path: root/llvm/test
diff options
authorNashe Mncube <nashe.mncube@arm.com>2024-02-22 19:15:52 +0000
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2024-02-22 19:15:52 +0000
commit744c0057e7dc0d1d046a4867cece2f31fee9bb23 (patch)
tree0225876afaab6f9757aca58c3e31b283ce2061d9 /llvm/test
parent4f7ab789bf43b49914815bdf4e4c3703f92e781d (diff)
[AArch64][CodeGen] Fix crash when fptrunc returns fp16 with +nofp attr (#81724)
When performing lowering of the fptrunc opcode returning fp16 with the +nofp flag enabled we could trigger a compiler crash. This is because we had no custom lowering implemented. This patch the case in which we need to promote an fp16 return type for fptrunc when the +nofp attr is enabled.
Diffstat (limited to 'llvm/test')
2 files changed, 129 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/16bit-float-promotion-with-nofp.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/16bit-float-promotion-with-nofp.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfe9ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/16bit-float-promotion-with-nofp.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py UTC_ARGS: --version 4
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=aarch64 -mattr=-fp-armv8 -o - %s | FileCheck %s
+define half @f2h(float %a) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: f2h:
+; CHECK: // %bb.0: // %entry
+; CHECK-NEXT: str x30, [sp, #-16]! // 8-byte Folded Spill
+; CHECK-NEXT: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+; CHECK-NEXT: .cfi_offset w30, -16
+; CHECK-NEXT: bl __gnu_f2h_ieee
+; CHECK-NEXT: ldr x30, [sp], #16 // 8-byte Folded Reload
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+ %0 = fptrunc float %a to half
+ ret half %0
+define bfloat @f2bfloat(float %a) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: f2bfloat:
+; CHECK: // %bb.0: // %entry
+; CHECK-NEXT: str x30, [sp, #-16]! // 8-byte Folded Spill
+; CHECK-NEXT: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+; CHECK-NEXT: .cfi_offset w30, -16
+; CHECK-NEXT: bl __truncsfbf2
+; CHECK-NEXT: ldr x30, [sp], #16 // 8-byte Folded Reload
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+ %0 = fptrunc float %a to bfloat
+ ret bfloat %0
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/strictfp_f16_abi_promote.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/strictfp_f16_abi_promote.ll
index a34f7ab..9fa5208 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/strictfp_f16_abi_promote.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/strictfp_f16_abi_promote.ll
@@ -131,26 +131,107 @@ define void @v4f16_arg(<4 x half> %arg, ptr %ptr) #0 {
ret void
-; define half @f16_return(float %arg) #0 {
-; %fptrunc = call half @llvm.experimental.constrained.fptrunc.f16.f32(float %arg, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
-; ret half %fptrunc
-; }
+ define half @f16_return(float %arg) #0 {
+; NOFP16-LABEL: f16_return:
+; NOFP16: // %bb.0:
+; NOFP16-NEXT: str x30, [sp, #-16]! // 8-byte Folded Spill
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_offset w30, -16
+; NOFP16-NEXT: bl __gnu_f2h_ieee
+; NOFP16-NEXT: ldr x30, [sp], #16 // 8-byte Folded Reload
+; NOFP16-NEXT: ret
+ %fptrunc = call half @llvm.experimental.constrained.fptrunc.f16.f32(float %arg, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ ret half %fptrunc
+ }
-; define <2 x half> @v2f16_return(<2 x float> %arg) #0 {
-; %fptrunc = call <2 x half> @llvm.experimental.constrained.fptrunc.v2f16.v2f32(<2 x float> %arg, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
-; ret <2 x half> %fptrunc
-; }
+ define <2 x half> @v2f16_return(<2 x float> %arg) #0 {
+; NOFP16-LABEL: v2f16_return:
+; NOFP16: // %bb.0:
+; NOFP16-NEXT: str x30, [sp, #-32]! // 8-byte Folded Spill
+; NOFP16-NEXT: stp x20, x19, [sp, #16] // 16-byte Folded Spill
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_offset w19, -8
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_offset w20, -16
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_offset w30, -32
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w19, w0
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w0, w1
+; NOFP16-NEXT: bl __gnu_f2h_ieee
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w20, w0
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w0, w19
+; NOFP16-NEXT: bl __gnu_f2h_ieee
