 1, i32 9, i32 2, i32 10, i32 3, i32 11 > ; <<8 x i16>> [#uses=1]
- %tmp26 = mul <8 x i16> %tmp25, %tmp16 ; <<8 x i16>> [#uses=1]
- %tmp27 = bitcast <8 x i16> %tmp26 to <2 x i64> ; <<2 x i64>> [#uses=1]
- store <2 x i64> %tmp27, <2 x i64>* %vYp_addr.0, align 16
- %tmp37 = load i8, i8* %skiplist_addr.0, align 1 ; <i8> [#uses=1]
- %tmp38 = icmp eq i8 %tmp37, 0 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
- %indvar.next = add i32 %skiplist_addr.0.rec, 1 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- br i1 %tmp38, label %return, label %bb
-return: ; preds = %bb
- ret void