#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is part of the GNU C Library. # # The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see # <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ''' This script is useful for checking backward compatibility of newly generated UTF-8 file from utf8_gen.py script To see how this script is used, call it with the “-h” option: $ ./utf8_compatibility.py -h … prints usage message … ''' import sys import re import argparse import unicode_utils def create_charmap_dictionary(file_name): '''Create a dictionary for all code points found in the CHARMAP section of a file ''' with open(file_name, mode='r') as utf8_file: charmap_dictionary = {} for line in utf8_file: if line.startswith('CHARMAP'): break for line in utf8_file: if line.startswith('END CHARMAP'): return charmap_dictionary if line.startswith('%'): continue match = re.match( r'^<U(?P<codepoint1>[0-9A-F]{4,8})>' +r'(:?\.\.<U(?P<codepoint2>[0-9-A-F]{4,8})>)?' +r'\s+(?P<hexutf8>(/x[0-9a-f]{2}){1,4})', line) if not match: continue codepoint1 = match.group('codepoint1') codepoint2 = match.group('codepoint2') if not codepoint2: codepoint2 = codepoint1 for i in range(int(codepoint1, 16), int(codepoint2, 16) + 1): charmap_dictionary[i] = match.group('hexutf8') sys.stderr.write('No “CHARMAP” or no “END CHARMAP” found in %s\n' %file_name) exit(1) def check_charmap(original_file_name, new_file_name): '''Report differences in the CHARMAP section between the old and the new file ''' print('************************************************************') print('Report on CHARMAP:') ocharmap = create_charmap_dictionary(original_file_name) ncharmap = create_charmap_dictionary(new_file_name) print('------------------------------------------------------------') print('Total removed characters in newly generated CHARMAP: %d' %len(set(ocharmap)-set(ncharmap))) if ARGS.show_missing_characters: for key in sorted(set(ocharmap)-set(ncharmap)): print('removed: {:s} {:s} {:s}'.format( unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(key), ocharmap[key], unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES[key]['name'] \ if key in unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES else 'None')) print('------------------------------------------------------------') changed_charmap = {} for key in set(ocharmap).intersection(set(ncharmap)): if ocharmap[key] != ncharmap[key]: changed_charmap[key] = (ocharmap[key], ncharmap[key]) print('Total changed characters in newly generated CHARMAP: %d' %len(changed_charmap)) if ARGS.show_changed_characters: for key in sorted(changed_charmap): print('changed: {:s} {:s}->{:s} {:s}'.format( unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(key), changed_charmap[key][0], changed_charmap[key][1], unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES[key]['name'] \ if key in unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES else 'None')) print('------------------------------------------------------------') print('Total added characters in newly generated CHARMAP: %d' %len(set(ncharmap)-set(ocharmap))) if ARGS.show_added_characters: for key in sorted(set(ncharmap)-set(ocharmap)): print('added: {:s} {:s} {:s}'.format( unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(key), ncharmap[key], unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES[key]['name'] \ if key in unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES else 'None')) def create_width_dictionary(file_name): '''Create a dictionary for all code points found in the WIDTH section of a file ''' with open(file_name, mode='r') as utf8_file: width_dictionary = {} for line in utf8_file: if line.startswith('WIDTH'): break for line in utf8_file: if line.startswith('END WIDTH'): return width_dictionary match = re.match( r'^<U(?P<codepoint1>[0-9A-F]{4,8})>' +r'(:?\.\.\.<U(?P<codepoint2>[0-9-A-F]{4,8})>)?' +r'\s+(?P<width>[02])', line) if not match: continue codepoint1 = match.group('codepoint1') codepoint2 = match.group('codepoint2') if not codepoint2: codepoint2 = codepoint1 for i in range(int(codepoint1, 16), int(codepoint2, 16) + 1): width_dictionary[i] = int(match.group('width')) sys.stderr.write('No “WIDTH” or no “END WIDTH” found in %s\n' %file) def check_width(original_file_name, new_file_name): '''Report differences in the WIDTH section between the old and the new file ''' print('************************************************************') print('Report on WIDTH:') owidth = create_width_dictionary(original_file_name) nwidth = create_width_dictionary(new_file_name) print('------------------------------------------------------------') print('Total