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w1, w20
+; NOFP16-NEXT: ldp x20, x19, [sp, #16] // 16-byte Folded Reload
+; NOFP16-NEXT: ldr x30, [sp], #32 // 8-byte Folded Reload
+; NOFP16-NEXT: ret
+ %fptrunc = call <2 x half> @llvm.experimental.constrained.fptrunc.v2f16.v2f32(<2 x float> %arg, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ ret <2 x half> %fptrunc
+ }
-; define <3 x half> @v3f16_return(<3 x float> %arg) #0 {
-; %fptrunc = call <3 x half> @llvm.experimental.constrained.fptrunc.v3f16.v3f32(<3 x float> %arg, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
-; ret <3 x half> %fptrunc
-; }
+ define <3 x half> @v3f16_return(<3 x float> %arg) #0 {
+; NOFP16-LABEL: v3f16_return:
+; NOFP16: // %bb.0:
+; NOFP16-NEXT: stp x30, x21, [sp, #-32]! // 16-byte Folded Spill
+; NOFP16-NEXT: stp x20, x19, [sp, #16] // 16-byte Folded Spill
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_offset w19, -8
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_offset w20, -16
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_offset w21, -24
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_offset w30, -32
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w20, w0
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w0, w2
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w19, w1
+; NOFP16-NEXT: bl __gnu_f2h_ieee
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w21, w0
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w0, w19
+; NOFP16-NEXT: bl __gnu_f2h_ieee
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w19, w0
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w0, w20
+; NOFP16-NEXT: bl __gnu_f2h_ieee
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w1, w19
+; NOFP16-NEXT: ldp x20, x19, [sp, #16] // 16-byte Folded Reload
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w2, w21
+; NOFP16-NEXT: ldp x30, x21, [sp], #32 // 16-byte Folded Reload
+; NOFP16-NEXT: ret
+ %fptrunc = call <3 x half> @llvm.experimental.constrained.fptrunc.v3f16.v3f32(<3 x float> %arg, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ ret <3 x half> %fptrunc
+ }
-; define <4 x half> @v4f16_return(<4 x float> %arg) #0 {
-; %fptrunc = call <4 x half> @llvm.experimental.constrained.fptrunc.v4f16.v4f32(<4 x float> %arg, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
-; ret <4 x half> %fptrunc
-; }
+ define <4 x half> @v4f16_return(<4 x float> %arg) #0 {
+; NOFP16-LABEL: v4f16_return:
+; NOFP16: // %bb.0:
+; NOFP16-NEXT: str x30, [sp, #-48]! // 8-byte Folded Spill
+; NOFP16-NEXT: stp x22, x21, [sp, #16] // 16-byte Folded Spill
+; NOFP16-NEXT: stp x20, x19, [sp, #32] // 16-byte Folded Spill
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_offset w19, -8
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_offset w20, -16
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_offset w21, -24
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_offset w22, -32
+; NOFP16-NEXT: .cfi_offset w30, -48
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w21, w0
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w0, w3
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w19, w2
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w20, w1
+; NOFP16-NEXT: bl __gnu_f2h_ieee
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w22, w0
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w0, w19
+; NOFP16-NEXT: bl __gnu_f2h_ieee
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w19, w0
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w0, w20
+; NOFP16-NEXT: bl __gnu_f2h_ieee
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w20, w0
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w0, w21
+; NOFP16-NEXT: bl __gnu_f2h_ieee
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w1, w20
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w2, w19
+; NOFP16-NEXT: mov w3, w22
+; NOFP16-NEXT: ldp x20, x19, [sp, #32] // 16-byte Folded Reload
+; NOFP16-NEXT: ldp x22, x21, [sp, #16] // 16-byte Folded Reload
+; NOFP16-NEXT: ldr x30, [sp], #48 // 8-byte Folded Reload
+; NOFP16-NEXT: ret
+ %fptrunc = call <4 x half> @llvm.experimental.constrained.fptrunc.v4f16.v4f32(<4 x float> %arg, metadata !"round.tonearest", metadata !"fpexcept.strict")
+ ret <4 x half> %fptrunc
+ }
; define void @outgoing_f16_arg(ptr %ptr) #0 {