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authorPhilip Reames <preames@rivosinc.com>2024-03-27 14:45:20 -0700
committerPhilip Reames <listmail@philipreames.com>2024-03-27 14:47:45 -0700
commit88812819022ecff392dfc8d3f964899f63bdffdb (patch)
parentb7a4ace72edf79f8250df2b08f0c14177d346770 (diff)
[RISCV] Add test coverage for (add (shl Z, c1), Y, (shl Z, c2)) variants
Basically, testing for interaction of shNadd matching with one step of reassociation in the add.
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/RISCV/rv64zba.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/RISCV/rv64zba.ll
index f810f51..d9d8363 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/RISCV/rv64zba.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/RISCV/rv64zba.ll
@@ -1282,6 +1282,96 @@ define zeroext i32 @sext_ashr_zext_i8(i8 %a) nounwind {
ret i32 %1
+define i64 @sh6_sh3_add1(i64 noundef %x, i64 noundef %y, i64 noundef %z) {
+; RV64I-LABEL: sh6_sh3_add1:
+; RV64I: # %bb.0: # %entry
+; RV64I-NEXT: slli a2, a2, 3
+; RV64I-NEXT: slli a1, a1, 6
+; RV64I-NEXT: add a1, a1, a2
+; RV64I-NEXT: add a0, a1, a0
+; RV64I-NEXT: ret
+; RV64ZBA-LABEL: sh6_sh3_add1:
+; RV64ZBA: # %bb.0: # %entry
+; RV64ZBA-NEXT: sh3add a1, a1, a2
+; RV64ZBA-NEXT: sh3add a0, a1, a0
+; RV64ZBA-NEXT: ret
+ %shl = shl i64 %z, 3
+ %shl1 = shl i64 %y, 6
+ %add = add nsw i64 %shl1, %shl
+ %add2 = add nsw i64 %add, %x
+ ret i64 %add2
+define i64 @sh6_sh3_add2(i64 noundef %x, i64 noundef %y, i64 noundef %z) {
+; RV64I-LABEL: sh6_sh3_add2:
+; RV64I: # %bb.0: # %entry
+; RV64I-NEXT: slli a2, a2, 3
+; RV64I-NEXT: slli a1, a1, 6
+; RV64I-NEXT: add a0, a1, a0
+; RV64I-NEXT: add a0, a0, a2
+; RV64I-NEXT: ret
+; RV64ZBA-LABEL: sh6_sh3_add2:
+; RV64ZBA: # %bb.0: # %entry
+; RV64ZBA-NEXT: slli a1, a1, 6
+; RV64ZBA-NEXT: add a0, a1, a0
+; RV64ZBA-NEXT: sh3add a0, a2, a0
+; RV64ZBA-NEXT: ret
+ %shl = shl i64 %z, 3
+ %shl1 = shl i64 %y, 6
+ %add = add nsw i64 %shl1, %x
+ %add2 = add nsw i64 %add, %shl
+ ret i64 %add2
+define i64 @sh6_sh3_add3(i64 noundef %x, i64 noundef %y, i64 noundef %z) {
+; RV64I-LABEL: sh6_sh3_add3:
+; RV64I: # %bb.0: # %entry
+; RV64I-NEXT: slli a2, a2, 3
+; RV64I-NEXT: slli a1, a1, 6
+; RV64I-NEXT: add a1, a1, a2
+; RV64I-NEXT: add a0, a0, a1
+; RV64I-NEXT: ret
+; RV64ZBA-LABEL: sh6_sh3_add3:
+; RV64ZBA: # %bb.0: # %entry
+; RV64ZBA-NEXT: sh3add a1, a1, a2
+; RV64ZBA-NEXT: sh3add a0, a1, a0
+; RV64ZBA-NEXT: ret
+ %shl = shl i64 %z, 3
+ %shl1 = shl i64 %y, 6
+ %add = add nsw i64 %shl1, %shl
+ %add2 = add nsw i64 %x, %add
+ ret i64 %add2
+define i64 @sh6_sh3_add4(i64 noundef %x, i64 noundef %y, i64 noundef %z) {
+; RV64I-LABEL: sh6_sh3_add4:
+; RV64I: # %bb.0: # %entry
+; RV64I-NEXT: slli a2, a2, 3
+; RV64I-NEXT: slli a1, a1, 6
+; RV64I-NEXT: add a0, a0, a2
+; RV64I-NEXT: add a0, a0, a1
+; RV64I-NEXT: ret
+; RV64ZBA-LABEL: sh6_sh3_add4:
+; RV64ZBA: # %bb.0: # %entry
+; RV64ZBA-NEXT: slli a1, a1, 6
+; RV64ZBA-NEXT: sh3add a0, a2, a0
+; RV64ZBA-NEXT: add a0, a0, a1
+; RV64ZBA-NEXT: ret
+ %shl = shl i64 %z, 3
+ %shl1 = shl i64 %y, 6
+ %add = add nsw i64 %x, %shl
+ %add2 = add nsw i64 %add, %shl1
+ ret i64 %add2
; Make sure we use sext.h+slli+srli for Zba+Zbb.
; FIXME: The RV64I and Zba only cases can be done with only 3 shifts.
define zeroext i32 @sext_ashr_zext_i16(i16 %a) nounwind {