/* This test case mainly carries out ld compatibility test. This test case is the new tls le instruction sequence, which will be linked with tls-relax-compatible-check-old.s. If the link is normal, it indicates that there is no compatibility problem. */ .text .globl new .section .tbss,"awT",@nobits .align 2 .type new, @object .size new, 4 new: .space 4 .text .align 2 .globl main .type main, @function main: .LFB0 = . addi.d $r3,$r3,-16 st.d $r1,$r3,8 stptr.d $r22,$r3,0 addi.d $r22,$r3,16 bl %plt(old) lu12i.w $r12,%le_hi20_r(new) add.d $r12,$r12,$r2,%le_add_r(new) addi.w $r13,$r0,2 # 0x2 st.w $r13,$r12,%le_lo12_r(new) or $r12,$r0,$r0 or $r4,$r12,$r0 ld.d $r1,$r3,8 ldptr.d $r22,$r3,0 addi.d $r3,$r3,16 jr $r1