#ifndef _STDIO_H
# if defined __need_FILE || defined __need___FILE
#  include <libio/stdio.h>
# else
#  include <libio/stdio.h>

/* Now define the internal interfaces.  */
extern int __fcloseall (void);
extern int __snprintf (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxlen,
		       __const char *__restrict __format, ...)
     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 4)));
extern int __vsnprintf (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxlen,
			__const char *__restrict __format, _G_va_list __arg)
     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 0)));
extern int __vfscanf (FILE *__restrict __s,
		      __const char *__restrict __format,
		      _G_va_list __arg)
     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 2, 0)));
libc_hidden_proto (__vfscanf)
extern int __vscanf (__const char *__restrict __format,
		     _G_va_list __arg)
     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 1, 0)));
extern _IO_ssize_t __getline (char **__lineptr, size_t *__n,
			      FILE *__stream);
extern int __vsscanf (__const char *__restrict __s,
		      __const char *__restrict __format,
		      _G_va_list __arg)
     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 2, 0)));

#ifndef __cplusplus
extern int __sprintf_chk (char *, int, size_t, const char *, ...) __THROW;
extern int __snprintf_chk (char *, size_t, int, size_t, const char *, ...)
extern int __vsprintf_chk (char *, int, size_t, const char *,
			   _G_va_list) __THROW;
extern int __vsnprintf_chk (char *, size_t, int, size_t, const char *,
			    _G_va_list) __THROW;
extern int __printf_chk (int, const char *, ...);
extern int __fprintf_chk (FILE *, int, const char *, ...);
extern int __vprintf_chk (int, const char *, _G_va_list);
extern int __vfprintf_chk (FILE *, int, const char *, _G_va_list);
extern char *__fgets_unlocked_chk (char *buf, size_t size, int n, FILE *fp);
extern char *__fgets_chk (char *buf, size_t size, int n, FILE *fp);
extern int __asprintf_chk (char **, int, const char *, ...) __THROW;
extern int __vasprintf_chk (char **, int, const char *, _G_va_list) __THROW;
extern int __dprintf_chk (int, int, const char *, ...);
extern int __vdprintf_chk (int, int, const char *, _G_va_list);
extern int __obstack_printf_chk (struct obstack *, int, const char *, ...)
extern int __obstack_vprintf_chk (struct obstack *, int, const char *,
				  _G_va_list) __THROW;

extern int __isoc99_fscanf (FILE *__restrict __stream,
			    __const char *__restrict __format, ...) __wur;
extern int __isoc99_scanf (__const char *__restrict __format, ...) __wur;
extern int __isoc99_sscanf (__const char *__restrict __s,
			    __const char *__restrict __format, ...) __THROW;
extern int __isoc99_vfscanf (FILE *__restrict __s,
			     __const char *__restrict __format,
			     _G_va_list __arg) __wur;
extern int __isoc99_vscanf (__const char *__restrict __format,
			    _G_va_list __arg) __wur;
extern int __isoc99_vsscanf (__const char *__restrict __s,
			     __const char *__restrict __format,
			     _G_va_list __arg) __THROW;
libc_hidden_proto (__isoc99_vsscanf)
libc_hidden_proto (__isoc99_vfscanf)

/* Prototypes for compatibility functions.  */
extern FILE *__new_tmpfile (void);
extern FILE *__old_tmpfile (void);

#  define __need_size_t
#  include <stddef.h>
/* Generate a unique file name (and possibly open it).  */
extern int __path_search (char *__tmpl, size_t __tmpl_len,
			  __const char *__dir, __const char *__pfx,
			  int __try_tempdir);

extern int __gen_tempname (char *__tmpl, int __flags, int __kind);
/* The __kind argument to __gen_tempname may be one of: */
#  define __GT_FILE	0	/* create a file */
#  define __GT_DIR	1	/* create a directory */
#  define __GT_NOCREATE	2	/* just find a name not currently in use */

/* Print out MESSAGE on the error output and abort.  */
extern void __libc_fatal (__const char *__message)
     __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
extern void __libc_message (int do_abort, __const char *__fnt, ...);
extern void __fortify_fail (const char *msg) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
libc_hidden_proto (__fortify_fail)

/* Acquire ownership of STREAM.  */
extern void __flockfile (FILE *__stream);

/* Relinquish the ownership granted for STREAM.  */
extern void __funlockfile (FILE *__stream);

/* Try to acquire ownership of STREAM but do not block if it is not
   possible.  */
extern int __ftrylockfile (FILE *__stream);

extern int __getc_unlocked (FILE *__fp);
extern wint_t __getwc_unlocked (FILE *__fp);

extern int __fxprintf (FILE *__fp, const char *__fmt, ...)
     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));

extern __const char *__const _sys_errlist_internal[] attribute_hidden;
extern int _sys_nerr_internal attribute_hidden;

extern int __asprintf_internal (char **__restrict __ptr,
				__const char *__restrict __fmt, ...)
     attribute_hidden __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
#  if !defined NOT_IN_libc && !defined _ISOMAC
#    define __asprintf(ptr, fmt, args...) \
  INTUSE(__asprintf) (ptr, fmt, ##args)

extern _IO_FILE *_IO_new_fopen (const char*, const char*);
#   define fopen(fname, mode) _IO_new_fopen (fname, mode)
extern _IO_FILE *_IO_new_fdopen (int, const char*);
#   define fdopen(fd, mode) _IO_new_fdopen (fd, mode)
extern int _IO_new_fclose (_IO_FILE*);
#   define fclose(fp) _IO_new_fclose (fp)
extern int _IO_fputs (const char*, _IO_FILE*);
libc_hidden_proto (_IO_fputs)
#   define fputs(str, fp) _IO_fputs (str, fp)
extern int _IO_new_fsetpos (_IO_FILE *, const _IO_fpos_t *);
#   define fsetpos(fp, posp) _IO_new_fsetpos (fp, posp)
extern int _IO_new_fgetpos (_IO_FILE *, _IO_fpos_t *);
#   define fgetpos(fp, posp) _IO_new_fgetpos (fp, posp)
#  endif

libc_hidden_proto (dprintf)
libc_hidden_proto (fprintf)
libc_hidden_proto (vfprintf)
libc_hidden_proto (sprintf)
libc_hidden_proto (sscanf)
libc_hidden_proto (fwrite)
libc_hidden_proto (perror)
libc_hidden_proto (remove)
libc_hidden_proto (rewind)
libc_hidden_proto (fileno)
libc_hidden_proto (fwrite)
libc_hidden_proto (fseek)
libc_hidden_proto (ftello)
libc_hidden_proto (fflush_unlocked)
libc_hidden_proto (fread_unlocked)
libc_hidden_proto (fwrite_unlocked)
libc_hidden_proto (fgets_unlocked)
libc_hidden_proto (fputs_unlocked)
libc_hidden_proto (open_memstream)
libc_hidden_proto (__libc_fatal)
libc_hidden_proto (__vsprintf_chk)
libc_hidden_proto (__vsnprintf_chk)
libc_hidden_proto (__vfprintf_chk)
libc_hidden_proto (__vasprintf_chk)
libc_hidden_proto (__vdprintf_chk)
libc_hidden_proto (__obstack_vprintf_chk)
# endif