removed characters in newly generated WIDTH: %d' %len(set(owidth)-set(nwidth))) print('(Characters not in WIDTH get width 1 by default, ' + 'i.e. these have width 1 now.)') if ARGS.show_missing_characters: for key in sorted(set(owidth)-set(nwidth)): print('removed: {:s} '.format(unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(key)) + '{:d} : '.format(owidth[key]) + 'eaw={:s} '.format( unicode_utils.EAST_ASIAN_WIDTHS[key] if key in unicode_utils.EAST_ASIAN_WIDTHS else 'None') + 'category={:2s} '.format( unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES[key]['category'] if key in unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES else 'None') + 'bidi={:3s} '.format( unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES[key]['bidi'] if key in unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES else 'None') + 'name={:s}'.format( unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES[key]['name'] if key in unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES else 'None')) print('------------------------------------------------------------') changed_width = {} for key in set(owidth).intersection(set(nwidth)): if owidth[key] != nwidth[key]: changed_width[key] = (owidth[key], nwidth[key]) print('Total changed characters in newly generated WIDTH: %d' %len(changed_width)) if ARGS.show_changed_characters: for key in sorted(changed_width): print('changed width: {:s} '.format(unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(key)) + '{:d}->{:d} : '.format(changed_width[key][0], changed_width[key][1]) + 'eaw={:s} '.format( unicode_utils.EAST_ASIAN_WIDTHS[key] if key in unicode_utils.EAST_ASIAN_WIDTHS else 'None') + 'category={:2s} '.format( unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES[key]['category'] if key in unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES else 'None') + 'bidi={:3s} '.format( unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES[key]['bidi'] if key in unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES else 'None') + 'name={:s}'.format( unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES[key]['name'] if key in unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES else 'None')) print('------------------------------------------------------------') print('Total added characters in newly generated WIDTH: %d' %len(set(nwidth)-set(owidth))) print('(Characters not in WIDTH get width 1 by default, ' + 'i.e. these had width 1 before.)') if ARGS.show_added_characters: for key in sorted(set(nwidth)-set(owidth)): print('added: {:s} '.format(unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(key)) + '{:d} : '.format(nwidth[key]) + 'eaw={:s} '.format( unicode_utils.EAST_ASIAN_WIDTHS[key] if key in unicode_utils.EAST_ASIAN_WIDTHS else 'None') + 'category={:2s} '.format( unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES[key]['category'] if key in unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES else 'None') + 'bidi={:3s} '.format( unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES[key]['bidi'] if key in unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES else 'None') + 'name={:s}'.format( unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES[key]['name'] if key in unicode_utils.UNICODE_ATTRIBUTES else 'None')) if __name__ == "__main__": PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=''' Compare the contents of LC_CTYPE in two files and check for errors. ''') PARSER.add_argument( '-o', '--old_utf8_file', nargs='?', required=True, type=str, help='The old UTF-8 file.') PARSER.add_argument( '-n', '--new_utf8_file', nargs='?', required=True, type=str, help='The new UTF-8 file.') PARSER.add_argument( '-u', '--unicode_data_file', nargs='?', type=str, help='The UnicodeData.txt file to read.') PARSER.add_argument( '-e', '--east_asian_width_file', nargs='?', type=str, help='The EastAsianWidth.txt file to read.') PARSER.add_argument( '-a', '--show_added_characters', action='store_true', help='Show characters which were added in detail.') PARSER.add_argument( '-m', '--show_missing_characters', action='store_true', help='Show characters which were removed in detail.') PARSER.add_argument( '-c', '--show_changed_characters', action='store_true', help='Show characters whose width was changed in detail.') ARGS = PARSER.parse_args() if ARGS.unicode_data_file: unicode_utils.fill_attributes(ARGS.unicode_data_file) if ARGS.east_asian_width_file: unicode_utils.fill_east_asian_widths(ARGS.east_asian_width_file) check_charmap(ARGS.old_utf8_file, ARGS.new_utf8_file) check_width(ARGS.old_utf8_file, ARGS.new_utf8_file)